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Pace Communications will continue to fly with US Airways.


Aug 20, 2002
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Pace gets the go-ahead for new US Airways Magazine

Mark Tosczak
After a months-long sales pitch that took Pace executives to Washington, D.C., and Tempe, Ariz., the private, Greensboro custom-publishing firm will lay to rest its award-winning Attaché magazine and launch US Airways Magazine next month.

Though Pace published Attaché for years for US Airways, when the Washington-based airline merged with Arizona-based America West, a whole new deal had to be struck, said Craig Waller, who heads up marketing and sales for Pace.

"We had to convince the new management of US Airways that we were not only a great in-flight publisher but we were capable of understanding that the brand was going to change," Waller said.

Following the merger announcement last summer, Pace executives, led by founder and CEO Bonnie McElveen-Hunter, made two intensive sales pitches on the road. The airline also sent a team of managers to Greensboro for a first-hand look at Pace's operations.

McElveen-Hunter was determined to keep the publication, which, in its first incarnation as Pace magazine for the old Piedmont Airlines, helped her launch her company more than 20 years ago.

Just like when Piedmont became US Air, the new, merged airline means new branding, and that means a new magazine.

US Airways Magazine will debut at a beefy 200 pages, about 50 percent bigger than Attaché.

"The fresh positioning of the magazine will reflect the smart 'business casual' approach of the low-cost airline that reflects the new US Airways," Lance Elko, the magazine's editor, said in a news release.

Waller estimates about 15 staffers work on the magazine now, but he says US Airways editors are assessing the magazine's needs, and the company might hire new people in Greensboro to bolster the magazine staff.

Pace is also working with Skyword Marketing, a Phoenix company that published America West Magazine before the merger with US Airways. Skyword will handle advertising sales in the western United States.

Reach Mark Tosczak at (336) 370-2909 or mtosczak@bizjournals.com.
Grrrrrrrrrrrrreat news! Pace has done a very nice job in publishing our inflight magazine, back from the Piedmont days to the current Attache'. I was familiar with the America West magazine (respectable, but no real umph 🙄 ) Hopefully Pace inconjunction with the current management team will continue with the great articles and creative approach..........for people in the West you will like it (it has won several awards and with justification). Changing the name is NOT something I would have done though.
Grrrrrrrrrrrrreat news! Pace has done a very nice job in publishing our inflight magazine, back from the Piedmont days to the current Attache'. I was familiar with the America West magazine (respectable, but no real umph 🙄 ) Hopefully Pace inconjunction with the current management team will continue with the great articles and creative approach..........for people in the West you will like it (it has won several awards and with justification). Changing the name is NOT something I would have done though.
Looking forward to seeing one soon. The Attache' was nice.........good reading on the way to Europe.

I think the name change is more of an advertising thing.........US Airways over and over and over........
Looking forward to seeing one soon. The Attache' was nice.........good reading on the way to Europe.

I think the name change is more of an advertising thing.........US Airways over and over and over........

Thats great news. I always thought we had the best inflight magazine. I can't wait to see the new look!
Pace puts out a great product and have been reading their publications almost every month back thru the Piedmont days. One thing about the America West magazine I hope they at least partially keep is all the Las Vegas advertising and other LAS related features. I really enjoy going there and every time I see a HP magazine it makes want to take another trip to LAS. I would imagine this probably has the same effect on some of our paying passengers which in turn sells airline seats. Just my two cents !

was thinking that if attache seemed to high browe for an lcc....maybe a differnt name....what about usairways compass? or is that being used already?.....seems a good combination of east meets west? also on the whole east/west thing. hope it does'nt become like the berlin wall for the employees. how we all act towards each other now can set the tone for years to come.......something to think about. very deep i know 🙂
First off I like the suggested title change of "USAirways Compass"....and any positive actions that will meld the operation(s) SMOOTHLY. Your reference to the East/West Berlin Wall made Me laugh because I just commented to a friend that I look at the merger similar to a "United Germany".......we all have ALOT to learn about each other and how we do business and Stay Focused to look at the positives and spend less energy on the negatives, this applies to both the employees and our combined passenger pool.
First off I like the suggested title change of "USAirways Compass"....and any positive actions that will meld the operation(s) SMOOTHLY. Your reference to the East/West Berlin Wall made Me laugh because I just commented to a friend that I look at the merger similar to a "United Germany".......we all have ALOT to learn about each other and how we do business and Stay Focused to look at the positives and spend less energy on the negatives, this applies to both the employees and our combined passenger pool.
So do I.....that sounds good........not too snooty and not too LCC.

You should send the suggestion in....or have they already chosen a new name?
usairways magazine is the new name. very cutting edge :blink: i think compass is a good name for the inflight magazine, and easy to pronounce too!!! on the whole merger thing.....i look forward to flying with awa crews. flew u guys a couple of years ago and was treated great....had the oportunity to return the favor to some awa people over thanksgiving holiday. always welcome on any flight i work!!!!!!