A320 Driver
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Oh, and by the way. If I was CEO and you wrote me a letter like this, I'd fire your sorry a$$.
A320 Driver
A320 Driver
A320 Driver said:Oh, and by the way. If I was CEO and you wrote me a letter like this, I'd fire your sorry a$$.
A320 Driver
A320 Driver said:What exactly is Mr lakefield supposed to do?
A320 Driver
.............................MrAeroMan said:The junior people use to be able to smooth things over for the "dinosaurs" when they were there and now there is no on to do that.[post="201487"][/post]
4merresrat said:I agree completely, the tone was rude and offensive. Im surprised he even responded to such a crass letter. Im sure he didn't raise his opinion of the "rank and file" with this little gem. I hope this isn't the posters normal MO with dealings in the business world. I don't care how angry the author was or how badly he percieved Mr. Lakefiield's management, frankly I'm embarrased FOR the poster!!!! :down:
I THINK YOU HIT THE NAIL ON THE HEAD.WE NEED TO QUIT PUSSY FOOTING AROUND,FORGET THAT POLITCAL CORRECT BS AND CALL IT AS IT IS..JUST MY OPINION.IF LAKEFIELD IS A MAN THEN TAKE IT LIKE A MAN.4merresrat said:I agree completely, the tone was rude and offensive. Im surprised he even responded to such a crass letter. Im sure he didn't raise his opinion of the "rank and file" with this little gem. I hope this isn't the posters normal MO with dealings in the business world. I don't care how angry the author was or how badly he percieved Mr. Lakefiield's management, frankly I'm embarrased FOR the poster!!!! :down:
USA320Pilot said:There is no excuse for disrespect, period. If you do not like US Airways, why remain employed by the company?
Why be miserable, amigo?
Doc, if I was Lakefield I would terminate you for your disrespect.
With no due respect,
EyeInTheSky said:🙄 Okay, Bruce should fire the people that are taking the time to let management know what's wrong with this company. Before long, the company will just be full of spineless people. I think you'd be most comfortable with the latter prospect.
don't you and chop have some contract personell to harrass?PITMTC said:I think by now Bruce knows what the problems have been. 🙂
What exactly is Mr. Lakefield supposed to do ??? How about taking a 21% paycut [along with all of upper management ] for 4 months until this mess is straightened out !!......I remember during Bankrupcy 1, When certain "Key" employees received $6 million dollars in bonuses while other employees took very steep concessions. I understand the vast majority of those people are gone anyway....This "DO AS I SAY,, NOT AS I DO " garbage is one of many reasons this company is in this sorry state...A320 Driver said:What exactly is Mr lakefield supposed to do? His salary is VERY competitive compared to that of other airline execs and I believe much of our problems existed before he took over. Where is the anger for the employees of our competition that either work cheaper than we do or are more productive? Isn't that what gives them an advantage over us enabling them to charge lower fares and putting this downwward pressure on our pay and benefits? Does Mr Lakefield want us to take these huge cuts just to increase our profit margin? HELL NO. There is NO profit. We're losing our a$$. Bring fuel costs down and we'll STILL lose our a$$.
This company cost too much to operate. We reduce the costs or go away. Why are you people taking this personally. This is no grand conspiracy. This is capitalism. This is supply and demand. It is survival of the fitest. It's the price of doing business in a hostile environment.
Are you all worth more money and benefits? Most of you are, but your neighbor took a job working for a LCC working harder for less money.
Get ticked off at him! I did and now I feel better!!!
A320 Driver