News Flash

AAmech said:
Checking it Out said:
As far as the Banquet room, ask Delle why he is renting a Room to hold raid meetings while 35% of his membership is on layoff statis?
I guess he's doing it because he's desperate to recoup the $300,000+ he's sunk(without a membership vote BTW) into his sinking AA card drive.

Wait a minute. Haven't we been told over and over again, NWA layoffs are 50%?
Now I'm reading 35%. Man! you guys still can't decide which numbers to use.
The Card signers paid for the room! They purchase T-shirts and donate cash from their own pockets. This Drive, like all other Drives is a grassroot effort to better our profession. Untill About 50% percent cards are signed, then the National will assist.
Just FYI; I met a mech today that 2 years ago used to tear down AMFA info, Now he's wearing an AMFA shirt and collecting cards.
263 cards away from 50%+1. Keep up the good work guys!! :up:
I do not need to ask Delle anything. ...'cept maybe "Can I polish your shoes ?"

It is quite evident that the members falling for AMFA's promises have drank the same nector that the boys from Jonestown ingested. You obviously put way to much faith in the organizers and Delle, imagine if you had supported your own local that way. Do not be bashful about admitting you have made a mistake and start backing your men you elected....

AMFA's drive will now have to go elsewhere and find another unionized company in distress or strife..feed upon members that have or are going through rough AMFA organizers are definately the bottom feeders of the wanna be a union world...wish you well....SC
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Steve Connell said:
I do not need to ask Delle anything. ...'cept maybe "Can I polish your shoes ?"

It is quite evident that the members falling for AMFA's promises have drank the same nector that the boys from Jonestown ingested. You obviously put way to much faith in the organizers and Delle, imagine if you had supported your own local that way. Do not be bashful about admitting you have made a mistake and start backing your men you elected....

AMFA's drive will now have to go elsewhere and find another unionized company in distress or strife..feed upon members that have or are going through rough AMFA organizers are definately the bottom feeders of the wanna be a union world...wish you well....SC
Bottom Feeders?

Is that why the mechanic and related at AA are compensated #6 in the industry.
j7915 says:
AMFA has the best BS in field. Why is the ecstatically selected Dubya still securely president and there is no move for impeachment? The public has way too much patience unless they are stirred up by demagogues, like the recall move in CA, or the organizers of AMFA, or the imminent WMD destruction threat that is still undiscovered.

WOW, what a broad paint brush you paint with. But, I can see where you are going. Its AMFA's fault the George Bush is President, Its AMFA's fault there is a recall in CA, Its AMFA's fault that Iraq had/has WMD's. and it's AFMA's fault that the airlines are in the condition that they are now.

So, I guess that what ever problem you have, either at home or work, it must be AMFA's fault.

Talk about being out of touch with reality :wacko:
Steve Connell said:
I do not need to ask Delle anything. ...'cept maybe "Can I polish your shoes ?"

It is quite evident that the members falling for AMFA's promises have drank the same nector that the boys from Jonestown ingested. You obviously put way to much faith in the organizers and Delle, imagine if you had supported your own local that way. Do not be bashful about admitting you have made a mistake and start backing your men you elected....

AMFA's drive will now have to go elsewhere and find another unionized company in distress or strife..feed upon members that have or are going through rough AMFA organizers are definately the bottom feeders of the wanna be a union world...wish you well....SC

In My opinion, AMFA promises nothing more than the opportunity to shape our own future.
Why should we back ..."the men we elected"? They Don't back us untill the AMFA is breathing down their neck.
I am not bashful, I did make a mistake! THE MISTAKE OF NOT GETTING INVOLVED WITH AMFA SOONER!

"... AMFA's drive will have to go elswhere..." ? We, the supporters of this and the past drives at AA, arn't going anywhere! We will keep trying untill it happens.
Have workers at AA been going through rough times for 15 yearss? I think not!
With 15 years a AA I am proud to be associated with the AMFA organizers. They along with many "none" AMFA supporters are the most Honorable and responsible people I have ever met.
Every Day more of the "none" supporters make the courageous decision to sign a card.
Have a nice Card Counting day.
Name one airline that AMFA has attempted to recruit where the airline in question was not under duress or in a time of recession? Can you please name a bad...forgot to question the fact that you stated you weren't bashful but yet you use an alias...there's credibility at work...thx again.
Steve Connell said:
Name one airline that AMFA has attempted to recruit where the airline in question was not under duress or in a time of recession? Can you please name a bad...forgot to question the fact that you stated you weren't bashful but yet you use an alias...there's credibility at work...thx again.
Well AMFA drives have been ongoing for the last 29 years. They never had the resources to conduct raids against the well funded unions that have brought us to our knees.

AMFA has yet to recruit, although AA may be the first now that they got some bucks coming in.

When AMFA took over at NWA the industry was making record profits, I think that everyone, even your old company, was doing well then.

The fact is that when times are bad thats when unions are put to the test. Guess what? They failed, the TWU, IAM and IBT failed to do anything to protect the members standards of living. Perhaps, you being from Kansas City and TWA, didnt realize this. You guys were the bane of all the other TWA workers as you voted in concession after concession, much to the dismay of your fellow TWA workers. It could be said that when it comes to concessions, you boys have never saw a concession you did not like.

More than likely there will be an election without KCs cards. They really dont need them, and in the next few months you may find that the company doesnt need KC either. With 25% seniority where will you end up? Lets see, hmm, New York! And guess what, they all know your name already! I'm sure that you will be real welcomed there. Are you one of the guys who told those reps to leave a few months back?

Oh and be prepared for a big cut in your living standards. Your $60k in KC is worth around $30k in NY. Forget about a doublewide, there arent too many of those around here and you could not afford it anyway if you did find one. You will be sharing a basement apartment with four other guys and paying in rent what you pay for a mortgage.
Steve said:

Name one airline that AMFA has attempted to recruit where the airline in question was not under duress or in a time of recession?

Answer: Southwest Airlines. Recession has had very little affect on them. Why don't you ask a SWA mechanic why they left the Teamsters for AMFA? I did and now I understand.
Good point Viper..but SWA is only observation @ MCI is that AMFA has ONLY shown it's floor splitting ability during times of strife or contract negotiations, and that sir is what I base my opinion on..what I see and observe here locally from them...if you would ever meet and speak with the local AMFA organizers here @ MCI you would run and embrace your local TWU reps...believe that. knowing that they would be the ones repping you...

Believe me if you came here to TUL and met our local TWU reps and your future International reps, you would have signed a card by now. have named and blamed about every union in our industry as being inept...possibly it is your line of thinking that bears those features.The fact is that when times are bad thats when unions are put to the test. you said they failed...?...the membership voted and lived with what ever the outcome was..I know..I lived that reality. You make it sound like MCI workers give in to all? Might I suggest you ask for some advice from real unionists here at MCI. Have you ever been furloughed? Has your wife ever received notices of court proceedings against you by the company due to union involvement on the work floor? Have you been in jail due to your union activity? What is your claim to unionism? We have survived Icahn...have you? We shut down MCI for 2 weeks and still retained employment...have you? We followed our leadership with hammers and 2x4's..have you?...What have you done for your local besides criticize their time spent?

The majority of us at MCI were unionists when the most of you were using flash cards, so DO NOT preach to me...I'm still here...are you?
Viper..I have met a few members of your local and have seen good leadership ability and contract knowledge. Without your support they are worthless, their actions fall on deaf ears with the company because the company knows they have no following, think the company doesn't read this link? Think the company doesn't know of small union meeting turnouts...and think the company doesn't just love the AMFA and their abilities to split a floor?

If you know of a better way or if you can lead any better than run for their seat and be ready to accept the same ridicule from the floor as you give. Ever remember your parents saying "Son..I'm doing this and some day you'll understand why" The union, any union, is run this way..meetings are held...lunches taken...where information is received and given without the floor's knowledge...why? Someday you'll know.
steve if your darn happy with tis worthless union then you can hve them we want a change for better or worse we want a change
dreese...will you also change the members on the floor, will participation in union activities be at an all time high? The only action occuring will be plant maintenance changing a plaque on a door. If you think Delle's going to hand feed you through the learning curve I'd like to introduce you to a few friends of mine at NWA, they have seen what AMFA does and are highly disappointed.

If you want to promote AMFA, your choice, but do not think you will do it as a TWU steward or officer. I'd love to see what would happen @ MCI if one of our stewards came in wearing an AMFA t-shirt..I believe you would witness unionism in action.

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