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My Letter To Lakefield And A Reply

ELP_WN_Psgr said:
You hire people who have never been there, don't act surprised whenever they are unable to take you anyplace.

Wow, excellent post! It's so true. I think the "elitist" management style at most airlines is what will kill them in the end.
Hawk said:
We are losing quality management on a daily basis that are going to other industries with higher salaries. I worked 75 hrs last week.

Obviously, 75 hours isn't nearly enough, work harder for a lot less money, lesser benefits, greatly reduced, frozen, underfunded or eliminated pensions and then perhaps you may be able to garner a modicum of empathy from those individuals that work for or patronize US. Losing quality management? Now that is funny. What decade was that, again?
:lol: :lol: :lol:

You have some killer posts. Our past management is much more skilled than you describe. They were/are WORLD CLASS in maximizing compensation for themselves regardless of job performance. Certainly the "good ol boys club" BOD helped create this situation. Keep posting!
You know,

I am not going to suggest to any of you that you leave if "you do not like it here", because I have been thinking about this, and I came to a conclusion.

IF this place was really so bad, if these cuts were really so unbearable, if having to work harder was something you could not handle...

You would have left already. If you really meant what you say, you would have left.

But, you have not.

So that means you probably are willing to accept the reality we all face, you just feel a need to complain, whine, and act childish in some effort to empower yourself. Real grown up attitude.

This "letter" is a perfect example of just that. Nothing constructive, just complaining about the situtation YOU have decided to remain in.

Your letter will sound real stupid to you in the future when you look back and see that it is not Airways, but the world around you that has changed.

Deal with it.
Rico said:
You know,

I am not going to suggest to any of you that you leave if "you do not like it here", because I have been thinking about this, and I came to a conclusion.

IF this place was really so bad, if these cuts were really so unbearable, if having to work harder was something you could not handle...

You would have left already. If you really meant what you say, you would have left.

But, you have not.

So that means you probably are willing to accept the reality we all face, you just feel a need to complain, whine, and act childish in some effort to empower yourself. Real grown up attitude.

This "letter" is a perfect example of just that. Nothing constructive, just complaining about the situtation YOU have decided to remain in.

Your letter will sound real stupid to you in the future when you look back and see that it is not Airways, but the world around you that has changed.

Deal with it.

Well, just like YOU decided to go fly Barbie's Brazilian Plastic Dream Jet for Mid-Atlantic for peanuts. It's a choice you made, whereas, many saw the low wages as a denegration of the pilot profession. Perhaps, if everyone stuck together for a change things wouldn't have gotten this bad. As long as there are people willing to sell out, there will always be management that will take advantage. That won't change, unless people like you change.
EyeInTheSky said:
As long as there are people willing to sell out, there will always be management that will take advantage. That won't change, unless people like you change.

Maybe Rico and USflyboi can pair up on the same trips and be totally happy in this new order of things. There always have, and always will be, those who are willing to accept anything to keep a job. There are others who put a price on the value of their services and are willing to have the courage to say enuf is enuf, and draw a line in the sand. I have never had fear of the future. Thats what makes life worth living. We will all be here long after USair is history, and we'll all move on to bigger and better things IF you have the self respect and self worth to know you are a valuable asset. Those who have no self worth, will probably find a job that reflects their own self value.
WestCoastGuy, I am with you man. There's a reason for everything, so let the losers sell themselves short.
Hawk said:
SWA isn't on the verge of liquidation so that is an unfair comparision. They don't have antiquated work rules.

They also lack a management group who has driven the company to record losses and two trips to bankruptcy court. Perhaps an 80 hour week might be in order....

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