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Old Commercial Jingles

Too bad no one could find the Old Piedmont commercial with McClain Stevens and him fishing or the USAir one with the grandfather and little boy watching the plane take off. Those were classics. If anyone can find them please post.
That would be great. I know it made a lot of people cry.
Did you know Stevenson actually came all around the system--even res to say hello to everyone and did not get paid for his commercial?? It seems USAir helped him get to his father when he was dying and got him there--and the station employee drove him to the hospital--in time to be with his father when he passed away.
Yea and the girls in the hot pants didn't hurt either. Actually one of them came to res.
These are awesome commercials. I know times are tough. I really wish US would do some advertising. It really is the only way the customer's and employee's know what the airline is trying to accomplish... And if the goal really is to become a "pay for play" model, then advertise that. Right now, the customers just think the airline sucks. They don't understand the model. They dont understand why it is better. Teach the customers to understand WHY ala carte is better. How ala carte makes the tickets cheaper... (if it does).

We're a nation for the most part with a very short attention span, very little patience, and very little common sense. At this point in time, people just think US is just trying to rip them off.
These are awesome commercials. I know times are tough. I really wish US would do some advertising. It really is the only way the customer's and employee's know what the airline is trying to accomplish... And if the goal really is to become a "pay for play" model, then advertise that.

The current management and marketing regime at US Airways has NO concept of how to market this airline. Doug and Scooter have repeatedly said over and over that we will not advertise because of the costs involved. Well, guess what...the public only knows about US Airways from the abysmal customer service ratings we generate, outside surveys where we rank dead last, and poor perception by simple word of mouth from disappointed customers.

As for knowing what the airline is trying to accomplish and it's goals...again a failure on the part of our management team as they give the illusion that they have no idea what they are doing either!

Right now, the customers just think the airline sucks. They don't understand the model. They dont understand why it is better. Teach the customers to understand WHY ala carte is better. How ala carte makes the tickets cheaper... (if it does).

At this point in time, people just think US is just trying to rip them off.

The public is spot on with their viewpoints and thoughts about US. We are UNCOMPETITIVE with every other air carrier flying in the worst way. If people think they are being ripped off, they probably are. :down: