ual06, 767jetz , ualflynhi, Busdrvr,
You are Experts!!! (At Deflection)
After my BP gets under 1000/2000 I may even add extended comments to your rhetoric.
For now, let’s deal with the facts.
Posted: Sep 16 2003, 05:19 AM
ALPA's pension fund is the least underfunded.
F/A's and
mechs have the least to loose with termination (Max payouts may be near accrued benefit). would not be surpised to see UAL, with approval from the unions, terminate the F/A and IAM (AMFA) pensions and retain the ALPA fund, leaving you holding the bag (you asked for it...)
UAL's pension are considered more underfunded because they changed the pension assumptions to the most conservative in the industry.
If UAL were to terminate the funds, the government, by taxing all you idiot UAL bashers, will pick up the slack, to the tune of $5 billion.
If they get relief, you UAL bashers can use that tax savings to buy all the tickets you want on whatever scab outfit you typically fly.
The potential PBGC liability is NOT the same as the companies. The PBGC uses MUCH more conservative assumptions.
Posted: Sep 16 2003, 06:44 PM
Fly, see 767's reply.
😉 I
could see a solution whereby you get your ENTIRE pension (backed by Sammy), only with the signiture of the PBGC on the bottom. Pilots must retire at 60, so a complete PBGC solution would actually pay a pilot LESS in retirement than just about anybody with a 65 yo retirement. U set the stage by selectively terminating one plan, so it is legal. Make no mistake, I fully support you getting 100% of the retirement you earned.
Roll under, You're right, the PBGC will just run down to the good old printing press in the basement and print up more cash, or maybe they'll pick some more cash off the money tree in the backyard.... <_< does the S&L collapse of the late 80's ring a bell? The PBGC has NO WAY to pay the full amount they would be required to pay out by LAW. Who will pay? YOU!
Posted: Sep 16 2003, 08:59 AM
Fly I think the IAM,and the F/A's pension payments even if they were paid by
the P.B.G.C. would about the same as they are now.Do you think they will pay
80,000-100,000 a year for a ALPA pension recipient ? Isnt the max payment
from the P.B.G.C. about 30,000 a year ?
Posted: Sep 16 2003, 04:19 PM
Busdrvr is correct, and I don't think he meant that F/A'S & mechanics would get screwed. I think he said "with union approval." In other words, the pension amount that these employees would normally receive is below the PBGC limit.
Therefore, if the plans were terminated those employees should still see the same pension dollars they would have anyway. The only difference is that it is payed out by the PBGC instead of UAL. Some might even argue that you're better off having the PBGC responsible for your pension if the amount is going to be the same anyway. The PBGC = Taxpayer's money.
Pilot pensions are generally above the PBGC limit, and most would see significantly less than expected. Pilots have already taken 7 hits to their retirement with the new contract. (1. Lower multiplier, 2. Yrs of service capped at 30, 3. Payment based on actual instead of book rates, 4. Actual rates took a 30% cut, 5. Pilots on the 747 and Aibus took an additional reduction in rates, 6. B-fund contribution % reduced, 7. B-fund is based on lower pay rates listed in 4&5)
Any plan will be worked out and agreed to by all
Posted: Sep 16 2003, 08:31 PM
person's pension is very important to each individual. Apparently UAL is looking at major problems on funding their pension plans. It does appear that UAL considers the termination of some or all of the plans as a last option.
It has been noted here that the IAM and F/A's would most likely take a smaller "percentage" reduction in benefits than the pilots would. It would not be fair for these two groups to take a hit by their plans going to the PBGC and have the pilots remain whole.
Someone, somewhere does have the ability to determine the percentage reduction in benefits that the IAM members and Flight Attendants may take if their plans were to go the PBGC.
Now assume that the company were able to terminate the two plans and retain the pilots plan. Using the percentage number computed, the pilots plan could be rewritten to reflect the same percentage reduction, thereby reducing the company's
liability. Perhaps an approach such as this would be considered fair by all employee groups.
Perhaps a benefit to IAM and F/A's is that their plans would now be "protected" by Uncle Sam.
The pilots plan would still depend on the health of UAL.
Given these posts, I have to believe that you are 'ALL' imposters,
and not pilots at all.
For your edification: ( as it appears you need some!!!)
What benefits does PBGC guarantee?
PBGC guarantees
"basic benefits" earned before your plan ended, which include:
(1) pension benefits at normal retirement age
(2) most early retirement benefits
(3) disability benefits for disabilities that occurred before the plan was terminated
(4) certain benefits for survivors of plan participants.
PBGC does not guarantee
health care, vacation pay, or severance pay.
The pension benefit PBGC pays depends on :
(1) provisions of your plan
(2) legal limits
(3) the form of your benefit
(4) your age
amounts PBGC recovers from employers for plan underfunding.
Are there other limits on PBGC's guarantee?
Yes. For example, if your plan was created or amended to increase benefits within five years before it ended,
your benefit may not be fully guaranteed.
PBGC guarantees the larger of 20% of the benefit or $20 per month for each full year the benefit was in effect. If you own more than 10% of the business, stricter limits apply. Also, if your plan provides supplemental benefits, such as temporary payments, they may not be fully guaranteed. Generally, PBGC does not guarantee any monthly pension amount that is greater than the monthly benefit your plan would have provided if you had retired at your normal retirement age.
And you still wonder why you are not loved and respected.
:down: UT