Viper, Are you RV4/AMFADave under a new name? You sound as much a True Believer as he is. Are you guys really as dense as you portray yourselfs?Viper said:j7915 says:
AMFA has the best BS in field. Why is the ecstatically selected Dubya still securely president and there is no move for impeachment? The public has way too much patience unless they are stirred up by demagogues, like the recall move in CA, or the organizers of AMFA, or the imminent WMD destruction threat that is still undiscovered.
WOW, what a broad paint brush you paint with. But, I can see where you are going. Its AMFA's fault the George Bush is President, Its AMFA's fault there is a recall in CA, Its AMFA's fault that Iraq had/has WMD's. and it's AFMA's fault that the airlines are in the condition that they are now.
So, I guess that what ever problem you have, either at home or work, it must be AMFA's fault.
Talk about being out of touch with reality :wacko:
The question asked was why there was no drive to remove AMFA at various carriers.
My answer was: for the same reason that people put up with lots of other BS in their life's. I then gave examples of the BS people will tolerate. Hence my comment as to the patience or inertia of the public.
I am giving AMFA credit for having the best BS propaganda machine since Dr. Joseph Goebbles plied his trade. If AMFA wants to take credit for Dubya, that is all right by me. It would confirm what I have have known for a long time: AMFA's supporters, here in Tulsa at least, are right wing, conservatives.