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Non Rev from PHX to SEA on 8/16/07

It took PI/US approximately (Feb. '87 or was it Jan. Can't remember, to 8/5/89) 2.5 years from announcement to merger. Two more years after that that to really screw things up. And a lot of those same middle management morons are still trying to run the show.

I still remember Colodny coming to GSO in the summer of '89 and announcing there will be no more cancellations out of GSO. In which case his outbound cancelled due to lack of spare parts. Wishfull thinking and reality are 2 different things.

And ever since then it has been down hill in customer service. It wasn't for lack of trying on the employees part though. Then like now we don't have the tools to do our jobs. Individually and collectively. It just goes to show everyone that history does repeat itself. Over and Over and Over!!

It's so ironic that you bring up the Piedmont merger comparing it to this current mess everyone is in. You do remember that you all got pretty substantial pay raises, DOH, better benefits -- but it wasn't enough. You're missing Uncle Ed now aren't you?

It's so ironic that you bring up the Piedmont merger comparing it to this current mess everyone is in. You do remember that you all got pretty substantial pay raises, DOH, better benefits -- but it wasn't enough. You're missing Uncle Ed now aren't you?


Some of you guys are so funny. How fast the Allegheny crowd forgets their roots...

"Everyone wanted to grow," Colodny said. "To get bigger airplanes, to serve more cities. That was the nature of the beast. And Allegheny was one of 13 local service carriers that was highly restricted in where it could serve. It was not allowed to serve in large markets. Those were reserved for what they called trunk airlines, like United, TWA, Eastern, and Pan Am. We were the feeder system to those big airlines so. So we had to grow in a very constrained way."

It's so ironic that you bring up the Piedmont merger comparing it to this current mess everyone is in. You do remember that you all got pretty substantial pay raises, DOH, better benefits -- but it wasn't enough. You're missing Uncle Ed now aren't you?

I'd prefer not to look at where we ended up after all the "good" that we received.
It's so ironic that you bring up the Piedmont merger comparing it to this current mess everyone is in. You do remember that you all got pretty substantial pay raises, DOH, better benefits -- but it wasn't enough. You're missing Uncle Ed now aren't you?


Thats good. Pay raises? I was still on B-scale and got substantially nothing. DOH? Was still almost a new hire back then. So it really didn't matter or affect me. Benefits? The medical went to BCBS and was absolutely a nightmare. Especially dealing with my newborn sons problems. Sorry Uncle Ed was the problem along with his successor "Butch" Schofield.

The reason for the post is that a lot of Uncle Eds and Butch's minions are still around with still no clue how to run an airline. Hence the current mess compounded by Team Tempe.
I hate to say it but I believe this (the parking delay) to be because the crew did not realize SEA has a "self parking" system in place. It's not very big and if you do not know it is there then you would miss it and wait for the rampers to marshal you in. All the while the rampers are waiting for you to pull in...
I hate to say it but I believe this (the parking delay) to be because the crew did not realize SEA has a "self parking" system in place. It's not very big and if you do not know it is there then you would miss it and wait for the rampers to marshal you in. All the while the rampers are waiting for you to pull in...

You're probably right. But the announcement? IMO It was uncalled for. We have enough problems inhouse without getting our customers mixed up in it.
You're probably right. But the announcement? IMO It was uncalled for. We have enough problems inhouse without getting our customers mixed up in it.

Very true. Totally unprofessional. I really wonder if we can work this out... Too bad we did not have a chance to get to know each other under different cicumstances.
Very true. Totally unprofessional. I really wonder if we can work this out... Too bad we did not have a chance to get to know each other under different cicumstances.

Me too on working it out. I would look forward to get to know you too. Circumstances? They are of our own making. Just different points of view. We agree to disagree and go on. Has nothing to do with civility towards our coworkers. IMO.
Thats good. Pay raises? I was still on B-scale and got substantially nothing. DOH? Was still almost a new hire back then. So it really didn't matter or affect me. Benefits? The medical went to BCBS and was absolutely a nightmare. Especially dealing with my newborn sons problems. Sorry Uncle Ed was the problem along with his successor "Butch" Schofield.

The reason for the post is that a lot of Uncle Eds and Butch's minions are still around with still no clue how to run an airline. Hence the current mess compounded by Team Tempe.

Whatever. All I know is southern tantrums wasted a crap load of money during THAT merger. It's over it's done with. So, why keep bringing Piedmont up? Time to move on, man.

Whatever. All I know is southern tantrums wasted a crap load of money during THAT merger. It's over it's done with. So, why keep bringing Piedmont up? Time to move on, man.


Yea right whatever. I was too new to have any say over the tantrums. Really, Like I had some kind of control over money? Your right on about being over and done with. And you brought up the supposedly good deal I got. Which as explained IMO..... wasn't. So like then as now, I'm dealing with it.

I brought up the previous merger because the correlation is just too compelling.

Look around...... We have a mangement team that is clueless on how to run this place. Making the same mistakes we made back then. Plus the F/A mentioned at the start of the thread reminded me of the petty bickering back then as we have now. Which by your previous responses indicate it is still alive and well. Given we have common "problems".

I also bring it up as a point of reference. History does repeat itself. Over, and over and over. If we deny the past we are doomed to repeat it. Like now.
That was pretty low. Did any of the non-rev's comfront him during deplaning. All the employees in SEA are combined, and they are all great agents!
I have had nothing but great experiences at SEA both as a NON REV and a crew member.

The gates we have on the A concourse are boxed in. If someone (Southwest) pushes, our flights cannot get in or out until the departing aircraft clears the alley.
I have heard a handful of these announcements and I cringe. Just short of slapping my fellow crew members, I will not hesitate to biatch them out afterwards. Its unprofessional!! Lets not turn this into an East v. West thread. This guy obviously made a mistake and he probably is trailer.... don't hold the rest of us in the same light. We have some great ground people on the west however when I meet East agents that are on top of their game... They rule the school!
The one that I hate is the pilot announcing the flight during boarding:

"folks, welcome aboard the new US Airways, owned and operated by America West Airlines."

I'm constantly hearing horror stories about getting in or out of PHL, yet when I go through there, not problems at all. I think they deliberately make the story as bad as they can.

The rumor dejour at west is about a west crew walking through the concourse at CLT and someone on the PA says "west metal, GO HOME."

EAST vs WEST has to stop
I'm constantly hearing horror stories about getting in or out of PHL, yet when I go through there, not problems at all. I think they deliberately make the story as bad as they can.

Flying in and out of PHL might suck for a lot of reasons but I'm not convinced it's an East vs. West thing. All the hubs have their share of ground delays, baggage issues, and a percentage of customer service issues not handled with grace. It just seems magnified in PHL. With the exception of East employees glaring at West employees walking throught terminal (I really don't mind, I'll smile back and say "hello" to you anyway), the problems effect the East flights in PHL just as much as they effect the few West flights that pass through.
"folks, welcome aboard the new US Airways, owned and operated by America West Airlines."

The rumor dejour at west is about a west crew walking through the concourse at CLT and someone on the PA says "west metal, GO HOME."

EAST vs WEST has to stop

I heard about that before. Not good. Just continues to promote more animosity. Which today we need less of.

I hope that is only rumor. Can't say it didn't happen, but totally uncalled for. Just like the original post to start this thread.

Later Prater
I sincerely hope your intent wasn't to start another east vs. west battle, so I'm not even going to bite the bait. Sorry your experience was an unpleasant one.

I guess when you're right, you're right. Maybe instead of the west "third world aircraft" we should put more east aircraft like this on the line...

Happy trails!
Too bad you can't sit on the outside.

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