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US Airways Now Codesharing With Air One

A simple Press Release is Business Basics 101. If a 8 Billion Dollar Co. doesn't have a few hundred dollars several times a month to keep the positive news flowing then it's time to close the doors.
this management team is in way over their heads!!! there is a cliche that more aptly demonstrates this sentiment, but, at the moment, it escapes me...
nevertheless, the bottom line is, we have a talentless team of individuals sailing this operation: no innovation, no creativity (of substantive value), and, remarkably, complete and utter apathy when it comes to deploying our combined resources and strengths in a profitable way.
so, paint the planes however you like...heritage is never history; east's history was, and is, built upon having the tools and resources available to provide the best service, and resources (growth) for our customers. those expectations will never integrate with west's mentality...fatalistic, yes; realistic, indeed!
Until the Marketing Department starts acting like a Marketing Department and begins promoting the services from within, nothing will change. And don't hold your breath on a news brief from that bimbo that babbles on the USDaily report....she probably would stumble reading HER name on a cuecard. Yawn/bore/unenthusiastic/p*iss representative. :down:
Until the Marketing Department starts acting like a Marketing Department and begins promoting the services from within, nothing will change. And don't hold your breath on a news brief from that bimbo that babbles on the USDaily report....she probably would stumble reading HER name on a cuecard. Yawn/bore/unenthusiastic/p*iss representative. :down:

Astrolounge needs to be declawed :shock:

The marketing department never took 8th grade geography--they think Tempe is the center of the universe.
this management team is in way over their heads!!! there is a cliche that more aptly demonstrates this sentiment, but, at the moment, it escapes me...

Would it be up to their arses in alligators, hoping some one will drain the swamp?
oops! I guess I am copying managements shortfalls....forgot to clairify IT as P*ss POOR :lol: You've got to laugh about it at this point!
Would it be up to their arses in alligators, hoping some one will drain the swamp?
that's better than the one that i couldn't retrieve...thanks. well, us "easties" shouldn't be so negative, actually...didn't you hear? they painted usairways on an america west airbus: things are getting better by the moment. i wonder if they issued a press release? nah, "revenue dilution" prevents that.
god help us all...
I have to agree. Sending out a press release is one of the easiest things the marketing dept does. No real excuse for letting something like this slip by. BTW, anyone else notice how screwy the US Airways Today messages are getting? It's even fallen through the cracks. Two days this week they didn't even release one. What's up with that?

Maybe Miss Mumbles spoke so fast that we only thought they didn't release one!

Seriously, I think on Tuesday or Wednesday of last week they gave an email address to send submissions to for US Daily. Maybe we can send one for all the new service on the East side and the Air One codeshare.