700UW said:
Keep begging for cards from the 10 mechanics that read this board.
You havent been able to do it in 50 years, and in the last year.
You know what the definition of insanity is?
Doing the same behavior over and over and expecting different results.
You keep trying to stay relevant in the airline industry you admittedly no longer work in with 31000+ posts
of nonsensical Iam Industrial Union drivel that no one is interested in. As the Industrial Unions flat line
and are being attacked from every angle with Right to Work, yet you sit here day after day posting on AMT subjects
you have no business in, is that the definition of YOUR insanity? The Iam should do something more productive with it's
waning organizing dollar.
How's that Delta F/A organizing drive going? Failed again you say? Hmm, I guess the Iam didn't pay you enough
in cash, booze, and street walkers to make it over the hump at Delta. Your constant posting of Iam Delta pics
and slogans failed. Didn't even get to file the cards with the NMB...how tragic for the few Iam faithful and
its paid organizers like yourself.
AMFA at AA at least filed with the NMB in 2005 with unpaid organizers, and because of fraud, were unsuccessful. I think it will happen again soon,
especially if the "Association" is forced on us along with the Iam's broke pension fund. It will a mob with torches
and pitchforks from down deep if they attempt to force it on us.
How about the Iam? Will they file with ANY AMTs at any airline ever again? Even a card drive? Not a snowballs
chance in Iam hell with a major airline.
Now return to Flacid Harbor and tell them you failed...maybe ask for a raise.