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My PIT Report


Aug 19, 2002
Reaction score
Hi Gang!!,
Thanks to the remaining perks left in this industry , I was able to return to CLT for Christmas today. Many thanks to those whom had to work the entire day before the holiday.
As some may remember? I reported to PIT on 16 Dec. to assume a new position in PIT Heavy Maintenance , courtesy of the IAM and bumping rights (Yuck)
Things in PIT are pretty much the same as they were in CLT, only colder. People seem tired..and many fed up , Yet they just won''t quit!! The human spirit , even when stretched to the limit , is indeed a unique thing to marvel upon.
The people in PIT are really nice! I have made many new friends already...as well as putting faces to names that I have dealt with for years on the phone. This is indeed a great thing. I have really been pleasantly surprised with the local people in PIT. I have encountered nothing but truly friendly folks to date. This had allowed for a smoother and less painful transition to a new life of sorts.
I hate the fact that I do not have my computer up there. I miss seeing whats taking place behind the scenes here. The need for info is a very real issue these days..and the IAM is not the best at getting this out. I do think the PIT IAM''ers do try to do a better job than CLT appeared too?
I wish you all a safe and happy holiday season..and yes I will be going back to The Burgh on sunday. I have a hot date with the B737 , on a regular basis these days.
Bless you all!!!...and try to remain as positive as possible. This is, after all only a job...not the end of the world!![img src=''http://www.usaviation.com/idealbb/images/smilies/9.gif'']
AOG-N-IT (Moon Township Pa.)[img src=''http://www.usaviation.com/idealbb/images/smilies/1.gif'']
The people in PIT are really nice! I have made many new friends already...as well as putting faces to names that I have dealt with for years on the phone. This is indeed a great thing. I have really been pleasantly surprised with the local people in PIT. I have encountered nothing but truly friendly folks to date. This had allowed for a smoother and less painful transition to a new life of sorts.

I hate the fact that I do not have my computer up there. I miss seeing whats taking place behind the scenes here. The need for info is a very real issue these days..and the IAM is not the best at getting this out. I do think the PIT IAM'ers do try to do a better job than CLT appeared too?

I wish you all a safe and happy holiday season..and yes I will be going back to "The Burgh" on sunday. I have a hot date with the B737 , on a regular basis these days.

Bless you all!!!...and try to remain as positive as possible. This is, after all only a job...not the end of the world!!

AOG-N-IT (Moon Township Pa.)


I live exactly 10 miles from moon and have for over 50 years. You will find as you have stated that people are indeed friendly here in the burgh. You will also find that many, such as myself were brought up here and will never leave. Welcome to the burgh! I am sure there are already many you know from clt in your same boat. On the last round, I made friends with several of the clt crew, but this time around most stayed behind in search of greener pastures, which I can certainly understand.

All The Best... Cav
Glad to hear PIT transfer is going well for you so far. I have always enjoyed your positive approach to what has been going on with all of us. I know by your last few posts that you are getting worn down and beaten along with the rest of the remaining workforce. It is hard to keep your head up while you are getting kicked daily..
I was based in PIT for 1 1/2 years and was treated wonderfully. I told them they just liked having the "token Gomer" around. We had a great time. Good to see you back AOG. Thought you'd dropped off the planet!

Welcome home and Merry Christmas.

A320 Driver
Glad you are doing well A.S. [FONT color=#ff3300] [STRONG]Happy[/STRONG] [/FONT][STRONG][FONT color=#009933]Holidays[/FONT][/STRONG]
Yes..i have to agree that the folks in PIT are some of nicest we have. Back as a new hire(and flying those 4 day DC9 trips!), and moving from the NYC area, i was always impressed with how laid back and friendly both the US employees and the folks in the local community are. Best of luck to you at your new post in the "Burgh".

Welcome to PIT and I am glad your transfer went well, considering the circumstances.

If you have the time, the Moon Township Public Library on Beaver Grade Road has computers with broadband internet access.
