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No Facilities To Do The Airbus Check

Does anybody remember why INT was closed? We didnt fly there with 737 any more cost to much to dead head in, I will bet it cost more to dead head in to Moblie Al then INT. I worked on the "T" crew were we worked inside, outside and did thoes mods and we got the planes out early most of the time no thanks to the company,we were Jerry's kids or some call him "poodle head" We had fun on the T CREW :up: and could get the job done. :up:
n711ac said:
Does anybody remember why INT was closed? <snip>
Well, since the Airbus came on the property, the company closed the maintenance facilities at: ROA, GSO, INT, & TPA. That's a lot of facility!

The reasoning behind that becomes more and more apparent now doesn't it? As I have stated before, in my opinion W&G never planned on U doing Airbus HM, and Dave is of the same accord. I see no way for Dave & crew to ever bring Airbus HM in house. The IAM legal eagles better be ready to go to the wall.
How about this angle?

No need for me to copy and paste, as it's available in the press releases, but the original "dear john letter" to the IAM from the company mentioned a possibility of us obtaining 3rd-party mtc work if the IAM plays ball ( additional concessions I'm sure ) with the company in future talks..........


1) According to the company, we've no room to accomplish our own upcoming S-checks...but enough for 3rd-party?

2) So...we'll be accomplishing 3rd-party work for other carriers...while our own is in chop-shops?...and if not, would this not cause yet more of a dearth of available floor space?

I'll admit it took me a couple of days to do a double-take on this, but Jeez Louise.....
PineyBob said:
Based on what i have observed so far the "legal eagles" are more like Parakeets.
Interesting... what is it that you have observed to come to that conclusion?

When the company "did the deed", IAM immediately filed a motion for a TRO, and a hearing is set for the 10th.


There is a process to be followed, as in any legal dispute. They couldn't dispute what the company had not yet done... so, in the spirit of fairness, your statement seems derisive of the IAM's legal actions so far... what should they have done in your opinion?
E-TRONS said:
I believe TPA is out of the picture as mentioned in the BK-reorg.
CLT alone currently has TWO bays open for business. The A319/320 C-cks are supposed to go to PIT in Jan.(if PIT is still there). That will make CLT HVY MTC a perfect place to put the S-CKs. And the CLT line hangar has TWO bays that could be used.....Line MTC worked for years outdoors before their hangar was built.

Liars will be Liars and we seem to have cornered the market on them over the past year. WE DO HAVE THE ROOM!!

The truth is that PIRACY, Inc., does not want to re-call any mechs from furlough. That is the real deal here.......but Dave LORENZO Siegel will never admit to that fact. He knows darn well that this is the truth 😱 of the matter!!

I learned from STORES yesterday that all sorts of parts are heading out to ALABAMA as if it's business as usual. They made a stock-station in BGM using HVY as the station code. Pretty bold move before the courts have spoken eh???
Also, Many BOEING parts are being sent to VISTA for resale??? What's up with that??? Do we need money that bad or is something else cooking here???

The only thing you can count on from this mis-management team is LIES. So believe nothing that you hear and half of what you see. Sooner or later the truth will be known.

Boeing parts by the drove leaving Pitt confermed by secret sources.
Dilligas said:
Well, since the Airbus came on the property, the company closed the maintenance facilities at: ROA, GSO, INT, & TPA. That's a lot of facility!

The reasoning behind that becomes more and more apparent now doesn't it? As I have stated before, in my opinion W&G never planned on U doing Airbus HM, and Dave is of the same accord. I see no way for Dave & crew to ever bring Airbus HM in house. The IAM legal eagles better be ready to go to the wall.
did we ever wonder why???? :down:
CORRECTION: I had previously posted the Birmingham stock station as HVY. This was incorrect. My apologies.

The stock station code is HMV as in heavy maintenance vendor.

Last I heard was a truck load of parts from CLT-Stores Distribution Center was being assembled for shipment to Alabama.

The audacity of our mis-management is unbelieveable.

Actaully HMV always stood for Heavy Miantenance Visit, but heavy maintenance vendor sounds appropriate now. :down:
I was told at work about a Mechanic we fired for a positive drug test was hired "over the phone by Mobile". Heh, but at least they are the low bidder.
PineyBob said:
I would LOVE to be wrong and issue an apology.
Humor me Dude. Seriousely, I know we're in for a fight, but from what I have seen today, at a minimum the company is going to get it's big ugly nose bloodied. The hole Union work force has finally awaken. Form now on we circle our wagon's togeather. Believe me bad news for our sadistic upper manager's.
Semper fi. Unlike your bosses you can beleive what is being said. WE ARE STANDING TOGEATHER FRFATERNALLY. SOLIDARITY FOREVER.
My opinion is that they're holding onto TPA in case they lose in the courts and get forced to take the work back in house. Just my armchair opinion

I worked in the Tampa hangar for a couple years so I've followed with interest the minutes of the HCAA (Hillsborough County Airport Authority) board meetings. The minutes are all part of the public record and can be requested. When U decided to reject the lease on the hangar and hangar parking lot, while in bankruptcy, the airport authority decided to retain a specialized bankruptcy counsel. This counsel advised the board to obtain a letter from US Air regarding the hangar to protect the interest of the bond holders and the authority. This letter would enable a clear title. I sent an email to the Tampa Airport when this thread first appeared. I received a reply yesterday saying that yes they are holding a letter from US Air in escrow stating US Air had abandoned the facility and releases all interest in the facility. I haven't had a chance to ask, "May I quote you?" to the person who sent me the reply so I will leave their name and title out for now. Who can say what is final when lawyers are involved, but it sure looks like US Air no longer has claim to the Tampa hangar. This will probably all be mute once the judge decides on the TRO, just thought I'd add some detail to the picture.