
Tulsa has approx. 5685 TWU in Tulsa. Of which 3761 are AMT 563 are OSM 130 aircraft cleaners and 94 parts washers which are all Title I. We have 473 title II 531 stores and 100 FSC at base. If they stick to the lay off numbers of 2100 union people in Tulsa and don't back off outsourcing of title II and FSC that would put about 1182 Title I on the street leaving approx date of around 12/95. But then there is the process of bumping to backfill part washers, cleaners and OSM. Doing math I think some of the AFW guys do have enough time to bump to TULE. But then why would the TWU fellers lie.
We are one week into this term sheet and NOT one TWU representative that was in that meeting with the company has informed the membership the REAL numbers. Is it 2100 amt's in Tulsa that are losing their jobs or 2100 workers losing their job in Tulsa??? If it's the latter, then you're right Buster. What's the overall breakdown within ALL classifications????

WTF TWU!!!!!
The union is telling everyone in the AFW hangar that they do not have enough seniority to bump the system. If you get layed off from a station that no longer exists, you are terminated.
Heard the same cr@p from them in my shop. Getting the daily Kenny P. make it up as he goes BS. I'm just going to ignore him at this point. ;) And this is coming from someone who wont have the sseniority to bump. :p
The Actual number reported is a total of 2850 AA employees from Tulsa

This includes all Union title Groups and Non-Union Employees.

There has been no public breakdown into detailed title group numbers to my knowledge.

The Pilots and F/A's have both stated the Term Sheet as a "starting point" to negotiate and they intend to move the ball to closer to the middle of the field for an agreement.

TWU has only said sign a website, townhall phone next week, and beyond that silent.
Everyone? Nobody has said a word to me nor anyone on my crew/dock. I have plenty of senority to bump the system. Try sticking to facts.

K Powell and The other union rep were spreading their spiel in our breakroom. They were doing their own math and said it would go down to 1990. I am just telling you what they said.
The bubba club at afw us going strong.....
Yes, they are part of the big twu machine," Little " croanies ! Wait and see, the twu will cut the companies offer in half, and come out smelling like a rose.
Yes, they are part of the big twu machine," Little " croanies ! Wait and see, the twu will cut the companies offer in half, and come out smelling like a rose.
well I hope it works out for the twu then, because I'm sure alot of guys are sweating it out. The only way the twu WILLN'T get support from the memebership is if saving jobs equals pay cuts. No pays cuts they are taking way more than the 20% just the cost of are retire medical can someone please tell what that is worth on top of the pensions whats that worth.
We are one week into this term sheet and NOT one TWU representative that was in that meeting with the company has informed the membership the REAL numbers. Is it 2100 amt's in Tulsa that are losing their jobs or 2100 workers losing their job in Tulsa??? If it's the latter, then you're right Buster. What's the overall breakdown within ALL classifications????

WTF TWU!!!!!
You mean what does Mechanic and Related mean?
If overhaul was such an albatross around AA's neck, why didn't AA do away with it all?
I've said before that they, like all the other airlines, will keep a certain amount of O/H. Not even they know how much, but to rid themselves of all of it would be impractical, risky, and not well received by the public. They are also in the discovery stage of finding out who has the ability to do it with Timco possibly out of contention.
You'd think they would have a plan instead of winging it with the lives of 13,000 people....
You'd think they would have a plan instead of winging it with the lives of 13,000 people....

They are ignorant and the only plan is to pay consultants and lawyers to view internet forums, and past BK cases to come up with a plan as they go along.
No Leadership, react to whatever happnes along the way. It is AA and is typical.

PLAN? PLAN? We don't need no stinking PLAN!
K Powell and The other union rep were spreading their spiel in our breakroom. They were doing their own math and said it would go down to 1990. I am just telling you what they said.

Hope this doesn't get me warned status on the forum. K.P. is just about the closet thing you can get to walking brain dead, seriously. Would not believe anything coming from that person, just the opposite.
Unfortunately you are probably right. Damn shame wish we had someone with a clue. Instead of fixing a sound maintenance program that's out of control and mismanaged take the path of least resistance. Your right typical aa.
Twinkle toes? Brain dead? Naw couldn't be, he's a charter member if the bubba club!
some guys will be able to bump, but yes alot of guys willn't and unfortunately be on the street
do you really think there's gonna be any bump and roll? i don't think so. non of the other airlines got to, also i wouldn't go by the "well united was able to" theory. just because the "term" sheet has some wording about it in it don't count on it happening. i'll be on the street like the rest of us. it sucks but what are you gonna do. all the complaining in the world wont help us in the long run. it's time to nut up, get the resume together and start looking now before it gets harder (than it already is) to find a job.

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