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Paycut Paycheck

USA320Pilot said:
According to US Airways, "The PBGC pays most people all pension benefits, but some people may lose certain benefits that are not guaranteed.

Like so many things, there are "facts" and there is the meaning behind the "facts".

Yes, for most employees the PBGC will pay all pension benefits. But only if you understand that "all pension benefits" means those benefits you would have gotten if you had retired 3 years before your pension was terminated. Definitely not what you expected to get at your normal retirement age.

Art at ISP said:

First I am very sorry for all that's going on with your colleagues and the company. Second, in spite of all this, I want to REALLY thank you and your colleagues for not taking this out on us, your loyal passengers...we sincerely DO appreciate that you continue to do the outstanding job you always have.

That said, I know of more than a few folks in CCY who are pretty high up, and have lost their pensions and retirements as well---some with as many as 35 or more years of service!! While I understand your anger and frustration, let's be realistic about the root causes of the problem.

I know you are all quick to blame years of mismanagement, but what about competition and antiquated workrules? What about oil? I think it ALL ads up....

As customers, my colleagues and I are doing whatever we can to help--by continuing to fly with you and to give words of encouragement to everyone we come in contact with...I don't know what else we can do other than to continue to buy tickets and say thank you to each of you....

I wish you all nothing but the best and sincerely hope we can find a way to recover and grow....

My best to you all........


Love ya, but back up a bit. Just so you are well aware of where your ticket money is going.....The Directors had their pensions frozen back in '92. As for the "high ups"...24 top execs....their pensions are "whistling" and are majorly intact! And I mean "big bucks, baby"... :up:
BoeingBoy said:
Like so many things, there are "facts" and there is the meaning behind the "facts".

Yes, for most employees the PBGC will pay all pension benefits. But only if you understand that "all pension benefits" means those benefits you would have gotten if you had retired 3 years before your pension was terminated. Definitely not what you expected to get at your normal retirement age.


And that is only if the PBGC stays solvent. If United and U get their pensions terminated...the PBGC will be $11 Billion in the hole.

Add one more airline to that mix of dumping the pensions(DL) and say "good night". Either the PBGC will have to be bailed out like the "savings and loan" fiasco with the tax payers footing the bill, OR the "guarantees" maybe adjusted downward significantly....or both. :down:
Could be wrong, but thought I read the PBGC was 11 billion under a year ago, 23+ now, and with US and UA, will add another 8 or so billion...11, 23, or 30ish...in any case we're in trouble...The good news is after taxes, commuting, maintaining two residences, etc., most of us are used to living on alot less than what the W2 shows, anyway...
LGA Fleet Service said:
Now you're "The Messenger" and a management apologist,big suprise huh?
seems to be his niche in life,eh?? :down:
Thanks Art,

And Happy Holidays to you and yours! Many of us really appreciate you, believe it, it is true.

Sometimes it is hard to pick that up here in the poison pit....

Art at ISP said:

First I am very sorry for all that's going on with your colleagues and the company. Second, in spite of all this, I want to REALLY thank you and your colleagues for not taking this out on us, your loyal passengers...we sincerely DO appreciate that you continue to do the outstanding job you always have.

That said, I know of more than a few folks in CCY who are pretty high up, and have lost their pensions and retirements as well---some with as many as 35 or more years of service!! While I understand your anger and frustration, let's be realistic about the root causes of the problem.

I know you are all quick to blame years of mismanagement, but what about competition and antiquated workrules? What about oil? I think it ALL ads up....

As customers, my colleagues and I are doing whatever we can to help--by continuing to fly with you and to give words of encouragement to everyone we come in contact with...I don't know what else we can do other than to continue to buy tickets and say thank you to each of you....

I wish you all nothing but the best and sincerely hope we can find a way to recover and grow....

My best to you all........
Ya know First,

The sad thing is that it did not have to be this steep of a cut, for the pilots, AFA, etc. The deeper we go here, the worse things are going to get.

HISTORY has already shown that to be be true. IMHO, the AFA (and all other unions) leadershaip are doing a great dis-service to the membership.

I feel sad for all of us...I too am living the dream here...I just wish we could have choosen a different path...and there are those here that say that the other path was not available.

That is a LIE, it was, and it is well documented.

Shame on our lack-of-leadership and courage.

Oh ya, I know around here those of us who use our brain are the cowards.

It is a sad thing to waste a good brain! DUH

firstamendment said:
Dear Managers of US Airways,

I hope you enjoy the fact that you only took a 1% cut in your already inflated salaries. I just received my 21% cut paycheck...oh and thanks for the screw you letter about our pension on the same day.

Let's see, for the f/a's and pilots, we have one more of our "bigger" <_< 15th paychecks left....in December. While you deck your halls with loads of money, just know I won't have enough money to don my GAY aparelle.

So to management, HAVE A MERRY F$$$ing Christmas!!!! :angry: :angry: :down:
Okay PitBull,

And the AFA is going to save your pension? It is getting terminated one way or another, nothing you say or do will change that.

So, you can lose your job and your pension, or have a DC plan and a job....

Ya I know, you don't care, your angry, management is greedy, your going to show them!

Oh, and your going to work as a new-hire where your daughter was hired, or was it the "job fair" in the Burg that has peeked your interest?

Good plan.

PITbull said:
And that is only if the PBGC stays solvent. If United and U get their pensions terminated...the PBGC will be $11 Billion in the hole.

Add one more airline to that mix of dumping the pensions(DL) and say "good night". Either the PBGC will have to be bailed out like the "savings and loan" fiasco with the tax payers footing the bill, OR the "guarantees" maybe adjusted downward significantly....or both. :down:

I think your number 23+ is closer to the correct number if U, UAL, and DL all join the ranks of the blessed at the PBGC....

Having said that, at this point, what is a better bet with you remaining dollars? The quasi-gov agency getting fixed by solvent contributing companies along with tax payer money, or US Airways, and UAL somehow paying these liabilities?

I think the answer to this one is a no-brainer.

I'll take my chance with the GOV...I just wish we would have had a DC plan for the last 20 years....

Lets get on with it!

wizzz said:
Could be wrong, but thought I read the PBGC was 11 billion under a year ago, 23+ now, and with US and UA, will add another 8 or so billion...11, 23, or 30ish...in any case we're in trouble...The good news is after taxes, commuting, maintaining two residences, etc., most of us are used to living on alot less than what the W2 shows, anyway...
UseYourHead said:
Ya know First,

The sad thing is that it did not have to be this steep of a cut, for the pilots, AFA, etc. The deeper we go here, the worse things are going to get.

HISTORY has already shown that to be be true. IMHO, the AFA (and all other unions) leadershaip are doing a great dis-service to the membership.

I feel sad for all of us...I too am living the dream here...I just wish we could have choosen a different path...and there are those here that say that the other path was not available.

That is a LIE, it was, and it is well documented.

Shame on our lack-of-leadership and courage.

Oh ya, I know around here those of us who use our brain are the cowards.

It is a sad thing to waste a good brain! DUH


I don't know, friend. I use to swing closer to the company when it came to the urgencies, but when I saw how management kept moving further away with each counter proposal (and let's not forget the unrealistic time frams) it dawned on me for the first time that perhaps..just perhaps there really was a desire to push us into Chapter 7 in a way that will make them look good and have someone to blame for their failed management skills.

I do feel AFA is getting closer, but I still contend that if management expects to ask 21%, they should set the example and do the same. That is my beef. Their double-standard, we're in-line with the lcc BS doesn't cut it with me. That get's a big TALK TO THE HAND from all those on the terrible reserve system where many f/a's have already taken 50% paycuts and now 21%?

Not leading by example from management is cowardly and lacking of leadership. Why would you expect any different from the low man on the totem pole. Managing is like parenting. There are good and there are bad. Ever notice how the good kids generally come from well adjusted ran homes. We reflect our parents behavior as do employees from their management team.

Perhaps a little starting from the top and true leadership with THEIR courage would then trickle down. 😉

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