New Field Trip rules?


Aug 19, 2010
I have been off the list since double time went away. Hopefully these rule changes drive the rest of the bloodsuckers off the list. Some highlights you must go off the clock after 18 hours you must take 8 hours of rest at a hotel off the clock not 7.5 and to boot we still get no double time. Anyone have more info like which Union approved this?
Steve Goeyvaerts
SFO A/C Maint.
Do you really want to be working next to someone who just did 18 hours straight and didn't get at least 8 hours of downtime?...

More bluntly, is the union there to stuff your wallet at any cost, or to maximize the safety of the work environment?
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Mr. Eolesen
Please don't take this the wrong way but you have no clue what you are talking about. I have been on many field trips in my 30 years and there was always enough rest time but we tried never going off the clock because it would put you back to straight time. I have read many of your posts and some are relevant but on this subject you are way over your head.
Steve Goeyvaerts
SFO A/C Maint.
eolesen said:
Do you really want to be working next to someone who just did 18 hours straight and didn't get at least 8 hours of downtime?...

Boy, you are really out of touch on this one....
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What is really the issue here is will this stop mechanics from falling over each other for a quick buck? Or will it get them to look at the real issue of the continual depletion of manpower and the closing of class 2,3,4 stations? Also the overall question is why can the company and union get this done but can't resolve our prefunding or equity issues and what about that other clause on bonuses that has never been addressed?
Steve Goeyvaerts
SFO A/C Maint.
Working until the job is done or straight thru costs the company money. The TWU is here to save the company money. The biggest cost saving for the company is about to come if we let the unions get away with it. That's another subject. I can tell you that in some stations field trips run straight through until you get back home.
This is just the Tip of the Iceburg!!! I haven't been on a road trip in 10 years since they eliminated the double time in BK II. Why would I leave my home work in less than ideal conditions for less pay!!!! This is company driven not Union driven. The New management of MX is going to slowly take away what you have been doing for decades. Their goal lower the cost, oh at Your Expense!!
If I am on a field trip and I am told to come off the clock I will be going home. So let me go do eight hours and come home . Then they can send someone else to replace me. Keep that cycle going and nothing will get done it will be time to leave when you get there LOL
I'd side with you guys on this one. I see ZERO reason I'm going to leave my home to stay in a hotel at straight time and personally even OT if I'm eventually going to have to come off the clock and then come back on again at straight time. I can stay at my station, sign up for regular OT and sleep in my own bed with no hassle. We're not FA's or Pilots who have to leave their homes to work.

Back in the old days at LGA people used to jump over each other during deicing events. The company would keep you running on the clock till the event was over. They paid for the hotel and kept you running on the clock. Some guys were on the clock for 3 days (Company authorized) Now during weather events they want to take you off the clock and have you come back at their beck and call.

One time during a hurricane event here in MIA they asked for volunteers to stay overnight in the hotel. They wanted to take you off the clock to stay, have you come in early to get the operation back in order, take you off the clock again and then have you start your bidded shift later. I told them to take a flying leap. They were able to get the volunteers though. All people very junior down the scale that they could take advantage of because they need the money.
Don't forget the expense report. $3 Breakfast, $3.50 Lunch and $7.50 for Dinner. With out receipts.
Maybe I missed it. Maybe your station manager is trying to pull a scam or set a precident. Didnt see any changes as far as the Union agreeing to take guys off the clock whjen on FT. We have made it clear that when we go on FT we punch in at JFK and punch out at JFK. If they want us to go rest at a Hotel we stay on the clock, or we go home. Bad enough its only time and a half, way below industry standards but taking us off the clock is out of the question. Let the plane sit. They dont own us, they cant force us to go, we are doing them a favor of great inconvienece to us, they have the option to outsouce the work.
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Company letter Bob. Monday I will scan it and text it to you.
Steve Goeyvaerts
SFO A/C Maint.
What's your contract say?
What does the verbiage say regarding your job responsibilities according to AA? (The stuff we signed to work here)
I don't have a clue, just wondering what the contract says and if one can refuse the trip.
As for E's statement, I'll agree that I prefer someone working on a jet I'm going to fly hasn't been awake for 24 hours. Emergency landings after a skipped step aren't fun.
Yes we can refuse a field trip.
Its work outside our station and its no different than a RIF. They cant order us to report to work at another station even if there is no work at the station we are assigned to, we have the option to go or not go. The company has the option to ask guys from other stations or outsource it. Movement between stations is voluntary, we get to go home when we are off the clock. 
If you really cared about the state alertness of the guy who was working on your plane then you should be more concerned over the fact that the FAA does not monitor how many hours a mechanic works in total, only the hours they work at a single employer and they don't care if our employer schedules us to work 100 hours straight as long as we get two 48 hour breaks per month.  We have seen our compensation cut in half and there are only two ways to address that. Either reduce your expenses by half or work twice as many hours. Guys working 16 hours a day for weeks on end are probably more prone to mistakes than what may appear to be a marathon field trip. If we are on a field trip and its an eight hour flight there and eight back we can rest during the flights, then work when on the ground. 
Mach85ER said:
What's your contract say?
What does the verbiage say regarding your job responsibilities according to AA? (The stuff we signed to work here)
I don't have a clue, just wondering what the contract says and if one can refuse the trip.
As for E's statement, I'll agree that I prefer someone working on a jet I'm going to fly hasn't been awake for 24 hours. Emergency landings after a skipped step aren't fun.
You should be more worried about flying a outsourced heavy check aircraft and the lack of FAA oversight there of.

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