I'm hoping that some of the functionality of CATCREW will be transferred over to the new system. When I told you that you can look at loads and standby lists in RES, I did not tell you that you have to know the native RES commands that the gate agents use. There is no GUI overlay. It is not "user friendly". The main advantage to knowing and using these codes is it helps prevent situations such as mentioned above where agents are manipulating the standby list to get friends and family onboard out of standby order. Do not ever let an agent tell you that the standby list in RES is not the "real standby list." It is the ONLY valid standby list. If you know the RES codes you can print a copy and spot manipulation in a second when names are called out of order. A hard copy shown to a gate supervisor makes a lot of difference. A formal complaint filed with the company even more. I don't know about LUS, but at LAA manipulating the standby list as described above can result in termination.
(Make friends with a gate agent at your commuting stations. Chocolate is always a good starter. Tell them you are going to Starbucks and offer to bring them something. Then, treat them to it if they ask for something. Particularly on difficult days, this can earn you points for a long time. It has been my experience that simply offering to bring them something earns you points. We forget that agents are sometimes stuck at the podium for long stretches. If they are not working the flight you are getting on, they can still print you a copy of the standby list.)