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More Paycuts Necessary


This is the crux of the problem with U. This management is not focused on the product, and continue to only focus on labor cost reductions, specifically removing jobs in order to return to profitability.

As mrplanes so eloquentely pointed out some time ago....paraphrased "either by design or an inept management, the business plan is flawed.

If you, as a pax, have any influence at all with communicating to this mangement, please tell them..."we have a problem here, Houston"

USAirBoy330 asked: "Exactly where did these figures come from?"

Chip answers: ALPA believes "Pref Bid" will increase productivity and decrease pilot positions by 300 to 500, however, the ALPA contract prevents furloughs due to productivity changes. To prevent furloughs, the pilot group took an additional 8% pay cut in the supplemental restructuring agreement, thus paying for the additional jobs ahead of time.

Separately, the AFA negotiated "Pref Bid", but did not take an additional pay cut, thus when reserves begin flying more there will be less flight attendants required to support the operation. A flight attendnat position reduction is difficult to predict to to the voluntary separation program and voluntary leave of absence employees returning to active service.

Moreover, dependent upon whether or not the UCT occurs, this could adjust staffing.

Regardless, "Pref Bid" will significantly improve flight crew productivity and reduce the number of pilots and flight attendants required to man the operation.


pitguy said:
That is purely speculation on my part, but one would have to think the Witch Doctor of RSA has to be thinking it is coming time to end the regime of the New Lorenzo. Dave appears to have been labeled a liar and a person of no trust among passengers, employees, and government leaders. It will be trying for him to accomplish much more considering this. One may conclude he is not only short on stature, but honesty too.
Having said this,
Do you speculate this could happen before the September dead line for Pitt?
Interesting speculations happening in my mind.
Seeing how he has deceived every political body in the state of PA. Just wondering if a change would make any difference in that situation.

OK, I am not trying to argue or anything and I am sure you have your sources, but I know the AFA reps that were in the meetings. They were very clear in communicating to us that NO FIGURES on F/A "HEADS" (as the company refers to us with such disrespect) were give as of this time. They even went so far as to say there were conflicting reports about the whole situation. I don't doubt this was designed to cut "HEADS" but right now the company is taking a wait and see attitude. Pref Bid is far from being implemented and the program is not even ready yet. Plus, depending on how the arbitrator rules we could end up with percentages vs. time balancing and that could effect such numbers. From what I read your saying ALPA took an additional paycut to protect "HEADS." Well, I understand this but I believe AFA when they are telling me the company isn't really sure if or how many people are being affected by Pref Bid and New Reserve. They know that if even 1 person is let go due to this system, another VF Program will be rolled out and they are HELL BENT not to offer one. Things change and my feeling is this system might cause unforeseen problems and staffing issues at first. Let just wait and see. 12% of the F/As is not a realistic number in my view.
fast said:
Pit Guy,
Do we have a successor picked out yet?
We can not do any worse than what we have.
(famous last words about your loud neighbors then a crack deal move in) 😉
I have heard a few names on the wish list.
Lets hope it is someone who can see a future for USAIR not just a featherbeded future for himself. 🙄
I want him out too, but be careful what you wish for!!

We hated Wolfe and look what we got...we never thought ANYONE could be worse than that.

Silly us..Dave proved us wrong.
Chip Munn said:
Chip answers: ALPA believes "Pref Bid" will increase productivity and decrease pilot positions by 300 to 500, however, the ALPA contract prevents furloughs due to productivity changes. To prevent furloughs, the pilot group took an additional 8% pay cut in the supplemental restructuring agreement, thus paying for the additional jobs ahead of time.
And the IAM agreement bars outsourcing, too. Did that stop the company? I would not be shocked to see management attempt to go after the pilots next by laying some off regardless of the agreement if they can save another buck.
N628AU said:
Chip Munn said:
Chip answers: ALPA believes "Pref Bid" will increase productivity and decrease pilot positions by 300 to 500, however, the ALPA contract prevents furloughs due to productivity changes. To prevent furloughs, the pilot group took an additional 8% pay cut in the supplemental restructuring agreement, thus paying for the additional jobs ahead of time.
And the IAM agreement bars outsourcing, too. Did that stop the company? I would not be shocked to see management attempt to go after the pilots next by laying some off regardless of the agreement if they can save another buck.
Hey this Dude N628AU is soooooooooo right!!!!!! :up:
Chip, please don't be angry with me. 😀 I'm only expressing my opinion, but this Dude (N628AU) is loking strait into the eye's of BAAL.

Agreements, honor, integrity mean nothing to these guys. I know you are very bright, and very insightful. But If your the go to guy with ALPA for negotiations----I'll let you in on a little secret...THE DAVY TWIN'S ARE LIARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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fast said:
pitguy said:
That is purely speculation on my part, but one would have to think the Witch Doctor of RSA has to be thinking it is coming time to end the regime of the New Lorenzo. Dave appears to have been labeled a liar and a person of no trust among passengers, employees, and government leaders. It will be trying for him to accomplish much more considering this. One may conclude he is not only short on stature, but honesty too.
Having said this,
Do you speculate this could happen before the September dead line for Pitt?
Interesting speculations happening in my mind.
Seeing how he has deceived every political body in the state of PA. Just wondering if a change would make any difference in that situation.
Yes, I would be surprised if he was here then. I feel he has no more than six months. Although I have been wrong before. Want any of my old U stock? LOL

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