Our plan

Freedom freedom freedom,
sounds like a little f/a hottie broke your heart long ago.

"we either succeed or we fail" gee did you think of that all by yourself. I'm a glass is half full kinda person. so If they shut the

doors tomorrow trust me I won't be crying in my beer. Your dougs biggest cheerleader , but for some reason you seem to have

your doubts in that the "the great man " can pull us out of this tailspin. And as far as my head goes . Well . I'll just let the pass

on the account your a complete idiot . You just enjoy getting folks all worked up with the sky is falling bit . You got your raise

go spent your extra 24 dollars a day before taxes and let the people that are suppose to be getting paid to run the company , run it.
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  • #17
Yes , it’s RANING money in my world O-man , I won’t DENY it , everyday is a cash money holiday !!!

However , I’m already preparing myself for a trip to your old BK contract mentally … I’m also VERY aware that while , TODAY may be a cash money holiday , a year and a half from now if we don’t do something our doors could shut for good , and then what good is this “new “ contract …

I HOPE that doug parker will be able to save/lead our airlines , but it would be somewhat foolish to place everything on him … much like our union I don’t believe that we should rely solely on our union leaders .. A union is only as strong as it’s membership , this is something that I learned here in PHX , much like a union , this company is only as strong as it’s workers …

If they shut our doors tomorrow you WILL be crying , crying because of the cost of everything and your inability to find a good job , or even A job … We ALL have it good in this industry , as hard as things are , I want everyone to imagine themselves in a 9 - 5 …. If 9-5’s were that good everyone who bitches on here would have quit yesterday to get one …

No O-man , the sky IS falling , it would be far better of us if it was the price of OIL rather than the sky …

Face facts man , look AROUND you , look at the other airlines struggling and DYING … that could be US if we’re not careful and prudent , if we don’t put forth our best foot this could be us airways last chapter , hell the fat lady could be warming up right now … lol
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  • #21
It is regardless, not irregardless......

ir·re·gard·less [ìrri grdləss]
(nonstandard) See regardless

[Early 20th century. Origin uncertain: probably a blend of irrespective and regardless .]

Nonstandard usage:

A moment’s thought will reveal that since the prefix ir- means “notâ€￾ (as it does in irrespective), and the suffix -less means “without,â€￾ irregardless is an illogical double negative. As such it is to be avoided, in favor of irrespective or regardless.

i prefer the non standard usage .
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  • #22
o-man , you have a way of getting me off track , come on , let’s get FIRED UP , about helping out our PAX and making our airline run property ….

We could get 150 cash money , and I KNOW everyone needs it with the price of gas ….

Also another side benefit could be our airlines survival …

Come on , let’s see your game face!! :)
Fine , lets have it out O-man …

About the pilots and FA’s ..

Personally I think the FA’s are WEAK , very very WEAK … there is NO excuse for them to have gone this long without a contract ,, I’d LOVE to hear why they don’t have a new one , and if they simply blame it on their union leadership then that’s just sad .. Where were their wild cat strikes , sick outs , slow downs , did they do anything to make the news other than being bitches to the PAX ? I bet not , pure utter weakness ….

As for the pilots , their civil war has cost them this go round in negotiations , they haven’t made any progress and they won’t for quite sometime ….

Want to know something even MORE sad , even IF the pilots and FA’s could get their #### together , it’s too late , the train has left the station …. Do you hear that hissing sound ? That’s the air coming out of the fake reality world bubble … cause in the REAL world all of the major airlines are heading into a black pit of nothingness , right now it’s a game of last man standing …. The fa’s won’t get ANYTHING done , hell even the rest of us might return to our BK contracts .. And that would be the GOOD news , short of closing our doors for good and being unemployed during what is expected to be the worst recession in the last 50 years ….

See here O-man , our options aren’t open , we either succeed or we fail , and this time failure could carry a VERY high price , there’s NO guarantee that we could enter into BK and then come back out ….

you’ve let complacency rule you , you think just because you’ve survived two or three BK’S that you can’t lose your job and that things can’t take a horrible turn for the worst for everyone …. Your still stuck in some sort of time loop…. Well I’ve got SHOCKING news for you , the credit that a lot of companies that go into bankruptcy use to get OUT of it , has dried up … no one in their right mind will lend us airways MONEY , why ? So they can lose their investment again to BK ? Nah , ain’t gonna happen ..

You either get your head in the game NOW , or you can go down to your local wal mart and pick up an app with the rest of us .
ok dude. you have crossed the line. you don't know what the f your talking about . and need to go away seriously . itend to defend some of managemnts decisions but when you say that the f/a are weak because we still don't have a contract. then you obviously are out of the loop. don't talk aobut what you do not know.
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  • #25
ok dude. you have crossed the line. you don't know what the f your talking about . and need to go away seriously . itend to defend some of managemnts decisions but when you say that the f/a are weak because we still don't have a contract. then you obviously are out of the loop. don't talk aobut what you do not know.

Your right I DON’T know what I’m talking about , fill me in why DON’T you have a contract ?

Also , could you mention some work actions the FA’S have taken in the past few years if their fed up , from reading some of the posts it SEEMS like the FA’S are fed up , are they ? Or are they happy and content
Freedom is definitely drunk on Dougie's Kool-Aid! :down:

As for the flight attendants, DON'T EVEN GO THERE! You really don't have any idea what you are talking about or why negotiations are taking so long so do us all a favor and leave us :censored: alone! MYOB!!!!!!