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Oil Contrarian Sees Bubble Ready To Burst


It's tough on you when I predicted Crude Oil prices would fall and you cannot stand it when I am right and you are wrong (again). You twist information with only part of my comments, similar to some of your ALPA colleagues, to try and prove a point. Each of my points you listed were made at different trading periods, thus the sentiment changes day-to-day due to market conditions.

What's true today could be different tomorrow, especially in the commodity markets. I'm not a market timer, but I do understand fundamental, technical, and sentiment analysis. Maybe you should trade the markets and then you would understand market dynamics too.

What I find interesting is that you appear to have two different personalities. On the ALPA board you take a "hardline" approach and on the USaviation.com board its more "moderate and people concerned." Why the difference and hypocritical sentiment(s). Interesting, huh...

Instead of twisting information to try and discredit the poster, would you take a minute away from your "public sources" and give a detailed analysis on why Crude Oil prices have dropped 7 out of the last 8 trading days?

Today Bloomberg News wrote an interesting story on today's market action.

See Story

Bloomberg noted This "could be the death knell of the frenzy that sent us to records a few weeks ago," said Jason Schenker, an analyst with Wachovia Corp. in Charlotte.

BoeingBoy, how can that be?


USA320Pilot said:
You try and twist information with only part of my comments, similar to some of your ALPA colleagues, to try and prove a point.
They aren't your ALPA colleagues too? Or did something change?

I should have been more succinct and reiterated ALPA "hardliners" or what is referred to as "malcontents" as his colleagues. These are the angry and bitter pilots and I am not part of that crowd.

I do not carry anger and bitterness, but on the ALPA Message Board BoeingBoy does.

My sentiment and approach is that I want the best for every US Airways stakeholder: stockholders, customers, and employees alike. There is a time to take a hard line stance to boost pay and benefits and there is a time to limit your losses, which some people do not understand. However, there is never a time to be disrespectful or twist information to discredit or shoot the mesenger.


whlinder said:
They aren't your ALPA colleagues too? Or did something change?
<_< Was that a slip of the key? Maybe USA is not what he would like you to think he is??? Management maybe????? :shock:
More like management wannabe.

He will attack Jim, because Jim shows him to be wrong and shows the board what he really is.
Actually, we see Jim for what he is very clearly.

As we do you, too, USA320Pilot.

It's all quite clear.
USA320Pilot said:

What I find interesting is that you appear to have two different personalities. On the ALPA board you take a "hardline" approach and on the USaviation.com board its more "moderate and people concerned." Why the difference and hypocritical sentiment(s). Interesting, huh...



deleted by moderator

Having met you in person, you, epitimize "its all about me". Your comments, again in person, like "I'm in the top 3rd of the seniority list, they can't touch me", or "the bottom third can kiss their job good-bye", and at the time" I've got less than 9 years left, after that I could care less what happens to this place" are self serving, pathetic, and disgustiing. You are a disgrace to the profession.

Thanks for participating in the forum, but with all due respect I believe your post crosses the line of proper decorum. If you are going to insult people, do you have the courage to identify yourself?

In regard to your post, your comments are false and you know it, but I expect nothing less from a "coward" who insults people behind a user name and does not identify himself or herself. Are we angry and bitter too? I will not even dignify you with a public debate because you obviously do not understand respect, which is something my 7-year old does. Maybe you should try to learn from kids.

deleted by mod

Best regards,

Really? What is YOUR name then? Why don't you post it? I see you posted it as USA320Pilot.......Is that your biblical name?
Yeah A320pilot ... could you please PM me with your name, address, phone #, social security number, and any other personal information (like some credit card #s) you feel free sharing with some anonymous nut case on the internet when you have a moment ... just to prove you're not afraid of identifying who you are and all.
And then we'll meet.....whatcha gonna do? Beat us up? Get a grip.

You and I (and all of us) are little specks in the pie (although you have some serious ego problems and believe you are actually worth something) If I told you my name, address and serial number, something tells me you would wet your pants and run away.

Be gone little boy, before someone drops a house on you!
USA320Pilot said:
In regard to your post, your comments are false and you know it, but I expect nothing less from a "coward" who insults people behind a user name and does not identify himself or herself. Are we angry and bitter too? I will not even dignify you with a public debate because you obviously do not understand respect, which is something my 7-year old does. Maybe you should try to learn from kids.

However, please send me a PM with your identity because I would like to talk to you in person, if you have the courage.

Best regards,

Who begged the moderators to change their board name after US Airways came out with the Ethics Policy and it contained a policy about the internet and identifying yourself as a US Airways Employee?
USA320Pilot said:

It's tough on you when I predicted Crude Oil prices would fall and you cannot stand it when I am right and you are wrong (again). You twist information with only part of my comments, similar to some of your ALPA colleagues, to try and prove a point. Each of my points you listed were made at different trading periods, thus the sentiment changes day-to-day due to market conditions.

What's true today could be different tomorrow, especially in the commodity markets. I'm not a market timer, but I do understand fundamental, technical, and sentiment analysis. Maybe you should trade the markets and then you would understand market dynamics too.

What I find interesting is that you appear to have two different personalities. On the ALPA board you take a "hardline" approach and on the USaviation.com board its more "moderate and people concerned." Why the difference and hypocritical sentiment(s). Interesting, huh...

Instead of twisting information to try and discredit the poster, would you take a minute away from your "public sources" and give a detailed analysis on why Crude Oil prices have dropped 7 out of the last 8 trading days?

Today Bloomberg News wrote an interesting story on today's market action.

See Story

Bloomberg noted This "could be the death knell of the frenzy that sent us to records a few weeks ago," said Jason Schenker, an analyst with Wachovia Corp. in Charlotte.

BoeingBoy, how can that be?



Just Curious, oh wise one. How much money did you have on oil dropping? Were you dabbling in options as oil peaked? You are ALL over the place when it comes to opinions... We'll on second thought, the only times you've been consistant, YOU'VE BEEN WRONG (UCT....)

For the record, I've probably forgotten more about oil and mineral markets than you'll likely ever know (mineral prices on the way up for good? What a joke 🙄 ). While some of your comments on oil have been (impressively) insightful, to come on here and brag that your 'guess' (and it was a guess if you weren't betting money on it) was right is downright ludicrous. FWIW, I'm friends with one of the 15 or so guys who occupy the corporate planning department at Aramco. You know what? HE didn't know what would happen to oil prices or when it would happen. And I actually DID run all the numbers for oil futures options on the very day they peaked, but the risk wasn't worth the reward, so I was just guessing. <_<

Talked to 2 USAirways pilots this week on seperate occasions. (Great guys by the way.) Both based in New York. Both know Mr. C.M. aka USA320pilot. Both rolled their eyes at the mention of his name. (of course they MUST be malcontents. :blink: )

Every US pilot who knows him personally, has the same response. How can that be? :lol:

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