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NWA tells attendants price of rejection

If anyone who has ever read this board ever had any doubts about your lack of character or Integrity you have surely confirmed it nicely with this little gym.
You have it wrong local, anyone who follows this board now has no doubts how hypocritical you guys are. I work, I pay my taxes, I get laid off, I collect my unemployment. What is wrong with that? How does that display a lack of character and integrity? On the other hand you union guys go on strike, literally walk off your jobs and when things don't go your way demand unemployment benefits. Then you have your union that is foolish enough to go on strike without a strike fund and spend no telling how much money in suing the state when they refuse to pay unemployment benefits. Talk about a lack of character and integrity and enormous amounts of hypocrisy.

that p!sses me off that scabs like you would live off of govt assistance… It sure is sad to see you are getting unemployment when you havent been laid off
Robbed, I do not get to collect unemployment when I quit a contract. I get it only when I get laid off from a contract. What about that did you not understand?

Unions made you a migrant worker?
How so?
You guys are the ones that say I owe everything I have in this profession to the unions. If they are responsible for my pay shouldn’t they be responsible for the instability of my paychecks as well?
Once when I was attending one of my sons school outings I was sitting with some of the other parents. We introduced ourselves and began chi-tchatting. Of course the conversation led to, "Where do you work?" I replied, "I am an aircraft mechanic by trade but was recently laid off." This woman gets the most forlorn look on here face and says, "Oh, I am so sorry I didn't know. Will they be calling you back to work soon?" I say, "There's no telling, there is a couple of places I could go now but I think I will hang out here for the next month or two. This happens two or three times a year if I don't quit first. It’s just the nature of the industry. You get use to it after a while and sometimes look forward to it so you can draw unemployment. The unemployment isn't much but it does take care of my recreational needs." :lol: . That woman looked at me like I was crazy. :lol:

So to answer your question Groundcontrol, I could care less. It would be just another day in this wonderful industry that I owe so much to the unions for. :lol: :lol:
She looked at you oddly...well, because YOU are odd. :eye: :wacko:
I'm sure she recognized you as a low life...wrench gypsy...probably feels sorry for your wife and especially your kids. I'm also sure she will make sure your kids do not mingle with hers. No way no how. :wacko:
It also amazes me that WE are not in the same industry. Because what you described is not my industry. Lets just say we are worlds apart, so please do us all a favor and get the hel! back to your low life way of living. You Felix are not what the majors are made of. I'm sure NWA management has already determined this. Its a shame it took a 1.1 Billion 1stQ loss to realize it.
PTO, I dont know how it works in DTW, but I do know that you have to be laid off to get unemployment. However, I have collected unemployment off and on since 2003 and PA allows you to collect it under several different circumstances and I think even if that is if you quit for a reason. your post makes it sound like you are on it that is why i put my post the way I did. I do apologize if you took it the wrong way but I felt that is how you implied it
PTO, I dont know how it works in DTW, but I do know that you have to be laid off to get unemployment. However, I have collected unemployment off and on since 2003 and PA allows you to collect it under several different circumstances and I think even if that is if you quit for a reason. your post makes it sound like you are on it that is why i put my post the way I did. I do apologize if you took it the wrong way but I felt that is how you implied it
robbed...he is a wrench gypsy...don't apologize for his path in life...he can't wait for the next lay off so he can collect unemployment...I feel real bad for the kids this man is raising and someday gonna unleash on this world. Hopefully the way he is teaching them, they will just freeload the rest of their lives off him. But I'm sure he's teaching them how to work enough to get by and then take what ever hand outs you can. pathetic...

ps....we would all like to see the pm he sent you.
ps....we would all like to see the pm he sent you.
I am sure that you know that posting PM's are not permitted in this forum. I however did write the PM and robbed does continue to bring it up will post it myself for you guys with his and the moderating teams permission. All you guys have to do is ask robbed and the moderating team.
I am sure that you know that posting PM's are not permitted in this forum. I however did write the PM and robbed does continue to bring it up will post it myself for you guys with his and the moderating teams permission. All you guys have to do is ask robbed and the moderating team.

You do not need 'permission' to post your 'own' PM.
Only the recipient, you ScabIdget! 😛
I am sure that you know that posting PM's are not permitted in this forum. I however did write the PM and robbed does continue to bring it up will post it myself for you guys with his and the moderating teams permission. All you guys have to do is ask robbed and the moderating team.
Oh. Are we becoming ethical about this? :huh:
PTO, I dont know how it works in DTW, but I do know that you have to be laid off to get unemployment.

I collected my unemployment from Michigan AFTER the AMFA filed a request to investigate nwa. If you are part of a LEGAL strike action you can get unemployment benefits in MI. It helps when the SCAB employer hires replacement SCABs months before the strike. They saw it our way.
You have it wrong local, anyone who follows this board now has no doubts how hypocritical you guys are. I work, I pay my taxes, I get laid off, I collect my unemployment. What is wrong with that? How does that display a lack of character and integrity?

QUOTE(PlayTheOdds @ May 17 2006, 04:51 PM)

Once when I was attending one of my sons school outings I was sitting with some of the other parents. We introduced ourselves and began chi-tchatting. Of course the conversation led to, "Where do you work?" I replied, "I am an aircraft mechanic by trade but was recently laid off." This woman gets the most forlorn look on here face and says, "Oh, I am so sorry I didn't know. Will they be calling you back to work soon?" I say, "There's no telling, there is a couple of places I could go now but I think I will hang out here for the next month or two. This happens two or three times a year if I don't quit first. It’s just the nature of the industry. You get use to it after a while and sometimes look forward to it so you can draw unemployment. The unemployment isn't much but it does take care of my recreational needs." . That woman looked at me like I was crazy.

So to answer your question Groundcontrol, I could care less. It would be just another day in this wonderful industry that I owe so much to the unions for.
Words spoken from your own pathetic SCAB mouth!

You look forward to being laid off in hopes of sitting around on your butt and mooching. If thats not bad enough you brag how it affords your selfish needs of self gratification to be met rather than your responsibilities. who pays the bills while your pissing away your handout Big man? The little lady who also has the responsibility of raising the children, caring for the homestead, etc..?

I always had a disdain for SCABS, but never did I realize just how lowly and fundamentally disgraceful they were until hearing it from their own mouths. Congratulations PTO, you have affirmed my well warranted disgust and animosity for you low life pieces of whale dung.
Words spoken from your own pathetic SCAB mouth!
You look forward to being laid off in hopes of sitting around on your butt and mooching. If thats not bad enough you brag how it affords your selfish needs of self gratification to be met rather than your responsibilities...

:lol: Do I detect a note of jealousy. I only like getting laid off if the timing is right. The company and I pay the states unemployment fund then you want to ridicule me for collecting on it? You have your union buddy Mr. Smith that collects it when he walks away from a perfectly good job and you think that is ok? Mr. Smith thinks the state ""saw it his way." Actually he was just bought by the Democrats. What a cheap whore. :lol:

...who pays the bills while your pissing away your handout Big man? The little lady who also has the responsibility of raising the children, caring for the homestead, etc..?...
For the most part yes she does. When I am away the majority of my money goes into savings. I handle the big stuff that comes up that consumes large amounts of lump sum cash like insurance renewals, property taxes, heavy vehicle maintenance and stuff like that. Her money is used for the month to month living expenses and her little hobbies and entertainment, plus she has her own savings account. Its nothing like mine but we do have a very balanced financial relationship. Like a month or so ago she missed three weeks of work because of an on going illness in the family and I am sure she is going to miss much more work because of this. Needless to say she came up short for the month, this is where I step in to take up the slack. Our financial arrangement works very well local and we are both satisfied with it so you can begin un-wading your panties.

I always had a disdain for SCABS, but never did I realize just how lowly and fundamentally disgraceful they were until hearing it from their own mouths. Congratulations PTO, you have affirmed my well warranted disgust and animosity for you low life pieces of whale dung.

Your affirmation is unwarranted local, the only thing you have affirmed is your unwarranted speculation is as worthless as your whale dung.
:lol: Do I detect a note of jealousy. I only like getting laid off if the timing is right.

Your affirmation is unwarranted local, the only thing you have affirmed is your unwarranted speculation is as worthless as your whale dung.
Jealousy... :lol: :lol: is that how you interpret it? your a pathetic SCAB gypsy who spends his years wondering to and fro begging for table scraps, while you dump the vast majority of child rearing and home building on your spouse. You brag of stealing another mans job, and boast how you like being unemployed if the timing is right.. :lol: WTF does that mean?.. when the fish are spawning? :lol: Your a LOSER SCAB boy! what the hell is there to be jealous of? My affirmation is very much warranted and Correct!

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