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New Reserve Guidebook Posted


May 2, 2003
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I just checked out the new "Reserve Guidebook" now posted on the Hub, and presumably now in the crewrooms. I was pleased to see that at least we will have guidance under catcrew 18 to inform of us an impending assignment. However, I'm a bit more concerned (if I'm reading this correctly) that CrewSched can assign us into the start of an INV day so long as the trip terminates prior to 2359.

So, ladies and gentlemen, any thoughts or questions?
Was the "Blackout Period" always part of this new poor excuse for a reserve system or did the company just throw that in?
Guys, I sat through the entire presentation put on by AFA and we went over the new reserve system with a fine tooth comb. It was pretty crappie however, the book that's been put out by the company is slanted and leaves out important information as well. There was nothing in the AFA presentation that said you could be assigned into an INV day. A lot of the lines will be made like OFF INV INV INV INV and they could assign you into that first off day. You do what is called ROC (takes the place of PAS) and stands for "REMAIN ON CALL" WITHOUT ASSIGNMENT. If you choose not to split a trip for your days off you can ROC. The blackout dates are 4 CALENDAR days before July 4, Dec 24,25,31 and Jan 1st. You can't make yourself available to fly if you OFF or INV on those days. It seems like a lot of days but it really isn't. The arbitrator is going to rule soon on percentages vs. time balancing and hopefully, we will get what we negotiated which was straight time balancing. Option 18 will look different and have LTO (LEAST TIME ORDER) instead of seniority order like it is today.
Also, the OPR will be given out (aka ASSIGNED) in LTO as well. If they get to you and your #1 in "batting order"...they might only have OPR left and you must take it. However, our contract still states you can only be assigned OPR 2 times in 1 bid month. You make them stop right there and put a remark in your screen that there was nothing left you had to take OPR. Get it on recording as well so if you come back up #1 batting order later in the month and you already sat OPR 2 times without asking for it, you don't have to do it again.
I tell you.....it is going to turn a lot of people reserve world inside out and the system just SUCKS.
Was there any talk at the meeting about just saying no to this garbage and starting from scratch. What other business or airline would have someone with 14 years seniority on reserve? International PHW in January. Its about time we started talking about growing this airline instead of waiitng for these jokers to put us on the street. :up:
14 years on reserve with this company with nothing to show of that seniority. Crazy.

So with this new system, they need less flight attendants I assume. Will they furlough or just see who quits?

I seem to remember that there are only 5500 active FAs (and a list of 10500). That makes more inactive than active. I wonder what the "target number" of FAs is. Zero, probably. 4000? 3000?

Am I correct in that there are no actual numbers to how many the company will keep active, only aircraft (279)? For example, lets say 2000 people retired or just threw in the towel on November 2nd. The company still wouldnt recall because they are not required to? AA just recalled nearly 400, and bankrupt United, which has no Involuntaries at the moment is now recalling 300 voluntarys. Whats wrong with this picture?
Light Years said:
14 years on reserve with this company with nothing to show of that seniority. Crazy.

So with this new system, they need less flight attendants I assume. Will they furlough or just see who quits?

I seem to remember that there are only 5500 active FAs (and a list of 10500). That makes more inactive than active. I wonder what the "target number" of FAs is. Zero, probably. 4000? 3000?

Am I correct in that there are no actual numbers to how many the company will keep active, only aircraft (279)? For example, lets say 2000 people retired or just threw in the towel on November 2nd. The company still wouldnt recall because they are not required to? AA just recalled nearly 400, and bankrupt United, which has no Involuntaries at the moment is now recalling 300 voluntarys. Whats wrong with this picture?
Light Years,

I think it's a combination of both, waiting to see who may throw in the towel and furloughs. My best guess is that the company will go ahead and "eat" the added expenses of keeping us around until after the holidays.

After that...watch out! :shock: Additional cost savings that Siegel mentioned.

Next, we have to look forward to the preferential bid that will be coming down the road sometime in 2004.
Just a few questions here about the new system:

1. Trip Splits: this seems (obviously) to be the best of all options. But will we earn DH time for the split?

2. OPR: Let's say that I'm good for a four day that would require a split to protect an OFF day, and all that is left other than that trip is OPR. Am I required to take OPR?

Thanks in advance.

First, the schedulers have been told to avoid (they won't tell you it's an option) splitting a trip for your days off. They will give you a bunch of options and that is the one they LEAST want you to choose. You can split out of base and will get credit for the DH back. You must be in by 14:45 with the split.
Second, if they get to you with OPR and your legal for it (18 hour 3 day) you must take it. It should be considered an assignment and that can only happen 2 times per month. Make them put a REM in and make sure it's recorded with time and name of the scheduler.

You have the reserve system down to a damn science. Good job!

AFA may have you teach it to others. Get ready, you maybe sent to PIT to help out and bring everyone up to speed.

Thanks for the compliment although.....I don't know how much of a good thing it is to brag about. The system makes me sick and I just wanted to be prepared. I am sick of USAirways running my life and by learning this system you can at least have what little control is possible over the situation. My fear is scheduling is going to use fear, intimidation and lack of knowledge to "fudge" the rules and force this new system down F/A's throats. If I can answer any questions I will try to answer it and look it up too make sure it's correct. But you know....I learned from the best 🙂
So my supervisor called me the other day and asked me if I would like to sit in PHL next Mon thru Fri to be on hand to explain the new reserve system to anyone who needed answers to their questions. I would be paid five hours a day to promote a system that will eventually put an end to my career here at US Airways. What are you people thinking!
I assure you the information you would be giving out would not be totally correct and they would raise a brow too you answering "certain" question regarding splits and other items. No, it's NOT worth the 5 hours.
Ok, I know we're only 9 days into the month, but what's your opinion of the new system now that it has been implemented?

Seriously, several points have come up that I need clarified. First, why at 3pm when they start scheduling can't I watch as they go along anymore? You can't follow along anymore and only after they are finished can you pull up what was given to who.
Second, what is up with our Option 33 (REMARKS)? There are more remarks about LTO than Carter has little liver pills.
Next, I can't see anyone in SEN order for Quick Call purposes! I don't know how many are under me on duty. If I get quick called, I used to go and check to make sure I was the most JR on call first. Now, I just have to go on what they say. I have caught them before trying to quick call me out of order. We need to get a way to see who is on quick call or at least put everyone in SEN order.
I think AFA showed a slide in their presentation of a Catcrew screen with who exactly was on Quick Call. Can we get this screen?
For claim purposes, we need to know what option everyone is on. Currently, we don't know if that trip was given out in LTO because we can't see the persons option.
The LODOS need to have their own base code assighned. Example: PHH or PHQ
The LODOS can't see what number they are to be called and are jumbled in with everyone else. They could be #2 in LODO order but it still says they are #102.
As time goes on, I think of more things. Anyone else think of things that need addressing?

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