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The AFL-CIO definitely blundered the PATCO strike, the same way they did AMFA. One would think that a labor organization would stick up for another, no matter how hurt their feelings are. After all, an injury to one is an injury to all. But the blame for the PATCO outcome rests solely at the feet of Reagan. He is the one who replaced all of the workers.
The AFL-CIO definitely blundered the PATCO strike, the same way they did AMFA. One would think that a labor organization would stick up for another, no matter how hurt their feelings are. After all, an injury to one is an injury to all. But the blame for the PATCO outcome rests solely at the feet of Reagan. He is the one who replaced all of the workers.

You had better look to Jimmy Carter and Lane Kirkland among others.
Right, because jimmy carter is the one who replaced them?

In the 1980 presidential election, PATCO (along with the Teamsters and the Air Line Pilots Association) refused to back President Jimmy Carter, instead endorsing Republican Party candidate Ronald Reagan. PATCO's refusal to endorse the Democratic Party stemmed in large part from poor labor relations with the FAA (the employer of PATCO members) under the Carter administration and Ronald Reagan's endorsement of the union and its struggle for better conditions during the 1980 election campaign
In the 1980 presidential election, PATCO (along with the Teamsters and the Air Line Pilots Association) refused to back President Jimmy Carter, instead endorsing Republican Party candidate Ronald Reagan. PATCO's refusal to endorse the Democratic Party stemmed in large part from poor labor relations with the FAA (the employer of PATCO members) under the Carter administration and Ronald Reagan's endorsement of the union and its struggle for better conditions during the 1980 election campaign

And Reagan repaid them handsomely for their support, by replacing them. Also, the poor conditions didn't change. That's why the scabs decided to organize a few years later. 1987, still under Reagan's watch....

You are starting to sound like 700 defending the IAM.
AMFA was begging other unions for help, thats what they get for being a raiding organization, with the elitist attitude, they had NO strike fund, what kind of union is that?

And they relied on hands out from other unions, they were out smarted by NW.

AMFA was not part of the AFL-CIO, and you wonder why no one really wanted to help them?

And PATCO workers broke federal law, I understand their plight, but bottom line is Reagan gave them the chance to come back work, and they didnt. And do you believe Reagan was president of the Screen Actors Guild (SAG) at one time.
I see where it says "where was the AFL-CIO", I didnt see where it said where was the IAM.

The fact is working people were sold a bill of goods that the AFL-CIO was something that its not.

People expected the member unions in the AFL-CIO to rally behind PATCO but they didnt. Having set the pattern Reagan continued to aid in Union Busting, For us in Aviation, one of the most heavily unionized industries out there, Continental was next, Just as the leaders of PATCO had predicted. First the IAM, then the arrogant ALPA were crushed at Continental with the aid of the government. The AFL-CIO once again did nothing.

The failure to resist concessions after 9-11 was yet another failure of Labor leaders to do what they are supposed to do, lead. They could not support AMFA after betraying their own members by getting them to accept concessions. For thirty years all I've basically heard from our leaders is "Live to fight another day", when in fact its more like "Live to surrender another day". While we have seen our real earnings plummet and been stripped of benefits our leaders continue to tell us to keep the peace, and of course our dues continue to fund benefits and wages they would never even consider for us. In some cases they are rewarded for their betraytal with little gifts from the company such as lifetime service charged waved high priority travel for them and their families.
Look at the LM-2s, one thing you will notice is that as we saw our wages and benefits gutted they continued to get raises as if nothing happened. Apparently what they really mean is for workers to not fight until after they retire and get someone who actually believes in the labor movement to lead them, because they never will.

700, you claim you are rank and file, yet you continue to defend these people who continue to give themselves raises while we take paycuts, they bash the members and try to claim that Unions are weak because members do not participate and only think of themselves, they use that arguement to justifyt their own behavior.

There are some, but they are far and few that desreve to be labor leaders out there. We have seen a few rise to promenance such as Ron Carey, but by and large the Leaders of Labor movement in this country are failing workers because the leaders will not lead. Why lead when doing so involves risk? Its much easier to sit back, collect six figure salaries and Caddilac benefits as long as the true believers in unionism keep buying the plentiful excuses they hand out for not leading. look at us, we took a stike vote, rejected two agreements that were put before us yet they still wont even demand a release from the NMB.
AMFA was begging other unions for help, thats what they get for being a raiding organization, with the elitist attitude, they had NO strike fund, what kind of union is that?

And they relied on hands out from other unions, they were out smarted by NW.

AMFA was not part of the AFL-CIO, and you wonder why no one really wanted to help them?

And PATCO workers broke federal law, I understand their plight, but bottom line is Reagan gave them the chance to come back work, and they didnt. And do you believe Reagan was president of the Screen Actors Guild (SAG) at one time.

The day that affiliation and the law is more important than a fight against tyranny of workers right to organize and negotiate fair an equitable working conditions is the day organized labor is dead.

Want to know why labor if failing?
Read your posting, think about it and you will have your answer.

Think about PATCO, think about AMFA
and your answer is right before your own eyes.

P.O.S. Industrial Unionist deserve the F'ing that is coming.
You stupid idiots deserve what is coming your way.

I cannot believe that you would even consider yourself a labor leader or supporter after making a post like this one.

Leaders that think like you do are why labor is failing.
You will never force freedom loving American Workers into a Communist Box!

The day that affiliation is more important than a fight against tyranny of workers right to organize and negotiate fair an equitable working conditions is the day organized labor is dead.

Want to know why labor if failing?
Read your posting, think about it and you will have your answer.

Think about PATCO, think about AMFA
and your answer is right before your own eyes.

P.O.S. Industrail Unionist deserve the F'ing that is coming.
You stupid idiots deserve what is coming your way.

I cannot believe that you would even consider yourself a labor leader or supporter after making a post like this one.


Great post, sir.

And please keep in mind that 700 no long works for USAirways. His thinking is no longer our thinking. He might have done some good things while he was employed here, but times have changed, and many here that understand, feel the same about Industrial Unions.
The AFL-CIO definitely blundered the PATCO strike, the same way they did AMFA. One would think that a labor organization would stick up for another, no matter how hurt their feelings are. After all, an injury to one is an injury to all. But the blame for the PATCO outcome rests solely at the feet of Reagan. He is the one who replaced all of the workers.

But the interesting thing is Patco was not part of the AFL-CIO so they felt justified in what they di, just like with AMFA and one fool on here keeps posting it is the AMFA guys that say if you do not agree with us your wrong and yet he supports those that do that as a matter daily business and yet he can not see the forest for the tree's.s Did some AMFA supporters get sick of hearing we are Scabs and unloyal and had personal property damaged all from people who will not educate themselves to the differences between craft and industrial unionism andto the total failure of organizations like the IBT/TWU/IAM have been since the begining of the AFL-CIO.From 1955 to 2012 we have went fron 33% of Americans being members of unions in 1955 to today less than 7% of the private sector Jobs are union and based on this fact I wish someone would explain to me how changing from the TWU to the IBT changes one Dam thing other than the accronym.When all but a very few union jobs are left maybe you will figure it out.

But I guess you are still going to tell me that the TWU supporters in 2003 were right and the AMFA guys were wrong and how asking for the simple act of putting something to a vote was wrong, after all the majority would have won the vote and we would not be guessing about who was right! you think that we were the unreasonable ones not those who turned their backs on Patco and AMFA because they did not agree with them politically or the ones that put us on trial and thru us out of the union for daring to ask for a vote. Which one sounds unamerican to you?
Like I said, when you cant debate, you insult, and your a grown man?
And to modify my question you have yet to answer,why are you in these boards if you are not even working in the industry any longer?
TWU informer:

The day that affiliation and the law is more important than a fight against tyranny of workers right to organize and negotiate fair an equitable working conditions is the day organized labor is dead.

Want to know why labor if failing?
Read your posting, think about it and you will have your answer.

Think about PATCO, think about AMFA
and your answer is right before your own eyes.

P.O.S. Industrial Unionist deserve the F'ing that is coming.
You stupid idiots deserve what is coming your way.

I cannot believe that you would even consider yourself a labor leader or supporter after making a post like this one.

Leaders that think like you do are why labor is failing.
You will never force freedom loving American Workers into a Communist Box!



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