Paycuts At Ual! Article.

I doubt there is anything "HARD" about you...but whatever....dream on little man. Oh, you're worried about me???? LOL...NOT....guess what...I've left!
What do you mean you left? United? Hope you used up that sick bank. I know I would if I were active. What's the word in the galleys been, lately?
I'm sold're pathetic. I truly feel sorry for you.....and anyone associated....There are parasites that have more morals than you. :eek:ff: You're a 'nothing' trying to be 'something'--and going about it the wrong way.
Don't know about good news, but how about the USA article stating that United hopes to exit bankruptcy by the fall of 2005, what ever happen to June 05? :down:
Does anyone remember a member by the name of uamechanic or crazymechanic, who was banned a year or two ago? Could he be mrfish, perhaps?
casual rat said:
I'm sold're pathetic. I truly feel sorry for you.....and anyone associated....There are parasites that have more morals than you. :eek:ff: You're a 'nothing' trying to be 'something'--and going about it the wrong way.

casual rat,

I must admit that fish has turned into a 'one trick pony' and my assessment of him may not be as accurate as I had once thought. It is apparent that his 'obsession' with our demise may have clouded his cognitive abilities and indeed he may need professional help to 'move on'.

If you have nothing to contribute to this forum (either good/bad) other than your continuation of 'your' chest thumping, then I suggest that you move on until you actually have something to say other than ‘UniTED Sucks!!!’.

Tell us something that we don't know!!!

I really tried to keep my defenses 'objective' and logical, however; somehow it all 'retards' into a less than logical argument through his influence--you know, mudslinging, name calling, the "my dog's better than your dog" style of argumentation, and the like. Often amusing, but that's a solid mindset that sees what it sees, and it's not going to change, sadly. I'm thinking 1-5 years of therapy, in a good institution, may be all that Fish needs (depending on his progress).

crossfeed said:
Don't know about good news, but how about the USA article stating that United hopes to exit bankruptcy by the fall of 2005, what ever happen to June 05? :down:

The longer they stay in BK, the more abuse they can spread... :(
Dizel8 said:
I don't think I have ever hidden the fact, that I work for jetblue, how that is relevant, I am not sure......Unless of course you view the LCC's are the scourge of the earth and the reason for all the problems.

I do!

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