(in millions, except per share amounts)
Three Months Ended December 31, Percent
2004 2003 Change
Passenger - American Airlines $3,610 $3,589 0.6
- Regional Affiliates 463 407 13.8
Cargo 173 149 16.1
Other revenues 295 246 19.9
Total operating revenues 4,541 4,391 3.4
Wages, salaries and benefits 1,680 1,604 4.7
Aircraft fuel 1,188 695 70.9
Depreciation and amortization 329 350 (6.0)
Other rentals and landing fees 286 282 1.4
Commissions, booking fees and
credit card expense 244 267 (8.6)
Maintenance, materials and
repairs 230 219 5.0
Aircraft rentals 151 155 (2.6)
Food service 137 151 (9.3)
Other operating expenses 591 565 4.6
Special charges 60 330 (81.8)
Total operating expenses 4,896 4,618 6.0
Operating Loss (355) (227) 56.4
Other Income (Expense)
Interest income 19 14 35.7
Interest expense (223) (123) 81.3
Interest capitalized 20 17 17.6
Miscellaneous - net 152 128 18.8
(32) 36 *
Loss Before Income Taxes (387) (191) *
Income tax benefit ** --- (80) *
Net Loss $(387) $(111) *
Continued on next page
* Greater than 100%
** The company did not record a net tax benefit associated with its 2004
or 2003 losses due to the company providing a valuation allowance.
However, in 2003, the company reached an agreement with the IRS
covering tax years 1990 through 1995 and as a result recorded an
$80 million tax benefit to reduce previously accrued income tax
(in millions, except per share amounts)
Three Months Ended December 31,
2004 2003
Basic and Diluted Loss Per Share $(2.40) $(0.70)
Number of Shares Used in Computation
Basic and Diluted 161 160
AMR Corporation
Impact of Fuel Price Variance
Average fuel price per gallon (cents)
Three months ended December 31, 2004 147.7
Three months ended December 31, 2003 88.4
Change in price (cents) 59.3
2004 consumption (gallons, in millions) x 805
Impact of fuel price variance (in millions $477
AMR Corporation
Impact of Fuel Price Variance
Average fuel price per gallon (cents)
Twelve months ended December 31, 2004 121.6
Twelve months ended December 31, 2003 87.7
Change in price (cents) 33.9
2004 consumption (gallons, in millions) x 3,264
Impact of fuel price variance (in millions) $1,106
Three Months Ended
December 31, Percent
2004 2003 Change
American Airlines, Inc. Mainline
Jet Operations
Revenue passenger miles
(millions) 31,893 29,592 7.8
Available seat miles (millions) 42,906 41,348 3.8
Cargo ton miles (millions) 586 532 10.2
Passenger load factor 74.3% 71.6% 2.7 pts.
Passenger revenue yield per
passenger mile (cents) 11.32 12.13 (6.7)
Passenger revenue per available
seat mile (cents) 8.41 8.68 (3.1)
Cargo revenue yield per ton
mile (cents) 29.56 27.91 5.9
Operating expenses per
available seat mile,
excluding Regional
Affiliates (cents) (A) 10.25 10.25 ---
Special charges per available
seat mile (cents) 0.14 0.80 (82.5)
Fuel consumption (gallons,
in millions) 738 732 0.8
Fuel price per gallon (cents) 147.4 88.1 67.3
Regional Affiliates
Revenue passenger miles
(millions) 1,928 1,499 28.6
Available seat miles (millions) 2,877 2,311 24.5
Passenger load factor 67.0% 64.9% 2.1 pts.
AMR Corporation
Average Equivalent Number
of Employees
American Airlines 77,500 78,900
Other 13,200 11,700
Total 90,700 90,600
(A) Excludes $561 million and $451 million of expense incurred related
to Regional Affiliates in 2004 and 2003, respectively.
(in millions, except per share amounts)
Twelve Months Ended December 31, Percent
2004 2003 Change
Passenger - American Airlines $15,021 $14,332 4.8
- Regional Affiliates 1,876 1,519 23.5
Cargo 625 558 12.0
Other revenues 1,123 1,031 8.9
Total operating revenues 18,645 17,440 6.9
Wages, salaries and benefits 6,719 7,264 (7.5)
Aircraft fuel 3,969 2,772 43.2
Depreciation and amortization 1,292 1,377 (6.2)
Other rentals and landing fees 1,187 1,173 1.2
Commissions, booking fees and
credit card expense 1,107 1,063 4.1
Maintenance, materials and
repairs 971 860 12.9
Aircraft rentals 609 687 (11.4)
Food service 558 611 (8.7)
Other operating expenses 2,366 2,428 (2.6)
Special charges 11 407 (97.3)
U.S. government grant --- (358) *
Total operating expenses 18,789 18,284 2.8
Operating Loss (144) (844) (82.9)
Other Income (Expense)
Interest income 66 55 20.0
Interest expense (871) (703) 23.9
Interest capitalized 80 71 12.7
Miscellaneous - net 108 113 (4.4)
(617) (464) 33.0
Loss Before Income Taxes (761) (1,308) (41.8)
Income tax benefit ** --- (80) *
Net Loss $(761) $(1,228) (38.0)
Continued on next page
* Greater than 100%
** The company did not record a net tax benefit associated with its 2004
or 2003 losses due to the company providing a valuation allowance.
However, in 2003, the company reached an agreement with the IRS
covering tax years 1990 through 1995 and as a result recorded an
$80 million tax benefit to reduce previously accrued income tax
(in millions, except per share amounts)
Twelve Months Ended December 31,
2004 2003
Basic and Diluted Loss Per Share $(4.74) $(7.76)
Number of Shares Used in Computation
Basic and Diluted 161 158
Twelve Months Ended December 31, Percent
2004 2003 Change
American Airlines, Inc. Mainline
Jet Operations
Revenue passenger miles
(millions) 130,164 120,328 8.2
Available seat miles
(millions) 174,015 165,209 5.3
Cargo ton miles (millions) 2,203 2,000 10.2
Passenger load factor 74.8% 72.8% 2.0 pts.
Passenger revenue yield per
passenger mile (cents) 11.54 11.91 (3.1)
Passenger revenue per available
seat mile (cents) 8.63 8.67 (0.5)
Cargo revenue yield per
ton mile (cents) 28.36 27.87 1.8
Operating expenses per
available seat mile,
excluding Regional
Affiliates (cents) (A) 9.73 10.15 (4.1)
Special charges and U.S.
government grant per
available seat mile (cents) 0.01 0.05 (80.0)
Fuel consumption (gallons,
in millions) 3,014 2,956 2.0
Fuel price per gallon (cents) 121.2 87.5 38.5
Regional Affiliates
Revenue passenger miles
(millions) 7,283 5,516 32.0
Available seat miles
(millions) 10,835 8,597 26.0
Passenger load factor 67.2% 64.2% 3.0 pts.
(A) Excludes $2,104 million and $1,757 million of expense incurred
related to Regional Affiliates in 2004 and 2003, respectively.
(in millions) (Unaudited)
Three Months Ended December 31, Percent
2004 2003 Change
Passenger - American Airlines $3,610 $3,589 0.6
- Regional Affiliates 463 407 13.8
Cargo 173 149 16.1
Other revenues 285 238 19.7
Total operating revenues 4,531 4,383 3.4
Wages, salaries and benefits 1,554 1,496 3.9
Aircraft fuel 1,088 645 68.7
Regional carrier payments 504 401 25.7
Depreciation and amortization 286 309 (7.4)
Other rentals and landing fees 255 262 (2.7)
Commissions, booking fees and
credit card expense 244 268 (9.0)
Maintenance, materials and
repairs 190 179 6.1
Aircraft rentals 145 151 (4.0)
Food service 135 150 (10.0)
Other operating expenses 497 498 (0.2)
Special charges 59 330 (82.1)
Total operating expenses 4,957 4,689 5.7
Operating Loss (426) (306) 39.2
Other Income (Expense)
Interest income 19 14 35.7
Interest expense (165) (74) *
Interest capitalized 21 16 31.3
Related party interest - net (1) --- *
Miscellaneous - net 151 130 16.2
25 86 (70.9)
Loss Before Income Taxes (401) (220) 82.3
Income tax benefit ** --- (91) *
Net Loss $(401) $(129) *
* Greater than 100%
** The company did not record a net tax benefit associated with its 2004
or 2003 losses due to the company providing a valuation allowance.
However, in 2003, the company reached an agreement with the IRS
covering tax years 1990 through 1995 and as a result recorded a
$91 million tax benefit to reduce previously accrued income tax
(in millions) (Unaudited)
Twelve Months Ended December 31, Percent
2004 2003 Change
Passenger - American Airlines $15,021 $14,332 4.8
- Regional Affiliates 1,876 1,519 23.5
Cargo 625 558 12.0
Other revenues 1,086 994 9.3
Total operating revenues 18,608 17,403 6.9
Wages, salaries and benefits 6,224 6,831 (8.9)
Aircraft fuel 3,653 2,586 41.3
Regional payments 1,869 1,550 20.6
Depreciation and amortization 1,124 1,213 (7.3)
Other rentals and landing fees 1,066 1,084 (1.7)
Commissions, booking fees and
credit card expense 1,107 1,064 4.0
Maintenance, materials and
repairs 821 714 15.0
Aircraft rentals 588 666 (11.7)
Food service 552 606 (8.9)
Other operating expenses 2,015 2,126 (5.2)
Special charges 10 407 (97.5)
U.S. government grant --- (315) *
Total operating expenses 19,029 18,532 2.7
Operating Loss (421) (1,129) (62.7)
Other Income (Expense)
Interest income 64 54 18.5
Interest expense (650) (524) 24.0
Interest capitalized 77 66 16.7
Related party interest - net (2) 7 *
Miscellaneous - net 111 117 (5.1)
(400) (280) 42.9
Loss Before Income Taxes (821) (1,409) (41.7)
Income tax benefit ** --- (91) *
Net Loss $(821) $(1,318) (37.7)
* Greater than 100%
** The company did not record a net tax benefit associated with its 2004
or 2003 losses due to the company providing a valuation allowance.
However, in 2003, the company reached an agreement with the IRS
covering tax years 1990 through 1995 and as a result recorded a
$91 million tax benefit to reduce previously accrued income tax
Current AMR Corp. news releases can be accessed via the Internet.
The address is
SOURCE AMR Corporation
-0- 01/19/2005
/EDITORS' ADVISORY: A live Webcast reporting fourth quarter results will
be broadcast on the Internet on Jan. 19 at 2 p.m. EST. [Windows Media Player
required for viewing.]
AMR's Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer, Gerard Arpey, and
its Chief Financial Officer, James Beer, will make a presentation to analysts
during a teleconference on Wednesday, Jan. 19, from 2 p.m. to 2:45 p.m. EST.
Following the analyst call, they will hold a question-and-answer conference
call for media from 3 p.m. to 3:45 p.m. EST. Reporters interested in
listening to the presentation or participating in the media Q&A should call
817-967-1577 for details./
/CONTACT: Al Becker, Corporate Communications of AMR Corporation,
+1-817-967-1577, or /
/Web site: /
CO: AMR Corporation; American Airlines, Inc.
ST: Texas