*** Straight from The Source ***
What is the maximum amount that PBGC can guarantee?
PBGC's maximum benefit guarantee is set each year under provisions of ERISA. For pension plans ending in 2003, the maximum guaranteed amount is $3,664.77 per month ($43,977.24 per year) for workers who retire at age 65. This guarantee amount is lower if you begin receiving payments from PBGC before age 65 or if your pension includes benefits for a survivor or other beneficiary. The guarantee amount may be higher if you retire after age 65 or if you are over age 65 and receiving benefits when the plan ends. The table at the end of this booklet shows PBGC's maximum guarantee for retirement at various ages. For certain disability benefits, special rules apply (see the following question). Other guarantee limitations that may apply are described in the questions and answers that follow.
Below are examples of the maximum guarantee for a single life annuity with no survivor benefits for retirement at ages 65, 62, 60 or 55. The maximum is lower if the benefit is paid in a form other than a single life annuity, such as a form that provides for survivor benefits. The pension benefit that PBGC can pay will depend on your age, the provisions of your plan, the form of your benefit, the legal limits on what PBGC can guarantee, and amounts PBGC recovers from employers for plan underfunding.
[Monthly Guarantee Table]
2003 Monthly Guarantee
Age 65 = $3,664.77
Age 62 = $2,895.17
Age 60 = $2,382.10
Age 55 = $1,649.15
Single copies of publications and fact sheets are available from: Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation, Communications and Public Affairs Department, 1200 K Street NW, Suite 240, Washington, DC 20005-4026.
Take Care,
:blink: UT