These days the kinder and gentler business as long as they can get subsidized they are kinder and gentler.Not sure why any of you think that an early out will help anyone avoid bankruptcy.
The problem at AA or any of the other airlines right now doesn't appear to be headcount.
The problem is whether or not the growing piles of debt can be serviced while business travel is non-existent and international traffic is a fraction of what it was 18 months ago.
Huh. Every time I can think of over the past 50 years that airlines have managed to have been profitable for a few years, some outside event happens that "nobody could have imagined" and traffic dries up. 9/11, SARS, terrorism, a global economic meltdown in 2008....
Yeah, this is bad, but if the airlines could have cut staff last March to what was actually needed to keep the operation running, I suspect they'd be approaching cashflow neutral by now. That's how all those earlier events were survivable.