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Payment Of Aircraft

The original aircraft order - potentially for hundreds of aircraft as we now know - was Boeing's to lose, and they lost it. They weren't all that interested in working with a startup, and in the late 90's were on top of the world and could dictate terms that were unfavorable to JetBlue. So was JetBlue obligated to "buy American" even though it would have cost many millions per plane and Boeing's marketing department wasn't particularly interested in serving their needs? Get serious.
You mean "WORKING" with a startup carrier like Airbus has been to known to do for decades when their respective consortium countries subsidized them?

So because JETBLUE is so "special", Boeing should "give" aircraft away?

You are the one who needs to get serious!

I'll say it one more time, for the comprehension challenged: the order was Boeing's to lose and they lost it. They just weren't that interested in the order. They weren't able to offer timely delivery slots and their general attitude was "my way or the highway". If you were going to spend a few billion on aircraft, would you put up with it? Boeing's conduct was not that of a company eager to do business. Instead it was the arrogance of being the sole source (to that time) of LCC aircraft. Airbus was simply more interested in doing business with a startup. Yes, that included a fleet discount, but a lot more than purchase price was at stake. More at issue was Boeing's lack of interest in supporting the venture, and Airbus' willingness to support their product in the way their customer wanted it, not the the way they wanted it.

Look, the entire JetBlue startup staff had only Boeing experience and the general assumption from the beginning was that the airline would operate Boeings. I think Boeing thought they had the order sewn up no matter how they behaved, and it bit them in the butt in the long run. They forgot that they're not actually a monopoly. That's really all there is to it.

I'm happy in the thought that jetBlue's continued success makes people like you pissed off to the point that you feel compelled to come out and embarrass yourself like you have on this thread. In case you forgot, this thread is about the "payment of aircraft" or the supposed lack thereof. Why don't you try to stay on topic instead of hijacking it with your 2nd grade understanding on economics and the global marketplace (my apologies to all you 2nd graders who might be reading this 😀 ) .
Speedbird said:

I'm happy in the thought that jetBlue's continued success makes people like you pissed off to the point that you feel compelled to come out and embarrass yourself like you have on this thread. In case you forgot, this thread is about the "payment of aircraft" or the supposed lack thereof. Why don't you try to stay on topic instead of hijacking it with your 2nd grade understanding on economics and the global marketplace (my apologies to all you 2nd graders who might be reading this 😀 ) .
Sppedbrd ...

EXACTLY ... you hit the nail on the head.

"The ignorant are to be pitied, not hated"
BLUEDUDE, I didn't know you sat in on negotiations between Boeing and Jetblue and AIrbus. Wow, and you have time to post on this board!


Unlike you, junior bird, and the rest of the JETBLUE KOOLAID drinkers, you compare me to a second grader..............

I was around in the mid 70's when Eastern AIrlines was "given" 6 A300 B4 aircraft by AIRBUS lease free. Do you think Boeing was ever subsidized and giving equipment away? McDonnel Douglas? It is you who has the grade school understanding of economics. I've been around alot longer than you, my boy.

Do you remember REGULATION? SAFE HARBOR LEASING? CIVIL AERONAUTICS BOARD???? ALFRED KAHN? I started in this business when little snotnose kids like yourself dressed like little adults before getting on an aircraft.

Do you know what a PENSION is?, junior?

You are the type that would accept minimum wage to keep ol JetBlue flying while Soros and Neeleman fill their pockets?

How do you think an airline becomes LOWCOST? At the expense of employees!

And, Jetblue, with the help of foreign governments chips away at the american worker!


Well it looks like I hit a nerve with you. Your reaction speaks volumes about your own personal hang-ups and insecurities, but that's for another thread topic.

Here's some advise for you; if you're as old as you claim to be then why don't you act your age! Show us youngsters that all those years you've spent ahead of us haven't been wasted; rather enlighten us with your wisdom, tact, and diplomacy that comes with advancing years. Just because you been living on the Earth a little longer than someone else doesn't automatically make you smarter or wiser than him/her, and your juvenile responses on this and other threads makes my point.

Thanks for referring to me as "young." I like to think that I can still retain my youthful exhuberance despite the fact that I'm well into middle age and qualify as a pensioner (So yes, I do know what a pension is). My own tenure upon this blue orb has allowed to me go "around the block" more than a few times, and enough to recognize a first-class a$$ when I see one. Go back and reread my last post; it still applies; and yes, you're still embarrassing yourself.

(edited to remove excessive profanity)

So what exactly are you "hopeful" for?

Why don't you just get off the computer and go rub one out, hoping for a return to the good ol' days!

Sell your little asses for a few bucks more!

Be happy little kids working for a carrier that touts low costs at the expense of employees. BTW, my age has everytrhing to do with my posts. Do you really think you're going to be little asswipes the rest of your lives. One day your going to be big asswipes with no pension and stock you can wipe your asses with!

Idiots! (remember, freelancer used the word idiot first) HOW ADULT!

BTW, freelance, you little punk. In the good old days, working for an airline was something to be proud of. How much are you getting for tossing those bags and dumping those lavatories? Still living home with mom and dad, cause the millions that JetBlew promised you in stock hasn't made you a millionaire yet? One day you little snotnose asswipes will know what you missed when the "good old days were here.

You remind me of the AMWAY pyrimad structured corporation who drink the kool aid and believe what the pinnacle Neeleman says. You will all prosper with JetBlew stock. Meanwhile, he, and Soros are the only ones getting wealthier.


It appears that the wheels on Hopeful's wagon have come off and isn't it a shame to see a senior citizen self-destruct like this. It reminds me of the time my grandfather became unglued when couldn't find his dentures (pardon the pun).

Hopeful go seek some help for your obvious personal problems. You have some serious issues and I'm worried about your safety and health considering how old you are. If you won't do it for us (little jetBlue orphans), then at least do it for your own grand-children (and great grand-children too).
I guess the good thing about Branson bringing his new low cost venture to the U.S. is that Hopeful will have a new place to go throw his little temper tantrums. :wacko:

Did I mention all the major A320 maintenance being done in Canada, and soon in South Amercia.. Must be Neeleman's Portuguese/Brazillian roots!

I miss the glory days of the airline industry too, but you must get over it because those days are gone. It is not the fault of the professional pilots at B6 or any other LCC, it is the result of the evolving airline market which is dictated by the consumer not the provider.

Pensions: Whatever you do, do not rely on Social Security or an Airline Pension for your retirement !!!(repeat this sentence as needed until you understand it)

Back on topic. Boeing really dropped the ball when B6 and F9 were shopping for aircraft. At the time Boeing had big orders for the 737 from several legacy carriers so they didn't seriously compete for the LCC business like Airbus did. I know F9 really wanted to stay with the Boeing NG product but Boeing didn't want to play until it was too late. I have flown both aircraft prefer the Airbus product anyway.

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