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Non Rev from PHX to SEA on 8/16/07

I have heard a handful of these announcements and I cringe. Just short of slapping my fellow crew members, I will not hesitate to biatch them out afterwards. Its unprofessional!! Lets not turn this into an East v. West thread. This guy obviusly made a mistake and he probably is trailer.... don't hold the rest of us in the same light. We have some great ground people on the west however when I meet East agents that are on top of their game... They rule the school!
Piedmont Aviation started scheduled passenger service in 1948, and All American Airways (precursor to Allegheny) followed a year later. PSA and the predecessor of Lake Central (Turner Airlines) also first carried paying passengers in 1949.
Robinson Airlines, which would become Mohawk, started scheduled passenger flights in upstate New York before any of the others, in 1945.
Even if one includes All American's initial experimental Air Mail operations (using hook-equipped Stinston Reliants to grab mail sacks without landing), then US Airways' history goes back only to 1938, not 1927.
all americsan airways was founded in 1937
Gee....when I read the original post I thought to myself "Failure on the part of management to operationally integrate the airline after 2 years; customers lose."
Gee....when I read the original post I thought to myself "Failure on the part of management to operationally integrate the airline after 2 years; customers lose."

It took PI/US approximately (Feb. '87 or was it Jan. Can't remember, to 8/5/89) 2.5 years from announcement to merger. Two more years after that that to really screw things up. And a lot of those same middle management morons are still trying to run the show.

I still remember Colodny coming to GSO in the summer of '89 and announcing there will be no more cancellations out of GSO. In which case his outbound cancelled due to lack of spare parts. Wishfull thinking and reality are 2 different things.

And ever since then it has been down hill in customer service. It wasn't for lack of trying on the employees part though. Then like now we don't have the tools to do our jobs. Individually and collectively. It just goes to show everyone that history does repeat itself. Over and Over and Over!!
I've traveled on both east and west planes a number of times and I've seen the good and bad on both sides. A stone should not be thrown at the east employees in SEA it needs to be thrown at the workers that were not doing their job by being ready to guide the plane into the gate. As far as the inflight, he needs to be fired. Being unprofessional is not acceptable period. If you are so unhappy and hate who you work for and with QUIT!!!! No one is making you stay.
I sincerely hope your intent wasn't to start another east vs. west battle, so I'm not even going to bite the bait. Sorry your experience was an unpleasant one.

I guess when you're right, you're right. Maybe instead of the west "third world aircraft" we should put more east aircraft like this on the line...

Happy trails!

516 went through D and is looking great in new fresh paint, has been for quite some time. We only had 3 or 4 more 73s that look that bad and they should be going through their D Checks very soon.

Happy Trails!
516 went through D and is looking great in new fresh paint, has been for quite some time. We only had 3 or 4 more 73s that look that bad and they should be going through their D Checks very soon.

Happy Trails!
THX for the info. I am tired of the Bagdad Express airplanes.
Aw, leave the kid alone, the poor guy probably has three teeth, couldn't hired at a real airline, and thinks Tuscon and Cancun are "seeing the world". If and when the work groups merge he will spend eternity on reserve in a 15 person crash pad in Queens, or get furloughed in the next merger round. This is the unprofessional, white trash, dumbed-down, childish mickey mouse type of carrying-on that America West management likes. Whatever.

US Airways has been around for 80 years, and will continue to be around in some form. Trailer trash like this and thier joke management are high turnover, and both will be gone soon.


What makes you think he was "white"?

I just returned from a "non rev" family trip from CLT to SEA with a connection in PHX. I have non reved on both East and West sides of this united "US" several times, but what I experienced on 8/16/07 on flight #71 really shocked me. After departing PHX it was pretty much an uneventfull flight until we arrived in SEA. After pulling up to the gate we were delayed in getting ground crews to marshal the aircraft to the parking position. I'm not sure of the problem encountered, but the only male flight attenendant on board made an announcement that there whould be a delay. After about another five minutes had passed the same male flight attendant made an announcement that the reason we were delayed getting to the gate was that USAirways "East" employees must be working the gate. Needless to say I, along with all the "East Non Revs", and most of the "paying" passengers were appalled. I am a loyal employee of this airline with more than 25 years of service starting with Piedmont Airlines. I have seen things that would make the most seasoned traveler shuddder, but what I wittnessed on this flight was beyond contempt. I hope that if the upper management of this airline reads this, please take note. From what I have observed as a profressional aircraft mechanic and as a passanger aboard "East" and "West" aircraft is that the "West" Stinks with a capital S. The "West" aircraft show their age from years of maintance in third world countries. The aircraft smell like piss and vomit from lack of cleaning. Your crews lack the basic skills to welcome and make the passengers feel at ease. I for one, was glad to get an "East" aircraft maintained by "East" mechanics and with a "East" crew who knew how to make the passengers feel like they had someone to trust with a friendly smile. One thing that I noticed after I crossed the "East" "West" threshold is the lack of personable people on the "West" side. We on the "East" may have gone through a lot of hurdles in our careers but I was glad to see that our professionalism put the "West" side to shame. So, to the crew member on flight # 71 from PHX to SEA on 08/06/07 who thought he had the last word on bad service, I think you should pick a different career where you can use your highly trained skills more effectively, like bussing tables.

With all due respect, you really should have bypassed this post and went directly to customer relations or inflight services with specific information. This is not tolerated in the west and most of the time it's just makes the rumor circle but never gets directly to the people that it needs to.
the workers that were not doing their job by being ready to guide the plane into the gate.
How about the managers that are in charge of staffing that allow the gate to be understaffed
As a west flight attendant, I do sincerely apologize. The vast majority of us would never, ever make this sort of announcement and I am sorry you had to hear it. We have a few bad apples on this side of the operation too, and unfortunately, all I can do is apologize for their rude behavior.

We need to unified in our fight against management to get the contract, operational improvements and inflight enchancements we desperately need and deserve. That sort of behavior just divides us even more and most of us out west know we need to be united! Again, I apologize.
With all due respect, you really should have bypassed this post and went directly to customer relations or inflight services with specific information. This is not tolerated in the west and most of the time it's just makes the rumor circle but never gets directly to the people that it needs to.
With all due respect, I have worked for this outfit(regardless of name, management, plane colors, etc.,) for long enough to know one thing for a fact, the squeaky wheel gets oil. What better way to let everyone know of the behavior of one employee than on this website. We have told this management team from day one of the problems with their decissions which all fall on deaf ears. Why do you think I whould trust them to take my simple complaint? The best I can hope for is that the FA which made the comments sees error in his ways and perhaps others will put down their sword and work as a united airline. Lets get over it folks and make something of our airline.

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