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Medical Costs

I do care about it...Why? They want "us" F/A's to pay more? Again, I pose the guestion...Willl anyone here back me up, or we all Spineless? What does "AA"Rpey and the rest of the Execs pay for Healthcare? Please, Elighten us all? Do we "AA"LL get the same treatment?

I'll back you up, when I started I payed $0 in 1988 and it's been increassing since 1993. If AA want's us F/A and other union employee's to pay what there all paying, then they will have to give a huge pay increase, and throw in no working on holidays, weekends, positive space flying, we can go on. We have differnet jobs, and I'm not going to pay one bit more, unless I'm compensated a lot. For the record, our ins coverage is very good, better than most, I can't agrue that, but why should we pay what mangement pay's. Job's are diferent and can't even be compared.
Dude, I am not spineless. I was 1500 miles from home when we went on strike and I walked in a circle with a picket sign for 5 days in 1993 to stand up for what I believe in. I am just smart enough to understand where to get my ire up and it just ain't gonna happened with our health care costs at AA. Now ask me about retiree medical and then I have a problem. That is real money.

I don't want to see retiree health go away, nor my vaca, but I'll let you know, that my Father lost these two items in his NWA, Pilot ALPA contract shortly after I startd fllying, and I started in 1988. I do belive his TWA pilot friends do enjoy retire health care-AA had to honor that.
IIRC, management is on the same exact plan as agents and support staff/hourly non-union workers. I don't know or really care what your execs are getting.

Bob, frankly I have no idea what I paid at AMR in 1989, or what I paid in 2006 when I left the company.

I can understand you're pissed about having to pay for something you didn't used to pay for, but it's time to get over that.

Fact is that very few employers are picking up the entire tab for insurance anymore, and it will only get worse because it's already looking like it's cheaper to pay the Federal penalty, which I don't doubt many large corporations are going to do... please be sure to thank your union brothers and sisters at the SEIU for that, OK?

Boston, you asked why you should or shouldn't pay the same as another workgroup.... At one point in time, there were four separate plans for pilots, TWU, APFA, and Management/Agent/SupportStaff. They have differing levels of coverage, so therefore different costs.

Not sure if that's been consolidated down to have a more standardized offering or not, but when you have different plans, expect to pay different costs. If the coverage is better, the cost should reflect that (e.g. APA wanted Viagra covered under prescriptions, and the plan cost increased accordingly).
Personally...Medical for Retirees is going away...If you don't get that, then retire? What about "us " that are actually WORKING this job? not trying to retire ( Like we should have 30 years ago ) , but trying to make a living... I will EASILY sign off on reitiree medical provided "WE" , Who are Working, can live our lives....Because you are "Greedy", "Self Centered", and refuse to Retire ( WITH FULL BENEFITS )..Not my issue anymore..Goodluck!! Again,..Can someone Answer the Question Posed?...What do the EXECS at AA pay for Medical? Please, someone respond?

Just for the record, I am 44 years old and have 19 years seniority so I am no where near retirement. I also work between 110-120 hours a month when not on reserve.
IIRC, management is on the same exact plan as agents and support staff/hourly non-union workers. I don't know or really care what your execs are getting.

Bob, frankly I have no idea what I paid at AMR in 1989, or what I paid in 2006 when I left the company.

I can understand you're pissed about having to pay for something you didn't used to pay for, but it's time to get over that.

Fact is that very few employers are picking up the entire tab for insurance anymore, and it will only get worse because it's already looking like it's cheaper to pay the Federal penalty, which I don't doubt many large corporations are going to do... please be sure to thank your union brothers and sisters at the SEIU for that, OK?

Boston, you asked why you should or shouldn't pay the same as another workgroup.... At one point in time, there were four separate plans for pilots, TWU, APFA, and Management/Agent/SupportStaff. They have differing levels of coverage, so therefore different costs.

Not sure if that's been consolidated down to have a more standardized offering or not, but when you have different plans, expect to pay different costs. If the coverage is better, the cost should reflect that (e.g. APA wanted Viagra covered under prescriptions, and the plan cost increased accordingly).

Ok, you got a good laugh out of me on the blue pill.
Just for the record, I am 44 years old and have 19 years seniority so I am no where near retirement. I also work between 110-120 hours a month when not on reserve.
Well..You are not the normal at this airline, and I thank you for doing your job...I have been told " From the horeses mouth" those at IDF will scab with over 30 years...Personally, i hope they do it!! I want to see their penisons, medical, and "EVERYTHING" they so deserve gone...I will provide the pen..Where do I sign?
And about Bob's premise that the M&R group, not having the caps, are subsidizing the pilots? I noticed last year that the TWU was paying much more for their insurance than the pilot's or the f/a's. TWU negotiations at its best.
I believe all TWU lost the cap while the Pilots and FAs got theirs back.
No surprise here. It is BEYOND ridiculous! Why these health care companies are allowed to gouge us like this is beyond my understanding. This should be a much hotter political issue. My wife is a freelancer and her provider just raised premiums by about 35% earlier this year! That's ONE YEAR'S increase.

Thanks for nothing, Obama.
No surprise here. It is BEYOND ridiculous! Why these health care companies are allowed to gouge us like this is beyond my understanding. This should be a much hotter political issue. My wife is a freelancer and her provider just raised premiums by about 35% earlier this year! That's ONE YEAR'S increase.

Thanks for nothing, Obama.

Mine has gone up 500% since 2003, thats 70% a year. Thats on top of an approximate 40% cut in real pay.

My understanding is that American Airlines is our insurance company, self insured, they pay the other companys a fee to administrate the Plan.

AA made a deal with other work groups and passes the cost on to TWU members.

So for Eoleson and any one else out there I really dont need to know what you pay, that has nothing to do with this, I doubt that your employer is raising your rates so they can get cheap part time labor and concessions in different parts of their agreement with other work groups.
So for Eoleson and any one else out there I really dont need to know what you pay, that has nothing to do with this, I doubt that your employer is raising your rates so they can get cheap part time labor and concessions in different parts of their agreement with other work groups.

Hasn't that been the way since deregulation? Gut employees so they can provide cheap fares?
Been going on 30 years and still continues.
Mine has gone up 500% since 2003, thats 70% a year. Thats on top of an approximate 40% cut in real pay.

My understanding is that American Airlines is our insurance company, self insured, they pay the other companys a fee to administrate the Plan.

AA made a deal with other work groups and passes the cost on to TWU members.

So for Eoleson and any one else out there I really dont need to know what you pay, that has nothing to do with this, I doubt that your employer is raising your rates so they can get cheap part time labor and concessions in different parts of their agreement with other work groups.

You are right about AA being self insured, and IMHO, no work group should pay more for ins. I've been reading the TWU post's on here and I hope your membership votes a big fat NO!!!! They deserve more. I can't belive some would consider a yes vote, but I'm not TWU and It's not my fight, I'm in the APFA arena. I wish you all the luck in the world Bob, for you are certianly doing what you can to inform your membership.

Keep us posted 🙂
My wife used to work in HR Benefits before her job was eliminated (you want to talk about paycuts? How about a 100% paycut for her, and a 40% cut in our household income in January 2003 just before the April paycuts...). She hates discussing American, but I finally asked her about this...

At least in 2003, the TWU's plan was the most expensive out of the four plans, because they negotiated for a higher lifetime max than any other workgroup. The MAS plan had the lowest lifetime max (blowing away entirely the myth that management has a better plan, perhaps?), with the APFA & APA plans somewhere in the middle.

So contrary to Bob's assertion that the TWU pays more because there's no cap, I'll suggest it's more likely that the TWU is paying more because their plan has more liability and/or expenses than the other three plans due to the higher lifetime max. Maybe, just maybe, the reason there is no cap on your plan is because there is a higher lifetime max...

I don't know if the four plans are managed separately on a cost basis, but I'll see if I can find that out.
Just a reminder...

Political discussions belong in the Water Cooler. Do not start one here. The topic is AA's medical costs.

Update: If you insist on making this political the thread will be closed. Also, keep in mind that public comment on moderator actions/posts is an automatic 14-day suspension.
C Medical Coverage 2,646.00
C Health Care FSA 1,500.00
This was Dec of 2009 the Flex money ran out in July so this year i took out 1800 and that is also gone and July isnt even over yet. I will easily pay 4500 out of pocket this year for coverage. Great Medical Coverage :blink:
A coworkers wife has been a teacher in oklahoma for 17 yrs and for coverage like ours its over 800 a month so is ours really that bad lets get out of our holes and look around.

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