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MS Governor Haley Barbour Pardons 215


The SOB pardoned murderers? Convicted murderers. These people can now go out and buy a gun,vote and be like every other citizen. Well, except for the ones they murdered because ... well.... they are dead. And you are going to sit here and defend that arrogant sanctimonious SOB? What he did and what I said had nothing to do with religion. His actions were in direct contempt for religion and the people in his state that he was elected to represent. He could not get elected as dog catcher right now. The out cry against him is quite strong. He went against the recommendations of the parole board and the people.

Since you want to play victim and try to bring religion in to this. The US code of law does not mention anything about the bible in it. There are sentencing guidelines and procedures for a prisoner to meet with a parole board to seek being released. While what Barbour did was perfectly legal, I would bet he is keeping a low profile from the victims of the people he released because I would bet they are not nearly as forgiving as he would like to believe.

Let me know how you feel when someone murders a loved one and your governor gives him a full pardon as he leaves office. Then come talk to me.
Well at least their not REPUBLICANS, at least I hope not.

The SOB pardoned murderers? Convicted murderers. These people can now go out and buy a gun,vote and be like every other citizen. Well, except for the ones they murdered because ... well.... they are dead. And you are going to sit here and defend that arrogant sanctimonious SOB? What he did and what I said had nothing to do with religion. His actions were in direct contempt for religion and the people in his state that he was elected to represent. He could not get elected as dog catcher right now. The out cry against him is quite strong. He went against the recommendations of the parole board and the people.

Since you want to play victim and try to bring religion in to this. The US code of law does not mention anything about the bible in it. There are sentencing guidelines and procedures for a prisoner to meet with a parole board to seek being released. While what Barbour did was perfectly legal, I would bet he is keeping a low profile from the victims of the people he released because I would bet they are not nearly as forgiving as he would like to believe.

Let me know how you feel when someone murders a loved one and your governor gives him a full pardon as he leaves office. Then come talk to me.

So in your "Fair Share" Progressive world no person is is ever rehabilitated? Interestingly enough I oppose the death penalty because of that the very nature of the punishment says that some are beyond redemption. I don't believe that anyone is beyond redemption.

Nowhere is this concept shown to the General Public then the song "Amazing Grace" and the biography of the Author John Newton (1725–1807), published in 1779. Newton grew up without religion but his life's path was formed by a variety of twists and coincidences that were often put into motion by his recalcitrant insubordination. Newton became a sailor, eventually participating in the slave trade. One night a terrible storm battered his vessel so severely that he became frightened enough to call out to God for mercy,next morning the seas were calm and the words "Amazing Grace how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me, I once was lost but now am found, was blind but now I see". flowed freely from this severely flawed man who completely turned his life around, yet some today would never forgive him his slave trading ways.

I don't know if Haley Barbour made the right choices, time will tell. I do know that redemption is possible for many. Sadly, some despite having redeemed themselves should remain in prison. Let's hope that Mr Barbour was a good judge of chatacter.
Thee is a process in place for rehabilitated criminals. Its called the parole board. Barbour circumvented them and allowed people who perhaps should still be in prison out based on some vague unexplained concept of forgiveness.

Perhaps had he used a more legal justification for his actions there would not have been the out cry. Perhaps had he consulted the victims and survivors there would not have been the out cry. Instead he gave the people of his state and the victims the bird and told them to pound sand.

The fact that you are supporting this SOB is amazing. Had Obama done this You'd have gone over the edge. I know I would have.
Thee is a process in place for rehabilitated criminals. Its called the parole board. Barbour circumvented them and allowed people who perhaps should still be in prison out based on some vague unexplained concept of forgiveness.

Perhaps had he used a more legal justification for his actions there would not have been the out cry. Perhaps had he consulted the victims and survivors there would not have been the out cry. Instead he gave the people of his state and the victims the bird and told them to pound sand.

The fact that you are supporting this SOB is amazing. Had Obama done this You'd have gone over the edge. I know I would have.

Duh...don't Presidential pardons work like Haley?

You ever see the Hawaii 50 where this rehabilitated dude runs amok and finally Danno and Steve wack him in a shootout. McGarrett leans over the body and says to Danno "now he's rehabilitated".

Loved that guy.......

Thee is a process in place for rehabilitated criminals. Its called the parole board. Barbour circumvented them and allowed people who perhaps should still be in prison out based on some vague unexplained concept of forgiveness.

Perhaps had he used a more legal justification for his actions there would not have been the out cry. Perhaps had he consulted the victims and survivors there would not have been the out cry. Instead he gave the people of his state and the victims the bird and told them to pound sand.

The fact that you are supporting this SOB is amazing. Had Obama done this You'd have gone over the edge. I know I would have.

Eh, go look....it was totally in his power to do what he did.
Thee is a process in place for rehabilitated criminals. Its called the parole board. Barbour circumvented them and allowed people who perhaps should still be in prison out based on some vague unexplained concept of forgiveness.

Perhaps had he used a more legal justification for his actions there would not have been the out cry. Perhaps had he consulted the victims and survivors there would not have been the out cry. Instead he gave the people of his state and the victims the bird and told them to pound sand.

The fact that you are supporting this SOB is amazing. Had Obama done this You'd have gone over the edge. I know I would have.

Not really. Pardons and Clemency are part of the Presidents power as defined in the COTUS. Clinton pardoned quite a few and it's his prerogative.

Haley Barbour and Barack Obama would be operating within their respective Constitutions.

He doesn't have to consult with anyone nor should he. A sitting Governor or President must have the power to right the various wrongs that occur over the years. Someplace in that 215 is an innocent man and I'm totally OK with the pardon had Obama done them
Eh, go look....it was totally in his power to do what he did.

Most of them, yes. However, the murderers he had to provide notice.

It is unclear if he followed the law. Since he is a very accomplished attorney who plans on continuing in private practice, I would think he had done his homework.

Section 124 of the Mississippi Constitution says any inmate seeking a pardon must publish notice about his intentions. Before the governor can grant it, the notice must appear 30 days in a newspaper in or near the county where the person was convicted.


It appears that he has according to some. I am sure the courts and the people of Mississippi will figure it all out.
Not really. Pardons and Clemency are part of the Presidents power as defined in the COTUS. Clinton pardoned quite a few and it's his prerogative.

Haley Barbour and Barack Obama would be operating within their respective Constitutions.

He doesn't have to consult with anyone nor should he. A sitting Governor or President must have the power to right the various wrongs that occur over the years. Someplace in that 215 is an innocent man and I'm totally OK with the pardon had Obama done them
I am in agreement with you here Sparrow.

We cannot take the power of pardon away from the Governer or President. I see states like Oklahoma now trying to strip that away. That, in my opinion, is as bad as trying to bring judges before the congress to explain decisions.

Where does it stop?

Maybe I have a Libertarian side to me? B)
I did not mean to imply that what he did was against the law or state constitution. There are cases where a pardon is justified. I think what Barbour did was with in the law but it was wrong both morally and with out justification
I am in agreement with you here Sparrow.

We cannot take the power of pardon away from the Governer or President. I see states like Oklahoma now trying to strip that away. That, in my opinion, is as bad as trying to bring judges before the congress to explain decisions.

Where does it stop?

Maybe I have a Libertarian side to me? B)

There is a little Libertarian in all of us. We label people as Conservative & Liberal here in the US. Let's take a look at the root words for the two labels, Conserve & Liberty, Which as it turns out is the Libertarian approach to "Conserve Liberty". So most at least to some extent do have a Libertarian streak running through them. If you're Liberal/Progressive a Libertarians view on things like Gay marriage, drugs, civil liberties will likely appeal to you. Additionally the Non-Interventionist Foreign Policy as well. OTOH if you're a conservative then the fiscal policy of small government and low taxes is right up your alley.

If you're like me you've been baptized via full immersion and all of it fits together perfectly.
Had Obama done this You'd have gone over the edge. I know I would have.

Sure, just like you went over the edge defending Obama's right to do recess appointments when Congress wasn't in recess, and have remained remarkably silent over his decision to defer deportation of 215,000 El Salvadorians' last week due to an earthquake that occurred 11 years ago (or maybe I just missed that thread...).
I never defended the recess appointment. What I have argued is that it seems he is on firm legal ground to do the appointments because a pro forma session of Congress as currently being implemented is not what the Framers intended from what I have read.

I personally do not agree with the idea of any recess appointments as I think it circumvents advise and consent. In this day and age with electronic communication recess appointments are not needed IMO.

This is the first I have heard of the El Salvador thing.

Legally Barbour is on firm legal ground. I personally think he abused his power and circumvented the will of the people. He did it in a cowardly way by doing it on his way out of office. The power of pardons and clemency have their place. There are times when the punishment does not fit the crime. Perhaps most of the pardons he gave were justified but he is not required to and did not provide any justification for the murderers.

Finally, we are a nation based on the rule of law. Whether we are a forgiving nation or not is not the basis for a pardon. There needs to be a legal and logical argument made.
Legally Barbour is on firm legal ground. I personally think he abused his power and circumvented the will of the people. He did it in a cowardly way by doing it on his way out of office. The power of pardons and clemency have their place. There are times when the punishment does not fit the crime. Perhaps most of the pardons he gave were justified but he is not required to and did not provide any justification for the murderers.

Finally, we are a nation based on the rule of law. Whether we are a forgiving nation or not is not the basis for a pardon. There needs to be a legal and logical argument made.

Actually there doesn't need to be a sound legal or logical argument beyond what The COTUS and the Constitution of the State of Mississippi clearly define is that the power of Pardon and Clemency belong to the Executive Branch. That is a sound legal argument in and of itself.

Fact is the POTUS or a sitting Governor can pardon a female prisoner because he likes her figure! There are precious few examples of pardons that back fired throughout our long history. In fact I'm having trouble finding one. The Willie Horton incident was a parole issue.

You just have your panties in a knot because it was one of them evil Christian, God Loving Republicans who much to your chagrin acted within the law. Sorry I'm fresh out of tissues, go find a beer to cry in.
You just have your panties in a knot because it was one of them evil Christian, God Loving Republicans who much to your chagrin acted within the law. Sorry I'm fresh out of tissues, go find a beer to cry in.

Your the one crying. Poor minority Christians are being picked on. Whaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!

Give me a break. Im pissed because he let convicted murdered go against the parole boards recommendations and he did so based on his religious convictions and not and logical or rational basis. He also did it on his way out the door. The true act of a coward.

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