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New Pay Raises for Crews

Congratulations to the flight crews for your recent pay increase. I was wondering if you could all light a fire under management ass and get the other union groups a good contract!
Congratulations to the flight crews for your recent pay increase. I was wondering if you could all light a fire under management ass and get the other union groups a good contract!

Matt it's up to US to light that fire. Strict IAW and boycott any and all company functions until they decide to start negotiations in good faith!
Matt it's up to US to light that fire. Strict IAW and boycott any and all company functions until they decide to start negotiations in good faith!
Good luck with that. We still have guys tripping over themselves for a paid lunch.
Today's union news doesn't help much. We don't know what path the negotiations are going to take.
Good luck with that. We still have guys tripping over themselves for a paid lunch.
Today's union news doesn't help much. We don't know what path the negotiations are going to take.

I know but we have to keep at it!
Good luck with that. We still have guys tripping over themselves for a paid lunch.
Today's union news doesn't help much. We don't know what path the negotiations are going to take.
You would think the next order of business (sooner rather than later) a memo would be put out explaining to the members exactly what this does mean for the negotiations. Remember, they were in "Executive" negotiations. Does this mean our new President will have to be totally briefed and then be expected to jump in the middle of what's going on? Some crazy chit going on here...
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You never see stocks tank when the elite get their huge compensation payouts.

You're right -- that's because the "huge compensation payouts" usually only happen when the company has made money, and shares go up when the company makes money.

Wall Street knows that when the cycle heads down again (which it will eventually), getting those raises back from Labor won't happen absent another trip thru Chapter 11.
Maybe it's time for you to join the shuffle board circuit. Why would you put yourself through the torture if you really don't have to?
Maybe it's time you see an Eye, ear, nose and throat guy for a rhinoplasty to take care of that nose problem. (Yours is so long it sticks into other people's business.)
Maybe it's time you see an Eye, ear, nose and throat guy for a rhinoplasty to take care of that nose problem. (Yours is so long it sticks into other people's business.)
You hurt my feelings
You're right -- that's because the "huge compensation payouts" usually only happen when the company has made money, and shares go up when the company makes money.

Wall Street knows that when the cycle heads down again (which it will eventually), getting those raises back from Labor won't happen absent another trip thru Chapter 11.

“They’re coming for one reason. They’re coming to kill us,” Siegel


At a time when US Airways is seeking another round of pay concessions from its workers, the airline's board awards Siegel a compensation package with a potential value of $11 million when stock options are factored in.

Siegel was eligible for a payment of as much as $4.5 million if he left before the end of this month, under an amendment last year to his employment agreement, according to regulatory filings by Arlington, Va.-based US Airways.



US Airways gave $35 million in pension payments to top 3 former executives
Although Mullin retained his position as an industry leader through 2002, his reputation was tarnished when reports revealed that Delta had paid as much as $43 million to its executives in the form of cash bonuses and payments to executive pension funds. These pension funds could not be touched in the event that the airline was forced to declare bankruptcy.

Read more: http://www.referenceforbusiness.com/biography/M-R/Mullin-Leo-F-1943.html#ixzz4gDfb0hs4
Confusing severance and retirement for execs with bonuses? The difference is that the execs could have sued (and won) if those payments weren't made.

What AA is offering doesn't appear to be contractual. If anything, they're doing a side letter that the membership won't have a chance to review before it is agreed to. Good luck if your amenable date gets pushed out without an ability to vote.
You're right -- that's because the "huge compensation payouts" usually only happen when the company has made money, and shares go up when the company makes money.

Wall Street knows that when the cycle heads down again (which it will eventually), getting those raises back from Labor won't happen absent another trip thru Chapter 11.
So they don't make as many MILLIONS when they don't make as much money or lose money.
So these years of record profits are still not good enough reason to share the wealth with employees?
And you are correct, they will go Chapter 11 when they need to screw labor again.
But remember this, the big wigs will get their HUGE compensation in BANKRUPTCY...They get what's coming to them because they have CONTRACTS with the company....But these are the same people that abrogate labor CONTRACTS while preserving their own.
No applicants for AA eh?

Parker was told the truth: he has created a toxic culture and lower compensation regime. As a result, the pilot applicants voted with their feet, and went elsewhere. He simply could not attract applicants as formerly possible. Looking at a 61% pilot loss from retirements between now and 2022- he was in serious trouble. Hence the raise.
You're right -- that's because the "huge compensation payouts" usually only happen when the company has made money, and shares go up when the company makes money.

Typical snow job from the master of spin. How about when our crack CFO Derek Kerr pissed away $500,000,000 bucks in the auction rate securities market? He not only kept his job, he didn't miss out on one penny of his bonus that year. The dilbert should have been out on his ass.

He went on to become CFO of the combined AA/US. The CFO of American, who should have gotten the job, was given his walking papers. I guess it pays to have been a high school friend of hard partying Dougie.

And now you know the rest of the story.
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