If anyone is so delusional as to think that Parker will treat labor better than did Crandall/Carty/Arpey/Horton, this is Exhibit A to disprove that fantasy.will fix for food said:And to prove that he is labor friendly, he threatened to put the 14,000 people at Eagle on the street unless the 2,200 pilots there gave more.
Says a member of the sole workgroup at US that just had hundreds of millions of dollars thrown at them. 😀nycbusdriver said:Ah, yes. The highly effective "Kum-Ba-Ya Method."
I can't imagine why they don't try that.
Perhaps if the NMB required it of their mediators?
Nor because Parker wanted to, of course, but because the APA would have burned the place down if y'all hadn't been given raises on Day 1 to give you pay parity with the AA pilots. The APA has a history of anger issues when another mainline subsidiary is paid less $$$. What did the USAPA say the MOU was worth to the US pilots? $1.6 billion over six years.