Once when I was attending one of my sons school outings I was sitting with some of the other parents. We introduced ourselves and began chi-tchatting. Of course the conversation led to, "Where do you work?" I replied, "I am an aircraft mechanic by trade but was recently laid off." This woman gets the most forlorn look on here face and says, "Oh, I am so sorry I didn't know. Will they be calling you back to work soon?" I say, "There's no telling, there is a couple of places I could go now but I think I will hang out here for the next month or two. This happens two or three times a year if I don't quit first. It’s just the nature of the industry. You get use to it after a while and sometimes look forward to it so you can draw unemployment. The unemployment isn't much but it does take care of my recreational needs."

. That woman looked at me like I was crazy.
So to answer your question Groundcontrol, I could care less. It would be just another day in this wonderful industry that I owe so much to the unions for.