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Phoenix Gay Pride Parade

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p.s i just wanted to make sure my postion is clear on this so i edited it .. i think gay men are great , i wish MOST men were gay , the MORE Gay men the better , if your a man reading this and thinking about going gay , DO IT.... the more gay men there are , the more women for the rest of us! horray for gayness ( in that sense only )

Freedom -

You've touched upon a very interesting concept, however there are a few flaws that need to be worked out.

One doesn't "think about going gay," any more than one thinks about going straight. It just is. Assuming you are heterosexual, did you wake up one morning in your early teens and decide between men and women? I didn't think so. God gave you your attractions and no choice was required on your part whatsoever. That's how it works on both sides of this fence.

The second flaw is that "the more gay men there are, the more women for the rest of us!" This sounds plausible (except, of course, for the first flaw above which God keeps at a relatively constant value.) Strangely enough, though, most of those women would rather "hang out" with their gay friends, especially when faced with a straight man with "issues" presenting themselves as close-mindedness (on whatever topic.)

The third flaw is that there are just as many lesbian women (as a percentage) out there as there are gay men. And even though you yourself are very open-minded about the entire matter, those particular women are happy to ignore your very existence (in general, of course.)
I love when the haters start hating each other.

:jerry: :jerry: :jerry:
Moderator, this thread has become extremely offensive. It goes from an event US is involved in to calling people "genetic flaws" and discussions of how to force an unwilling women into sex. Can we close it now?
Yeah the bigots are circling. Sad that we can't discuss things in an adult fashion and the revenue it will bring in. Just close it.
Oh my god .. :shock:

Where are the mods? Someone is going to the cornfield

I feel sorry for anyone who had to read that filth
Edit : this is where i tried to defend being mean , which is wrong . i'm sorry
You agree, through your use of this service, that you will not use the USaviation.com Message Boards to post any material which is knowingly false and/or defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy, or otherwise violative of any law. You agree not to post any copyrighted material unless the copyright is owned by you or by USaviation.com.

A ZERO TOLERANCE policy in place in regards to postings that are arguably defamatory displaying intent to draw ridicule, possibly being untrue, and damaging to a person's reputation. If any postings fall within this criteria, they will be deleted without hesitation.
EDIT well i've been sitting here for a few mintues and thinking , and i feel i owe any of this boards , homesexuals an appology ... no it is not the TERMS OF CONTACT , that has brought this about , i am not afraid of being banned , i could simply come back under another S/N ... i tend to lose all touch with reality when i write online , i say things that i wouldn't normally say or even think unless i had a computer infront of me .. i think i may have a tendancy to "flame " there is a part of me that loves to annoy or provke .
As the first poster who replied to me states "your born gay , and that's how it is " it was wrong of me to infer that you had a choice . All the gay F/A'S that i have ever ment at our company have been nothing but the nicest most polite people .. and what would american wedding be without the gay dance scene? i will NOT comment on any more homsexual issues from now on , unless it's some really kinky lesbian stuff ..

Freedom .
Labeling people "flaws" and discussing ideas of how to force sex upon a person is not defamatory or threatening? This is shocking to any of the women that read this board to see such a thing discussed as a joke, I'd imagine even more so for a gay woman. Imagine if a man were on here talking about how to trick a heterosexual man into sexual relations? This persons posts are disgusting and FRIGHTENING. Really scary to know we work with people like this....

EDIT- Read back and saw your apology freedom... you owe an aplogy to women too. As for the gay stuff, you could start by not referring to them as "homosexuals"... they are people, that happen to be gay among many other, usually more interesting and defining things. I can see how your stuff started out jokey, but you really went overboard... like you said, go back and read that stuff and try to see it from the perspective of a woman, gay or straight, or a gay man... doesn't sound so funny as much as terrifying.
Labeling people "flaws" and discussing ideas of how to force sex upon a person is not defamatory or threatening? This is shocking to any of the women that read this board to see such a thing discussed as a joke, I'd imagine even more so for a gay woman. Imagine if a man were on here talking about how to trick a heterosexual man into sexual relations? This persons posts are disgusting and FRIGHTENING. Really scary to know we work with people like this....

EDIT- Read back and saw your apology freedom... you owe an aplogy to women too. As for the gay stuff, you could start by not referring to them as "homosexuals"... they are people, that happen to be gay among many other, usually more interesting and defining things. I can see how your stuff started out jokey, but you really went overboard... like you said, go back and read that stuff and try to see it from the perspective of a woman, gay or straight, or a gay man... doesn't sound so funny as much as terrifying.

i shouldn't be reading this , but alas like i said , i have that disease where i like to flame... and it's wrong , and i'm sorry .
yes i DID go overboard . i prefer the term "homesexuals" as opposed to "gays" because i think "gays" is well obviously not racsist , but lets call it sexist .and of course obviously what i said before was VERY hurtfull and i'm sorry .

I do not however make any appolgies in my attempts to score with hot lesbians , and i will never make any appolgies on that end , i am a stright man , and for stright men , that is as hot as it gets , i suppose i should point out that i am a younger man rather than an older man . I never said i wanted to "rape" a lesbian , i think such behavior is disgusting and immoral , but i'm quite sure that most lesbians know how most stright men feel about them , and that given ANY oppurtnity a stright man would defenitly try and sleep with a semi or hot lesbian . Now being a woman yourself , i would assume that've youve been hit on ...i would also assume that you know just how hot our society finds two women , just look in the local magazines like maxuim or stuff , or even the more dirty ones . i'm not saying i don't respect lesbians , i'm just saying that i love them ! i love them! it's hot it's hot!
Wow. I must be the last real Prude! out there. I guess I've heard of these kinds of travel "excursions". But, to tell the truth if the airline finds that they can make a fast buck on people whose purpose is to mainly have fun doing whatever, with the only intention of helping mankind and not building "culture"; this world is going to come to an end ubruptly. There will be nothing but the present to live for. Where will be the next generation to carry on? Sorry, I'm old school.
Wow. I must be the last real Prude! out there. I guess I've heard of these kinds of travel "excursions". But, to tell the truth if the airline finds that they can make a fast buck on people whose purpose is to mainly have fun doing whatever, with the only intention of helping mankind and not building "culture"; this world is going to come to an end ubruptly. There will be nothing but the present to live for. Where will be the next generation to carry on? Sorry, I'm old school.
No your homophobic, uneducated and have a closed mind. But thats OK, I have family members that are the same way. A few gay freinds of mine adopted and have made a great home for kids that would have otherwise been shuffled through the foster system. I know gay/lesbian parents that run cirles around "straight" parents.
Shut this thread down before it turns into more. These people can't deal with the new reality.
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