Passenger Behavior


Jun 28, 2003
Dallas, TX
Let's get a "for fun" thread started. Bizarre passenger behavior. Has to be an actual (or as far as you know actual) event. There have been some doozies lately in STL and DFW; so, I'll start.

SLT: Sunday 2 weeks ago a party of 7 D3's present themselves at the gate for check-in; all listed for First Class, and no they can not be split up. (yeah, like that's going to happen). One of them, a young lady in her late teens is wearing hiphugger cut-off denims with flip-flops.

Agent: "I'm sorry, dear. You are not dressed appropriately to board the a/c. Do you have anything in your carry-on that you could change into?"

A female revenue stand-by behind them in line is wearing a shirtwaist tunic over pants. She takes the tunic off and hands it to the non-rev in cut-offs and says, "Here, dear. You can wear this." The revenue standby is now standing at the podium wearing pants and a bra! (The agent looked at her and said, "Well, now you are not dressed appropriately to board the a/c, ma'am." :lol:

When I got back to DFW that evening, I was telling a gate agent and a gate supervisor about the bra lady.

The supervisor said that the week before over in Terminal C they were about to close a flight when a woman ran up to the podium and angrily said, "Hold this flight. I have to go to the rest room." The agent told her that if she wanted to go on that flight she needed to board the a/c because they were about to close the door.

The woman squatted down and peed in the floor in front of the podium. I was told they had her arrested.

I have another that I am saving for later. Anyone else?
Let's get a "for fun" thread started. Bizarre passenger behavior. Has to be an actual (or as far as you know actual) event. There have been some doozies lately in STL and DFW; so, I'll start.

SLT: Sunday 2 weeks ago a party of 7 D3's present themselves at the gate for check-in; all listed for First Class, and no they can not be split up. (yeah, like that's going to happen). One of them, a young lady in her late teens is wearing hiphugger cut-off denims with flip-flops.

Agent: "I'm sorry, dear. You are not dressed appropriately to board the a/c. Do you have anything in your carry-on that you could change into?"

A female revenue stand-by behind them in line is wearing a shirtwaist tunic over pants. She takes the tunic off and hands it to the non-rev in cut-offs and says, "Here, dear. You can wear this." The revenue standby is now standing at the podium wearing pants and a bra! (The agent looked at her and said, "Well, now you are not dressed appropriately to board the a/c, ma'am." :lol:

When I got back to DFW that evening, I was telling a gate agent and a gate supervisor about the bra lady.

The supervisor said that the week before over in Terminal C they were about to close a flight when a woman ran up to the podium and angrily said, "Hold this flight. I have to go to the rest room." The agent told her that if she wanted to go on that flight she needed to board the a/c because they were about to close the door.

The woman squatted down and peed in the floor in front of the podium. I was told they had her arrested.

I have another that I am saving for later. Anyone else?

As our 1011 to Las Vegas was leaving one of my fellow FSMs, (Pursers for us), looked up and said, "There's another empty trailer park in Missouri today". I think you've just proved him right.
During dinner on my flight from POP. I was delivering the last set of trays for dinner, when the man in 5A got up and went to the front, the LAV was occupied and he just stood angled towards my tray cart and the 1L door. I just dropped off the tray for 6F and coming back I see him and for a second I think to myself, he looks like he is peeing there. I get in to the galley I turn now to see him, and sure enough that is exactly what he was doing. All over the cart and the floor, managed to get some on the door as well. Want to guess who has yet to contact me about the incident involving bodily fluids. Not APFA or Home land security, not the Police. If you guessed AA, ding ding ding you are absolutely correct. Then again, its been over a year since tutty fruitty tried to jump me when the cockpit door was open, AA management is sorry "no en casa."

Nancy, I can only imagine the crowd to Vegas, for us in Miami, its the flights to Cancun. The clothes these people wear. Maybe I am old fashioned, but if your gut is bigger than your chest a tube top should not be your first choice in traveling attire. Along with these teenage girls, even traveling with their parents, who could make most Miami hookers blush. Every other passenger stops to tell me "HI, were on our honeymoon. Can we sit in First class?" Of course the answer is always the same. I am sorry No. Some accept it some just want to go on about it. So I have to explain it in trailer park terms. I say now when I go to Wendy's and ask to biggie size it, they charge me for it. Here at AA when you want to biggie size it, we do the same.
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Nancy, I can only imagine the crowd to Vegas, for us in Miami, its the flights to Cancun. The clothes these people wear. Maybe I am old fashioned, but if your gut is bigger than your chest a tube top should not be your first choice in traveling attire.
Oh, Lord. My eyes! My eyes! You just reminded me of the couple going to Vegas who were both wearing Day-Glo spandex (Lurex, I think it's called). Both were XXXL size. Neither had on undergarments. (Whenever I'm reminded of those two, I want to get a stick to poke out my mind's eye.)

I say now when I go to Wendy's and ask to biggie size it, they charge me for it. Here at AA when you want to biggie size it, we do the same.
Wonderful answer. May I steal it?
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I can't stand it. I was going to wait awhile on posting this one because I'm afraid it will stop the thread cold, but I am compelled, compelled I tell you, to post this one.

The Sunday of the bra lady, I was in Ops telling some other flight attendants about the incident. There was a DFW crew there on a 3-hour Airport Appreciation sit. One of the DFW crew that I happened to know from when I was based at DFW told me the following story.

A friend of hers was working a flight awhile back. There was a lady in coach nursing. However, unlike some of them today, she had a blanket draped over her front; so, everything was cool.

Another passenger came back to the galley, and the following conversation ensued.

Pass: "You have to stop that woman in 10A (or whatever) from nursing."
F/A: "Ma'am, it would be illegal for us to stop someone from nursing a baby on the airplane."
Pass: (Brace yourself) "She's not nursing a baby. She's nursing a dog."

The f/a went to the nursing passenger and asked her if she had a dog under the blanket. The passenger smiled and nodded her head and lifted the blanket. There was a puppy suckling her left breast. The f/a's response was a beautiful example of quick thinking...

F/A: "Ma'am, let's just go with the fact that it is a violation of Federal law for the dog to be out of its carrier while on the aircraft. Put the dog back in the carrier and close the lid."

As the nursing passenger was leaving the a/c she said, "I hope you realize you ruined my whole flight. That is my emotional support dog." (Somehow I doubt any therapist would say that suckling the dog was part of the emotional support needed.) :shock:
I can't stand it. I was going to wait awhile on posting this one because I'm afraid it will stop the thread cold, but I am compelled, compelled I tell you, to post this one.

The Sunday of the bra lady, I was in Ops telling some other flight attendants about the incident. There was a DFW crew there on a 3-hour Airport Appreciation sit. One of the DFW crew that I happened to know from when I was based at DFW told me the following story.

A friend of hers was working a flight awhile back. There was a lady in coach nursing. However, unlike some of them today, she had a blanket draped over her front; so, everything was cool.

Another passenger came back to the galley, and the following conversation ensued.

Pass: "You have to stop that woman in 10A (or whatever) from nursing."
F/A: "Ma'am, it would be illegal for us to stop someone from nursing a baby on the airplane."
Pass: (Brace yourself) "She's not nursing a baby. She's nursing a dog."

The f/a went to the nursing passenger and asked her if she had a dog under the blanket. The passenger smiled and nodded her head and lifted the blanket. There was a puppy suckling her left breast. The f/a's response was a beautiful example of quick thinking...

F/A: "Ma'am, let's just go with the fact that it is a violation of Federal law for the dog to be out of its carrier while on the aircraft. Put the dog back in the carrier and close the lid."

As the nursing passenger was leaving the a/c she said, "I hope you realize you ruined my whole flight. That is my emotional support dog." (Somehow I doubt any therapist would say that suckling the dog was part of the emotional support needed.) :shock:

You win, I'm speechless, although we did have an interesting assortment of plummer cracks out of STL.
And I don't know if you've ever flown the STL-LAX all nighters, but we would bring the "mules" in from LAX in the am and take tham back home in the evening and they always left us such pretty artwork on the tray tables and the bathroom walls (tagging).
I can't stand it. I was going to wait awhile on posting this one because I'm afraid it will stop the thread cold, but I am compelled, compelled I tell you, to post this one.

The Sunday of the bra lady, I was in Ops telling some other flight attendants about the incident. There was a DFW crew there on a 3-hour Airport Appreciation sit. One of the DFW crew that I happened to know from when I was based at DFW told me the following story.

A friend of hers was working a flight awhile back. There was a lady in coach nursing. However, unlike some of them today, she had a blanket draped over her front; so, everything was cool.

Another passenger came back to the galley, and the following conversation ensued.

Pass: "You have to stop that woman in 10A (or whatever) from nursing."
F/A: "Ma'am, it would be illegal for us to stop someone from nursing a baby on the airplane."
Pass: (Brace yourself) "She's not nursing a baby. She's nursing a dog."

The f/a went to the nursing passenger and asked her if she had a dog under the blanket. The passenger smiled and nodded her head and lifted the blanket. There was a puppy suckling her left breast. The f/a's response was a beautiful example of quick thinking...

F/A: "Ma'am, let's just go with the fact that it is a violation of Federal law for the dog to be out of its carrier while on the aircraft. Put the dog back in the carrier and close the lid."

As the nursing passenger was leaving the a/c she said, "I hope you realize you ruined my whole flight. That is my emotional support dog." (Somehow I doubt any therapist would say that suckling the dog was part of the emotional support needed.) :shock:

Depends on what kind of a therapist you see, a pet therapist might be just fine with it.
Thats just beyond my comprehension. I have had a couple puppies in my life and they had razor teeth. My guess the lady was looking for nipple-ectomy.
Thats just beyond my comprehension. I have had a couple puppies in my life and they had razor teeth. My guess the lady was looking for nipple-ectomy.
Funny to say the least. Surprised to hear that trash goes on at AA.........thought those of us at US had THAT MARKET "Cornered". Had a friend of mine that also experienced The Breast-fed Puppy incident. After confronting the pax, she said she infromed the Lady "I heard Monkeys and Chimps are even better :lol:, just NOT ON THE AIRCRAFT ". (She did get a bad letter but oh well.......).
Wonderful answer. May I steal it?
Here's one I heard on a 707 about 35 years ago from the then senior FA on NY Domestic. She was going down the aisle before landing checking seatbacks and tray tables and a man still had his tray down. "Excuse me, sir, you'll have to put the tray up for landing." The passenger complied, but on raising the tray she noticed his zipper was down and he was fully exposed. She thought quickly and said, "Hmm, looks like a penis, only smaller."

I can't compete with a dog story but on the maintenance side...

In SAN we use to have a DC-10 go to LAX in the morning and continue on to IAD.

One morning I get a gate call about the autopilot. I go out to the gate and they are just finishing boarding the passengers. I speak with the Captain and take care of the problem. As I am walking out of the aircraft through the mid galley on of the F/As asks, "Oh, are you here for the seat?" I replied, "No. But since I'm here."

She leads me up to f/c, which is full. There is a seat that will not work is what I am informed. So we go to the aisle seat on the r/h side of the aircraft and I ask the gentleman sitting there if there is a problem. He says, in a snobby tone, "Yea, my seat doesn't work." I ask what is wrong and he says, "It doesn't stay back."

Okay. I ask if he would mind getting out of the seat so I can check it out. Now since we are very close to closing the doors and the a/c is full I have a rather nice crowd of people watching us. This passenger, again in a snobby tone says, "Continental wouldn't make me get up." You can hear eyeballs turn towards me when this is said. I am from NY and I surprised myself by not replying. I just looked at the seat and made sure nothing was broken. There wasn't.

I inform the gentleman that there was nothing wrong with his seat and he could sit back down. He wanted to know why it was working all of a sudden. I told him that more than likely his right thigh was hitting the recline button not allowing the seat to lock in the recline position. I start to walk off the aircraft before he says something else and I do reply back with both NY barrels.

As I start to walk away this guy says, "So now you are saying I am fat?"

Without missing a beat I look over my shoulder and say, "I wouldn't. But Continental would." The whole first class bursted out laughing hearing this. My last sight of this passenger was him standing in the aisle with his mouth gaping as the L-2 door is closing.
"I wouldn't. But Continental would."
On the L1011 we had a small cabin in the back where we used a procedure we called "horseshoeing," where we would go down the right side and up the left. Apparently a woman on the left didn't think she was getting enough attention quickly enough, and shouted across the middle section, "I'm hungry and I have nothing to eat and I'm thirsty and I have nothing to drink and I don't like my seat. I never have this problem when I fly Delta." An FA named Chuck, without missing a beat, looked across at her and said, "Lady, when you fly Delta I don't have this problem either."

Many years ago I was assigned to work with Jack Carey. One of THE best AMTs AA ever had. (God rest Jack's soul.) The next morning we had a gate call of undetermined cause. So we both go out to the MD80 and inquire as to the problem. We were informed by the gate agent that the passenger in 2B had a burned out reading light.

With the aircraft ready to depart once we got off the plane we were again on center stage. Jack politely asks the gentleman to get up from his seat so he could remove the light lens to replace the bulb.

This guy rather curtly says, "No."

Jack, another NYer, God Bless him, doesn't blink.

Jack, simply asks the passenger to put his hand out palm open. The guy does and Jack places the new light bulb in his hand and says, "You change it then."

With that we turn and walk off the aircraft and the door closes. Classic!
Mine doesn't really qualify for BEHAVIOR, per se, but it was pretty funny. During the summer of 1988 while I was still in college I worked for Andy Frain Security in the (then brand new) United terminal at O'Hare. I was watching the exits near the baggage claim (making sure no one crossed back into the sterile area) and I saw this couple that I swear had just stepped out of a time warp screaming 1973!!! The guy wore a pink tuxedo with ruffles, the trim around the cuffs and lapels and the huge velvet butterfly bow tie, a white belt and matching white platform shoes and the woman wore a pink summer dress with matching tights and baby's breath in her hair. They evidently had issues at the rental car counters because they were there for quite some time.