On-time performance

jcw said:
Exactly why work hard that's crazy
No, the point was why work hard for $50 which will have taxes deducted from it before distribution.  I went to the grocery store yesterday, and some sandwich meat, two loaves of bread, a jar of spaghetti sauce, a box of pasta, a dozen eggs, and a bag of cat food cost almost $60.
We can all point the finger at someone else as the reason why the flights don't go out on time.  If you don't work for the airline, your opinion is based on incomplete information.  But, as with other noted posters here, you do not allow others to confuse you with facts.
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jimntx said:
No, the point was why work hard for $50 which will have taxes deducted from it before distribution.  I went to the grocery store yesterday, and some sandwich meat, two loaves of bread, a jar of spaghetti sauce, a box of pasta, a dozen eggs, and a bag of cat food cost almost $60.
We can all point the finger at someone else as the reason why the flights don't go out on time.  If you don't work for the airline, your opinion is based on incomplete information.  But, as with other noted posters here, you do not allow others to confuse you with facts.
Excellent - we should work extra hard delivering a sub-par on-time performance (aka work hard to prevent on-time departures) to the customer who pays us and keep up the fight with management - seems to be working well - keep up the fight
OldGuy@AA said:
I'll go another direction.  Interesting how they don't like being "Pushed" but are not concerned about acft being flown to Asia or South America for overhaul.  This is just more BS from pampered pilots.  If they were really concerned about safety they would be up in arms about outsourced maintenance.  But not a peep about that.  They got their pay day so they don't care what they fly or how safe it is.  More or less they sold their souls for a 16.5% 401K match.  I couldn't care less about these spoiled prima donnas.  They wouldn't help us if their lives depended on it.  Their lives DO depend on it and they say nothing.  I challenge any pilot to say different.  Show me one time where they brought up outsourcing maintenance.  They have not.  This is just more BS they are trying to sell.  They have already shown that are not concerned about safety at all.  My heart bleeds for these self centered ego maniacs.
True this. The pilots have always been about the pilots. I do admire there representation though, its seems they keep that in mind in everything they do.
Im trying very hard to avoid listing the negatives about our representation. That would take the thread off topic.
As far as their triple play $50 bs, they can take it and put it somewhere.  No favors, no going over and above for the company.
You know old guy you should take your shared anger and hatred of the pilots to their forum. Bitching here about it won't solve anything because we are all AMT'S here. I agree with you 100%. But you need to discuss your opinions on their forum. That's where they post and read about their issues. I'm sure they care about us. They are not always about themselves. At departure time is when they put on that smile and say we are the best and thank you for fixing our aircraft so we can leave. Ask for a jumpseat in a pinch and you know how they will respond.
1AA said:
You know old guy you should take your shared anger and hatred of the pilots to their forum. Bitching here about it won't solve anything because we are all AMT'S here. I agree with you 100%. But you need to discuss your opinions on their forum. That's where they post and read about their issues. I'm sure they care about us. They are not always about themselves. At departure time is when they put on that smile and say we are the best and thank you for fixing our aircraft so we can leave. Ask for a jumpseat in a pinch and you know how they will respond.
On-time performance thread...not AMT or Pilots...come one come all to voice your concerns or displeasure!
the T storms on the East and Mid Atlantic  dont help  and since monday here in my station...its been very horrendous    Example.. 2248  MD80  scheduled to depart 1505 for DFW   left today... yes today.. at or close to 9am..     almost every orign was delayed  and our red eye from phx..522 came in around 735am   but out bound to clt was 845 moved to almost 12p
on the other hand...  the maintainence delays have been far worse on LAA side vs LUS side   and the crews on the AA side are horrible when compared to LUS crews     its been horrendous.   in fact we were told by our mgmt group we have hit the worse buttons for all the metrics    yet we are told we are over staffed.... we are like...REALLY???   Weve lost around 30 peeps over the course of the last 4 yrs  and not one dam person replaced  yet we are over staffed   and being in an outlining city like ours we do more work   less peeps   dont know what the hell corporate peeps and our mgmt are smoking but i dont think i want to know either.
On-time performance thread...not AMT or Pilots...come one come all to voice your concerns or displeasuttelk him to tre!
Did I not say for him to take it over to the pilots forum?
jcw said:
Excellent - we should work extra hard delivering a sub-par on-time performance (aka work hard to prevent on-time departures) to the customer who pays us and keep up the fight with management - seems to be working well - keep up the fight
 Not gonna work extra hard to deliver anything or nothing, whether it be on time or not,  I protect my certification and the pax. If I hurry to meet "their clock" and break something, they will blame me, so no hurrying up here ever. I take my time, do it right, follow the established approved procedures.  Their clock makes no difference to me and does not figure into any equation. I receive my assignment and go work it in a timely manner, after that, everything is on me.
1AA said:
Did I not say for him to take it over to the pilots forum?
You missed my point...This thread can be used to talk to or about the Pilots, AMT's or Fleet...Hence, come one come all. This is not a work group (AMT) specific thread or are they the only ones here. The article actually  was posted about the pilots by anti labor and pro management jcw.
So in reality, you have a little bit of everyone here to vent and show your hatred (your word not mine) for the pilots. That's all my previous post was trying to say.
You missed my point...This thread can be used to talk to or about the Pilots, AMT's or Fleet...Hence, come one come all. This is not a work group (AMT) specific thread or are they the only ones here. The article actually  was posted about the pilots by anti labor and pro management jcw.
So in reality, you have a little bit of everyone here to vent and show your hatred (your word not mine) for the pilots. That's all my previous post was trying to say.
AANOTOK you bring up a good point.  I have no hatred for the pilots or anyone else.  I am disappointed that they have chosen this instead of outsourced maintenance to rally around.  If they would just make a stand on something that is actually safety sensitive we could work together.  Evidently they don't care about safety conscientious maintenance.
DallasConehead said:
 Not gonna work extra hard to deliver anything or nothing, whether it be on time or not,  I protect my certification and the pax. If I hurry to meet "their clock" and break something, they will blame me, so no hurrying up here ever. I take my time, do it right, follow the established approved procedures.  Their clock makes no difference to me and does not figure into any equation. I receive my assignment and go work it in a timely manner, after that, everything is on me.
Amen.  The "work rules" only apply when it's convenient to write someone up.  For instance, the door at the top of the jetbridge by written procedure is supposed to be closed 10 minutes before scheduled departure; so that the a/c door can be closed 5 minutes prior to scheduled departure.  Problem:  rather than have the passengers screaming and yelling at them, the gate agents allow people down to the airplane AFTER scheduled departure, and then write up the flight attendants as the cause of the delay because we didn't have overhead bin space for the last minute passengers.  And, that's when we let them know 10 minutes before end of regular boarding that we had no more bin space.  But, then for some reason, even when a passenger has a standard roll-a-board bag, his backpack containing a 6-man tent and a camp stove qualifies as a "small personal item." LOL
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So true on the "small bags" it seems like folks are allowed on with their entire house :)
jimntx said:
Amen.  The "work rules" only apply when it's convenient to write someone up.  For instance, the door at the top of the jetbridge by written procedure is supposed to be closed 10 minutes before scheduled departure; so that the a/c door can be closed 5 minutes prior to scheduled departure.  Problem:  rather than have the passengers screaming and yelling at them, the gate agents allow people down to the airplane AFTER scheduled departure, and then write up the flight attendants as the cause of the delay because we didn't have overhead bin space for the last minute passengers.  And, that's when we let them know 10 minutes before end of regular boarding that we had no more bin space.  But, then for some reason, even when a passenger has a standard roll-a-board bag, his backpack containing a 6-man tent and a camp stove qualifies as a "small personal item." LOL
Intentional or not, this situation (D-10, D-5) inevitably creates a potentially hostile situation between the crew and the station.
LUS had a policy of closing the door at D-10, and it was a good policy in my mind. I don't do that job, but my impression was that it was only done at D-10 IF all passengers (including non revs) were already boarded. Maybe a CSR or gate agent can confirm or deny this.
Either way, I would encourage both sides of the door to be considerate of the other. And don't let management off the hook, communicate the truth when a flight is delayed. I know that I am generally a naive person and see things from a very simplistic perspective, but come on, isn't boarding and departure like the most basic thing that we do in relation to our customers/passengers?   
I've had only the rarest occasions of poor treatment by agents and FAs (maybe twice or three times over the course of 18 years), and appreciate the job that both groups perform. I hope that everyone can find a way to keep it amicable.