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Oil prices going to the century mark


You've got some "raw nerve endings" there buddy boy.

Socialist senator ?? NO thats VT. I'm in New Hampshire.
(Our state motto, by the way is "Live FREE, or DIE") (That has MANY different Interpetations)

Church and State ???
I've have had MANY Jewish friends in these 61 years, and NOT ONCE...NOT ONCE did any of their Rabbi's come preaching this MANIFEST DESTINY BS, that your spouting. THE same Manifest Destiny #### you percecuted millions of INDIANS with, in this so called "Land of the Free"
(George Armstrong Custer/The little Big Horn, my A$$)

The American way of life ?????
I can think of 4 other countries, right off the top of my head, that are Very Good Country's. Superb health care etc.
1. Australia
2. New Zealand
3. Canada
4. Iceland

Speaking of Canada. Think back ten years ago when Everyone was putting down the Canadian health care system.

By the way, are you satisfied with your health plan ?

Religious ZEALOTS does'nt "JUST" describe Muslims !

BLIND Patriots.
There IS a reason that MANY grunts in the Army, come from places like georgia/arkansas/and alabama :blink:


Obviously you have a problem with religion. Look bud this country was founded by religious people - more specifically Christians. So don't try and compare MODERN Christians to todays scourge on earth muslims. Christianity went through a reformation years ago where islam hasn't. Absolutly no comparison!
Personally, I don't give a hoot what Chavez is preaching, as long as we get cheap oil, buy it.

Okay, that is a bit oversimplified, however, until this country decides on a sustainable course vis a vis oil, then I really do not see why we should not strike a deal with Chavez. As someone else has already said, Chavez or the Saudis, they are equally bad.

Besides, we were friendly with Saddam when he was fighting Iran, we supported OBL when he was fighting the Russians, the list of despots and hoodlums we have supported in recent times makes Chavez look like a saint.

So for now, make a deal, get cheap oil, but keep working like mad to make this country less dependent on outside oil!

What is NOT "T-I-C" are the facts that the Army, as was correctly portrayed in fahrenheit 911, was that "they" sign up a ton of kids who's futures appear to be not to promising.

Is it an actual fact or is it a "fact" becasue you and Michael Moore say so. Also please define a "ton". Do you mean the majority or just a "lot". If you mean the majority then I have to point out to you that the "facts" say otherwise. Most recuits come from the middle income brackets. If you doubt me look it up yourself. Also from personal experience I can tell you this is true. Are there those from disadvantage backgrounds, yes there are. However to try and portray those who serve as a bunch poor saps who have no other options is dishonest at best.


For the record, I'm a STAUNCH supporter of US soldiers in Afganistan !!!!!!


You mean those grunts from states like Alabama, Arkansas and Georgia.

I stand by my opinion, that RELIGIOUS ZEALOTS(of ANY STRIPE), and BLIND PATRIOTS, can be, DANGEROUS people !!

Ahhh, all this "back in forth" is a waste of out time anyway, because as I look at the clock, "48" hours from now, things are going to CHANGE Noticeably in Washington.
(THANK GOD) !!!!!!!!!!!

NHBB, you REAALLY are an idiot lately.

Thanks to Richard Nixon, there are more college grads in the military today than ever before. When you sit here and say they're unedjumakated rednecks, you simply drive in the fact that John Kerry really didn't botch his joke.

Having lived on the east coast and in the south, I've found people in the south have a far better sense of patriotism and loyalty to their country than those on the east coast, and would rather see a bunch of rednecks with guts defending us than a bunch of Ivy League Yankee pantywaists who think that the US can be isolationist and that diplomacy is the only answer.

This election very well may swing in the Dems favor, but I guess it's sort of like allowing a fire to burn down a perfectly good forest once in a while -- a new batch of Republicans almost always seems to grow from the ashes left behind when the Dems f*** things up.
NHBB, you REAALLY are an idiot lately.

Thanks to Richard Nixon, there are more college grads in the military today than ever before. When you sit here and say they're unedjumakated rednecks, you simply drive in the fact that John Kerry really didn't botch his joke.

Having lived on the east coast and in the south, I've found people in the south have a far better sense of patriotism and loyalty to their country than those on the east coast, and would rather see a bunch of rednecks with guts defending us than a bunch of Ivy League Yankee pantywaists who think that the US can be isolationist and that diplomacy is the only answer.
This election very well may swing in the Dems favor, but I guess it's sort of like allowing a fire to burn down a perfectly good forest once in a while -- a new batch of Republicans almost always seems to grow from the ashes left behind when the Dems f*** things up.


Talking about SCREWING Things up, answer me this.....Why is the "HOUSE" and possibly the SENATE "GOING" to go into the Democrat column ........????????

Obviously,because of the record stock market closings, (SUPPOSED)"High paying" jobs with stellar benefits,and a tremendous HEALTH CARE system, certainly CAN'T be the reason.

SO again, TELL US ..."WHY"......???????????????




Also, I want you "necks" to get to learn a new phrase, in regard to the US House of Representatives.

Are you ready ??.........OK, repeat after me......"MADAM SPEAKER"
Are you ready ??.........OK, repeat after me......"MADAM SPEAKER"

NH/BB's: YOU THINK THAT IS SOMETHING TO CHEER ABOUT? Having Nancy Pelosi third in line for the throne?
You think Bush is dumb?
If Pelosi were any smarter, she would be ignorant!

Whatever happens this election, whoever controls the house and senate, it will be so close, nothing much is going to change.

I stand by my opinion, that RELIGIOUS ZEALOTS(of ANY STRIPE), and BLIND PATRIOTS, can be, DANGEROUS people !!

I was not addressing your comments about "religous zealots". For the simple reason I stay away from that subject with a ten foot pole.


I stand by my opinion, that RELIGIOUS ZEALOTS(of ANY STRIPE), and BLIND PATRIOTS, can be, DANGEROUS people !!

Ahhh, all this "back in forth" is a waste of out time anyway, because as I look at the clock, "48" hours from now, things are going to CHANGE Noticeably in Washington.
(THANK GOD) !!!!!!!!!!!

Is it a waste of time for the reason you stated or because you know I'm right?
Talking about SCREWING Things up, answer me this.....Why is the "HOUSE" and possibly the SENATE "GOING" to go into the Democrat column ........????????

Obviously,because of the record stock market closings, (SUPPOSED)"High paying" jobs with stellar benefits,and a tremendous HEALTH CARE system, certainly CAN'T be the reason.

SO again, TELL US ..."WHY"......???????????????

Also, I want you "necks" to get to learn a new phrase, in regard to the US House of Representatives.

Are you ready ??.........OK, repeat after me......"MADAM SPEAKER"

You really are nuckin futs.....

If everybody thought like you, nobody would be working. We would all just sit back and let the government take care of us. Just keep telling us how we are all victims, how we have been marginalized, and bada bing - you have our vote.

PS: Don't count your chickens before they're hatched. Remember, Dems win polls, Republicans win elections.
Obviously you have a problem with religion. Look bud this country was founded by religious people - more specifically Christians. So don't try and compare MODERN Christians to todays scourge on earth muslims. Christianity went through a reformation years ago where islam hasn't. Absolutly no comparison!

I didnt realize that the native americans where Christians...hum
You really are nuckin futs.....

If everybody thought like you, nobody would be working. We would all just sit back and let the government take care of us. Just keep telling us how we are all victims, how we have been marginalized, and bada bing - you have our vote.

Like we did under Bill Clinton who created more new high paying jobs than under any other president. How we turned from a deficit to a budget surplus that had us on track to pay of the national debt, to be masters of our own domain rather than being owned by foreign governments in particular the Chinese.
PS: Don't count your chickens before they're hatched. Remember, Dems win polls, Republicans win elections.
I think you mean they Gerry Mander districts and created a fraudulent for profit voting system.
Obviously you have a problem with religion. Look bud this country was founded by religious people - more specifically Christians. So don't try and compare MODERN Christians to todays scourge on earth muslims. Christianity went through a reformation years ago where islam hasn't. Absolutly no comparison!
The statement shows your complete lack of understanding about this countrys formation and religons in general.

On the contrary people who fight for the separation of religion are fighting for its protection and for the stability of the political process. This country was not founded on Christianity and the founding fathers who were mainly free masons made great effort in writing to point that out. Take The Constitution a secular document, nowhere does it appeal to God, Christianity, Jesus, or any supreme being. The first amendment states that Congress shall make NO law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

The founding fathers time and again went to great lengths to make certain that people knew and had reference to that this country was again Not founded on the Christian religion or in fact any other. This written in the Treaty with Tripoli read before the congress in 1797 and signed by president Adams, one of the original founding fathers of this great country. As stated in the Constitution, Article, VI, Sect. 2: "This Constitution, and the laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuance thereof, and all treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the United States, shall be the supreme law of the land; and the judges in every State shall be bound thereby, anything in the constitution or laws of any State to the contrary notwithstanding."

The only people making arguments as to the US being founded on Christianity and the religious fanatical who want control of people politics and this country. Truly right minded and truly religious people would not want the government in their religion or place of worship.
Talking about SCREWING Things up, answer me this.....Why is the "HOUSE" and possibly the SENATE "GOING" to go into the Democrat column ........????????

We'll know in about 24 hours, but I suspect one reason why the Dems are leading in the polls is because the DNC made a conscious effort to make this election a referendum on George Bush, and not about any other issue.

That's a great short term strategy which may swing the election in more than a few races, but it's going to eventually backfire on them in two years because as soon as Bush isn't there as a whipping horse, people will start to see that the Dem's really don't have a plan for addressing most of the issues they're blasting Bush for.

Still, polls showed John Kerry and Al Gore winning the past two elections in a lot of states which eventually voted for Bush, so I'd hold off on celebrating too early.
We'll know in about 24 hours, but I suspect one reason why the Dems are leading in the polls is because the DNC made a conscious effort to make this election a referendum on George Bush, and not about any other issue.
The Dems did something different, something unique and worked out a 50 state strategy VS. their old way of fighting where they were strong and finding a few weak GOP races. The Dems didn't need to make W the issue he did it himself. The fact that a majority of the people running don't want to be seen with him is very telling as well.

True conservatives are calling for people to vote Dem in order to end this one party rule, the lack of over sight and accountability.

Bill Clinton recently said "The Democratic Party has become the liberal and conservative party in America. If you want to be fiscally conservative, you've got to be for us. If you want to conserve natural resources, you've got to be for us," he said. "If you want a change of course in Iraq ... you've got to be for us."

It is the Dems who want smaller government, streamlined committees and federal government more accountable to its responsibilities. What we have had is an unprecedented growth in government size and payroll, no accountability and a consistent weakening of regulations and over sight.

That's a great short term strategy which may swing the election in more than a few races, but it's going to eventually backfire on them in two years because as soon as Bush isn't there as a whipping horse, people will start to see that the Dem's really don't have a plan for addressing most of the issues they're blasting Bush for.
Day One: Put new rules in place to "break the link between lobbyists and legislation."

Day Two: Enact all the recommendations made by the commission that investigated the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.

Time remaining until 100 hours: Raise the minimum wage to $7.25 an hour, maybe in one step. Cut the interest rate on student loans in half. Allow the government to negotiate directly with the pharmaceutical companies for lower drug prices for Medicare patients.

Broaden the types of stem cell research allowed with federal funds _ "I hope with a veto-proof majority," she added in an Associated Press interview Thursday.

All the days after that: "Pay as you go," meaning no increasing the deficit, whether the issue is middle class tax relief, health care or some other priority.

To do that, she said, Bush-era tax cuts would have to be rolled back for those above "a certain level." She mentioned annual incomes of $250,000 or $300,000 a year and higher, and said tax rates for those individuals might revert to those of the Clinton era.

Still, polls showed John Kerry and Al Gore winning the past two elections in a lot of states which eventually voted for Bush, so I'd hold off on celebrating too early.
As long as they have an activist supreme court to suppress the vote, a debold machine a minibar key and an out come far from the exit polls, the elections will be suspect.

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