Congratulations to the flight crews for your recent pay increase. I was wondering if you could all light a fire under management ass and get the other union groups a good contract!
Good luck with that. We still have guys tripping over themselves for a paid lunch.Matt it's up to US to light that fire. Strict IAW and boycott any and all company functions until they decide to start negotiations in good faith!
Good luck with that. We still have guys tripping over themselves for a paid lunch.
Today's union news doesn't help much. We don't know what path the negotiations are going to take.
You would think the next order of business (sooner rather than later) a memo would be put out explaining to the members exactly what this does mean for the negotiations. Remember, they were in "Executive" negotiations. Does this mean our new President will have to be totally briefed and then be expected to jump in the middle of what's going on? Some crazy chit going on here...Good luck with that. We still have guys tripping over themselves for a paid lunch.
Today's union news doesn't help much. We don't know what path the negotiations are going to take.
You never see stocks tank when the elite get their huge compensation payouts.
Maybe it's time you see an Eye, ear, nose and throat guy for a rhinoplasty to take care of that nose problem. (Yours is so long it sticks into other people's business.)Maybe it's time for you to join the shuffle board circuit. Why would you put yourself through the torture if you really don't have to?
You hurt my feelingsMaybe it's time you see an Eye, ear, nose and throat guy for a rhinoplasty to take care of that nose problem. (Yours is so long it sticks into other people's business.)
You're right -- that's because the "huge compensation payouts" usually only happen when the company has made money, and shares go up when the company makes money.
Wall Street knows that when the cycle heads down again (which it will eventually), getting those raises back from Labor won't happen absent another trip thru Chapter 11.
So they don't make as many MILLIONS when they don't make as much money or lose money.You're right -- that's because the "huge compensation payouts" usually only happen when the company has made money, and shares go up when the company makes money.
Wall Street knows that when the cycle heads down again (which it will eventually), getting those raises back from Labor won't happen absent another trip thru Chapter 11.
No applicants for AA eh?
NO!Confusing severance and retirement for execs with bonuses?
You're right -- that's because the "huge compensation payouts" usually only happen when the company has made money, and shares go up when the company makes money.