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Outsourcing at AA

swamt said:
How many in the last 2-3 years? If you have been hiring mechs then why are there still mechanics getting furloughed from Tulsa now thru 2017?? C'mon man...
Ask Bob. Many were added in the NYC area. Almost all were recalled prior to the BK and hiring had started. Many of the cuts after BK were covered by the early outs. 
swamt said:
How many in the last 2-3 years? If you have been hiring mechs then why are there still mechanics getting furloughed from Tulsa now thru 2017?? C'mon man...
They have hired quite a few, however attrition still outpaces hiring and total headcount remains in a downward spiral, just like our careers.
In 2005 we had around 300 guys on the recall list just to New York, everyone was recalled, only about a dozen chose to come back. I think management was shocked by that, they expected guys to "come a runnin" back, like they always did, on top of that guys were quitting, when they went to hire they weren't too happy with the response even though its a step three station, the only people they could get were from Eagle, and Delta.
So yes overall headcount, especially in OH continues to plummet, but they need to hire off the street in NY and LAX because some guys would rather take the street than move, as they get higher and higher up the list in Tulsa the rate of people refusing to bump will likely increase, DFW has relatively high seniority, not that guys in Tulsa don't have more, but due to the Juniority system that they have repeatedly voted in they don't get to exercise their seniority in a RIF, they have to go where the Junior man in the system, well if places like NY and LAX are hiring then obviously that's where the Junior people are.
Since the Rifs in Tulsa will happen in ripples, not huge waves attrition will keep NY and LAX low in seniority, guys in those areas and AFW will keep the transfer list to DFW full, so DFW wont be seeing any new hires, that's why I say if you are in Tulsa and are considering DFW then transfer when you can and don't wait for a RIF.
Lets say you are 55 in Tulsa and you have 30 years. If your options are NY or retire what makes more sense if when you want to retire you want to stay in Tulsa? Its not like these riffs are being driven by a fall in demand due to the economic cycle, these rifs will likely be long term, as far as a 55 year old is concerned-Permanent. So do you retire, start collecting your pension and take a $15/hr job at Home depot for the benefits, or do you commute and pay for a second place to live and stay with AA? Financially, retiring and taking the Home Depot job makes more sense. Collect $2500/month pension from AA and another $2600 a month from Home Depot for a total of $5600/month working just 40 hours plus maybe an hour a day for commuting, or stay with AA where you will earn $5800 a month, layout at least $1500/month for a basement apartment in Queens and wonder every morning if your car will still be where you parked it after looking for a half an hour for a place to park it, then commute around 2 hours each day and 15 hours RT to go home to Tulsa on your days off. In other words putting in at least 60 or more hours a week, and only getting paid for 40, if you put the extra 20 hours in at the Tulsa Home depot you could add another $2000 to your monthly income and go home every night. The stress would also likely take a huge toll on your health. I just don't see very many old guys bumping to NY or LAX, if they do, I see one Winter and they will have their papers in to retire. Put it this way at 52 I would not even go to Tulsa from NY if I was riffed, coming the other way is much harder.