The SOB pardoned murderers? Convicted murderers. These people can now go out and buy a gun,vote and be like every other citizen. Well, except for the ones they murdered because ... well.... they are dead. And you are going to sit here and defend that arrogant sanctimonious SOB? What he did and what I said had nothing to do with religion. His actions were in direct contempt for religion and the people in his state that he was elected to represent. He could not get elected as dog catcher right now. The out cry against him is quite strong. He went against the recommendations of the parole board and the people.
Since you want to play victim and try to bring religion in to this. The US code of law does not mention anything about the bible in it. There are sentencing guidelines and procedures for a prisoner to meet with a parole board to seek being released. While what Barbour did was perfectly legal, I would bet he is keeping a low profile from the victims of the people he released because I would bet they are not nearly as forgiving as he would like to believe.
Let me know how you feel when someone murders a loved one and your governor gives him a full pardon as he leaves office. Then come talk to me.