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$20 trillion man

Ifly2 said:
Wasn't it Cheney who said "Deficits don't matter"?

Why, yes, it was...
Who's been president for the past 7 years?
And who authorized spending the money..

And who demanded it be spent?
Ifly2 said:
And who authorized spending the money..

And who demanded it be spent?
Who's been president again?
The buck stops where?
Really, that is not how the budget process works

No one president can stop it

But I'm willing to watch the next guy try, and expect you to be equally critical when your boy becomes the $30 Trillion Man

Gotta' get 'im elected first though, and Hill's probably gonna' see that don't happen.

(Not a fan, won't vote for her, but that is the likely outcome...)
Ifly2 said:
Except that Obama didn't double the deficit, or the debt, all by his own self...
You are aware of Congress' role in spending money, yes?
Amd of course The People's demands that they do just that?
There is that "something" to do with your simple-minded Rush-ism
Blah, blah, blah....Just more excuses defending your Anointed One!

Congress, and the public have nothing to do with spending?

He's not mine and he's not annointed

That is Middle School Civics class
The Real "Anointed One"


Ted Cruz recently announced his intention to run for presidency, so its worthwhile to take a look back at the sort of environment that he comes from, and what his influencing beliefs are.

In a sermon last year, Rafael Cruz said that his son is among the evangelical Christians who are anointed as kings to take control of all sectors of society. This is a Christian dominionist agenda thats commonly called the Seven Mountains mandate: (1) Business; (2) Government; (3) Media; (4) Arts and Entertainment; (5) Education; (6) Family; and (7) Religion. If Seven Mountains is too abstract, Creeping Christofascism puts a much finer point to it.

In fulfilling the Seven Mountains Mandate, Rafael Cruz said that his son and other anointed kings would help bring about a prophesied great transfer of wealth from the wicked to the righteous gentile believer.
Ifly2 said:
The Real "Anointed One"


Ted Cruz recently announced his intention to run for presidency, so its worthwhile to take a look back at the sort of environment that he comes from, and what his influencing beliefs are.

In a sermon last year, Rafael Cruz said that his son is among the evangelical Christians who are anointed as kings to take control of all sectors of society. This is a Christian dominionist agenda thats commonly called the Seven Mountains mandate: (1) Business; (2) Government; (3) Media; (4) Arts and Entertainment; (5) Education; (6) Family; and (7) Religion. If Seven Mountains is too abstract, Creeping Christofascism puts a much finer point to it.

In fulfilling the Seven Mountains Mandate, Rafael Cruz said that his son and other anointed kings would help bring about a prophesied great transfer of wealth from the wicked to the righteous gentile believer.
Deflection garbage....
Who's been president for the past 7 years again?

South said O was the Anointed One

Merely pointing out the real Anointed One

Obama has, and he spent all that money his own self...

No help from Congress, or demands for silly services and stuff from the people

A real man would have just told everyone from US Treasury Bond holders all over the world to graammy living in her SS check to F off and just unilaterally quit writing the checks.

Can't wait to see that, if you can get one of your "real men", or The Anointed One, elected.


I am enough of a Libertarian and I can take the pain.

Not worried, or afraid.

Bring it on

Elect someone who will take control of the government, ignore the constitution, and just unilaterally eliminate the deficit spending and either confiscate enough wealth to pay off the debt, or default on it.

Go right ahead
Ifly2 said:

I am enough of a Libertarian and I can take the pain.

Not worried, or afraid.

Bring it on

Elect someone who will take control of the government, ignore the constitution, and just unilaterally eliminate the deficit spending and either confiscate enough wealth to pay off the debt, or default on it.

Go right ahead
Somehow i seriously doubt that.
If your squealing like a little b!tch now, you'll be squealing like a little b!tch then.
I'm not squealing

I'm good, family's good-looking everyone had good jobs or successful businesses, and health insurance, making more and working less than ever, Moe people are able to exercise their individual freedoms than ever...

I'm good

Still, if you can actually deal with what it would take to erase the debt, I can

We're all In this together, right?
It's you whining obammy obammy obammy

He ain't been perfect, or even great, but a damn sight better than W, and none of this hyper inflated crisis of the day deal you are so afraid of is the end of the world, the republic, life as we know it, civilization, or anything else.

It's been much worse, notably during the previous admin

Bottom line, crybaby
Ifly2 said:
It's you whining obammy obammy obammy

He ain't been perfect, or even great, but a damn sight better than W, and none of this hyper inflated crisis of the day deal you are so afraid of is the end of the world, the republic, life as we know it, civilization, or anything else.

It's been much worse, notably during the previous admin

Bottom line, crybaby

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