New member to forum


Jan 30, 2012
Greetings to all! I am a new member to the forum but have viewed it as an "outsider" for the past couple of years. As a Fleet Service agent with many years at US I find the forum to be intriguing, informative and an avenue to be better informed. It provides an opportunity to view dialoge and opinions from many co workers throughout the US Airways system and the industry.
I look forward to future posts and responses for I have many "pertinent" questions regarding the future working conditions and terms of employment for all of us. I agree with Mr. Nelson's assesment of the urgency to build solidarity amoung our current members. Without it we will be divided and conquered in today's environment.
welcome to the boards. I too believe Tim Nelson assertion that we need to be one not divided.
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welcome to the boards. I too believe Tim Nelson assertion that we need to be one not divided.

Thank you for the welcome. Much to discuss. Much to do. It's time to build the solidarity that will be needed.