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C54, I think you are correct that Boeing dropped the ball. On the other hand, after 9-11, Ryanair went shopping for 737's and Boeing cut a VERY attractive deal. On 100 737-800's rumor has it the price was about 45% of the $60mm list! However, it is undeniable that Airbus wouldn't exist without government subsidies. I knew someone who worked for Pratt and Whitney back in the '80's. They did a little internal study that figured the average A 300 out the door came with a $6mm "kiss" from the European governments involved. Of course, how many remember that the 747 evolved from Boeing's losing bid to build what eventually became the C-5? So you could argue (and the French of course do) that Boeing has benefited from the defense department subsidies of material and other basic research. In any case, it's not Jetblue's fault that the US government didn't put the screws on to protect American aerospace. They made a business decision--and Airbus won, not only on price but because the A-320 is 6 inches wider and so each passenger gets an extra inch of butt-room. As a widebody myself, that matters🙂! 😀 Blaming Jetblue is misdirected. Corporations are not moral, but they are (putting aside the ocasional villains, who are not the general rule) amoral. They do what is in the best interest of the corporation, long term. That would dictate buying the plane with the best combination of features for the intended use, at the best price. They are not there to make a moral stand on behalf of Boeing--a company that some would put into the occasional villain class lately, given the recent shenanigans on the tanker deal and the LMT theft.
Little known secret: Boeing and EADS (parent of Airbus) is working together on a couple of defense projects.

Sometimes, things are not quite as clear as they seem!
Hopeful said:
Wrong, the engines are a 50/50 deal between GE and CFM International!

I know you wish the engines were 100% French!

Red this brain surgeon:

Snecma Headquarter
2, bd du general Martial Valin
75724 Paris Cedex 15
Tel: (33) 1 40 60 80 80
Fax: (33) 1 40 60 81 02

Looks like a French address to me.