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PDT Pay--Not for some

I am sorry about your own personal experience and for the many others that have been "Expressed". I know several ex-mainline employees that took 50% pay cuts when EN took over their stations, even though they went to the top of the pay scale. But please remember it wasn't PDT's fault.

Your kind words about express employees should be passed on to everyone at the mainline. It's past time that mainline employees stop treating the express employees as second class employees. At least with the wholly owned express companies we are all in this together and most of us are trying to help this company not only survive but thrive.

Please don't misunderstand me. I was thankful to get the job at Express that I got, 50% pay cut from my former Mainline job and all. And you're right, it wasn't PDT's fault that my Mainline job moved to Tempe.

I was not in a station. I was in an EN support department with an exact duplicate at Mainline. The put-downs from our "sister" department at Mainline were amazing (and disappointing). We just smiled, let them roll off of our backs and continued doing top-notch work with a skeleton crew and no money. We continued to work as an afterthought, with our sister department having weeks (or longer) to put together projects that we'd then have to scramble to produce for Express (all carriers, not just wholly owned) in two or three days because we were left out of the communication loop and blindsided with regularity. "Oops, we forgot to include Express."
Management loves express pay they would express everybody’s pay if the could. Express pay is the bases of negotiating mainline pay. Management will whipsaw the to groups in a heart beat
First off I am sorry that you're in the finacial position that a second part of a monthly check would cause so much heartache. Maybe you need a smaller mortgage payment if this is gonna bounce on you. Remember, you should only be paying a quarter of your monthly income on a house.

So yes, Life Goes on.

Wow--what a way to judge people who try to manage their money. If I had a $1,000 payment due on the 30th of the month and knew my paycheck was due on, for example the 15th and 30th, I might logically set up automatic deductions for the 30th. If, my employer fails to fund my account on the 30th--guess what happens? It bounces! Credit ratings are impacted. In these times, that can be HUGE! Having worked in banking, I can tell you that the true number of "bank" errors were teeny, tiny and few. Mostly it was lack of funding from the employer.

I'm sorry, what about post #6 can't you get? Obviously you can't or won't read or what? I don't work for the company. DH left the company before you started (thank goodness or he would be complaining about you and those who can't or won't read and, thus, make silly statements) and is now a "Bus driver" for another company.

And I don't have a mortgage payment. My house is MY house.

Wow--what a way to judge people who try to manage their money. If I had a $1,000 payment due on the 30th of the month and knew my paycheck was due on, for example the 15th and 30th, I might logically set up automatic deductions for the 30th. If, my employer fails to fund my account on the 30th--guess what happens? It bounces! Credit ratings are impacted. In these times, that can be HUGE! Having worked in banking, I can tell you that the true number of "bank" errors were teeny, tiny and few. Mostly it was lack of funding from the employer.

I'm sorry, what about post #6 can't you get? Obviously you can't or won't read or what? I don't work for the company. DH left the company before you started (thank goodness or he would be complaining about you and those who can't or won't read and, thus, make silly statements) and is now a "Bus driver" for another company.

And I don't have a mortgage payment. My house is MY house.


My question was what would you have the company do? They issued two letters, they found out it was a problem with the bank. They said they would take care of any overdraft problems. They issued a apology, and the money was there the next day. What else? This hasn't ever happened before, and we don't live in a perfect world.

How else would you have the company deal with it?
My question was what would you have the company do? They issued two letters, they found out it was a problem with the bank. They said they would take care of any overdraft problems. They issued a apology, and the money was there the next day. What else? This hasn't ever happened before, and we don't live in a perfect world.

How else would you have the company deal with it?

Nope--you have dodged the issue I presented: that you failed to read my response in #6.

And some people, my good friend in particular, did not get paid until 2 days later--just to be factual. Again, I worked in banking, so this scenario makes me suspicious. That no one knew until after it failed to fund is also suspicious--we always knew in advance if there was an issue (which, again, was 99.999999% of the time the fault of the company funding payroll not the bank). At this point, the company did all it could do until the next time (which we hope never happens).

But that is not the point. The point is that you failed to read post #6 accurately and delivered a nasty attack that was out of line.

So my question was, where was your apology too me?

Good day.

And some people, my good friend in particular, did not get paid until 2 days later--just to be factual. Again, I worked in banking, so this scenario makes me suspicious. That no one knew until after it failed to fund is also suspicious--we always knew in advance if there was an issue (which, again, was 99.999999% of the time the fault of the company funding payroll not the bank).


While not attempting to speak for WSurf, let me say that I haven't spoken to any PDT employee who hadn't received their 30th pay on the 1st.

I ask any PDT employee that frequents this web board to verify that they hadn't received their pay by 10/1.

By your response, the bank certainly knew if there was a problem days ahead of time, if that were true why didn't the bank itself notify the company that there was a problem?

Also while I don't work in the banking industry I have been told by friends that do, that making a payment a couple of days late doesn't affect your credit rating in fact I was told by the bank itself that it isn't even reported to the credit agencies until the payment is 30 days delinquent.

That being the case you should stop scaring people about their credit rating being affected by 1 payment 1-2 days late.

Should this have happened? Absolutely not.

I don't know how the funds are distributed by US Airways & PDT. Does PDT calculate the payroll, request the bank transfer yet the funds come from USA? Some how the process failed last week.

Is it a crisis? At this point I'd say no.

Again, anyone that has been charged overdraft fees, late payment fees should turn those into PDT for restitution.

As I said earlier, in 19 + years the only time I had pay problems they issued me a paper check instead of direct depositing my pay. Yet no one had any explanation why that happened.

Let's see what happens on the 15th. If it occurs again we clearly have a serious problem.
Nope--you have dodged the issue I presented: that you failed to read my response in #6.

And some people, my good friend in particular, did not get paid until 2 days later--just to be factual. Again, I worked in banking, so this scenario makes me suspicious. That no one knew until after it failed to fund is also suspicious--we always knew in advance if there was an issue (which, again, was 99.999999% of the time the fault of the company funding payroll not the bank). At this point, the company did all it could do until the next time (which we hope never happens).

But that is not the point. The point is that you failed to read post #6 accurately and delivered a nasty attack that was out of line.

So my question was, where was your apology too me?

Good day.


So you say you worked for the Banks? You also say that while working for the banks that they made errors (even with them being teeny, weenie mistakes). Banks are subject to errors.
I have had my Bank make a mistake on a important deposit of money into my account. I didn't freakout or lose my mind. I had the reciept and the errors were fixed fast.

We are all human, and mistakes and errors can happen.

Like NCFlyer said, lets just see if this happens again. There's no sense going into freak-out Panic mode for one error in over 8 years (atleast in my case).

As for an Apology? Okay, I am sorry.

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