Not true again Bob, another lie. US, UA, DL, and WN have dramatically lower overhaul staff than they had before.
Where is the lie? You even admit that they all do OH later on in the same post.
US, UA, DL, and WN all have over 40% outsourced maintenance which is far more than AA is currently under the TWU scope language you call inferior.
And what you voted YES to was between 45% and 55% outsoucing, depending on what happens with Taesl.
UA now has no cap on outsourcing.
Then neither do we.
And read the UA/IBT deal, they have a utility job description in their contract. These utility people are unlicensed and can do work on aircraft and GSE. DL has over 1900 unlicensed repairmen working in DL Tech Ops. Look it up on the FAA repair station database.
Yep, all post 9-11(except maybe Delta but they are non-union), we had them in place since 1995.
Outsourcing at was in force before SRPs. The company asked for that position in 1995 in response to the low cost carriers that were moving in to our markets and outsourced all their overhaul. CO was already outsourcing work, they shut down DEN and then LAX in the early 90s. Keep spinning your tall tales. UA offered the early out only last year which is over six years after they exited BK. They offered no early out in BK. Get your facts in the right order.
I never said they offered the Buyout in BK, but then again when UAL went into BK they really were broke, the mechanics were at the top of the industry in pay, the govt had just turned their application for 9-11 funding down. Still they came out of it with more vacation, more holidays better OT rules , equity, convertable notes and a 401K contribution on all earnings including OT.
I worked for an LCC. did you? The big guys have a lot of advantages that size bring. The LCC threat was alwayys overstated as eveidenced by the fact that the failure rate for all those upsarts is even higher than the failure rate for the legacy carriers. SWA is the main exception but they carved out and created their own markets, markets that the big boys werent interested in.
Removal of ASM caps can be a double edged sword. Yes they can take flights away from mainline however, if they open up new markets and add passengers we can add more mainline flights. That means more jobs. More ETOPS for JFK and LAX by adding flights to underserved markets. Not a bad plan if it works.
The company is not at the max, if that was the case then why arent they adding more flights now? This line of thinking sounds somewhat like supply side economics, if you give the rich all the money more will trickle down to the masse, or if we do away with minimum wage there will be more jobs or if we work for less we can save jobs.
I partially agree with you here. The only way they can keep the work in-house if we can jointly solve the operational and organizational problems but you call that boot licking. CO is bringing work back in-house because they do "boot licking" and do the airframe work with fewer people faster than the MROs. The language is in the CO/IBT contract that the workers must prove they can do it cheaper in-house.
We already have that language, they dont have anything like our Boot livcker letter where we committ to making AA "best in class" in return for the worst pay and benefit package in the industry.
But you call that boot licking and Bob doesn't do that.
And capacity is not tight. At the MRO show the vendors are excited to put in their bids. They called the new AA and Air Canada work a "game changer" for the North American MRO industry.
It probably is, because with tight capacity they can charge more.
One question. If the April 26th LBO or as it was renamed within hours of it being rejected 'The latest offer" was saving jobs then why was System Protection taken out. Please explain how getting rid of system protection saves jobs?