I've flown with a few guys that commute out of SYR, and they get to PHL on the 170. They all say that it's a great to ride in. Roomy, large overheads,etc. Speed wise it's probably .75-.77m. FLL is intresting. Probably cheaper to park and all in all, probably less of a hassle to get to than MIA. The one big draw back with FLL is that it has only one long runway. The short runway can be used for landings, but not usually for t/o because of weight and second seg. climb. There is talk down there about another 9-27 runway. Blue is pushing real hard for it. We do fly to Bermuda from FLL, not every day, but usually good loads. I think it's the only nonstop from Fla. If you're connecting in MIA, and not going long haul, you're probably going to be sitting in an ATR. Aside from the fact that it flys, I can say anything good about that beast.