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More Pain! As If We Didn't Know!

Nightwatch said:
You mean you'll actually work? Guess change is good sometimes.

Ouch, you really got me on that one.

I see you have been reduced to the God awful one-liners.
Nightwatch said:
Just when replying to you, the effort for more isn't worth it.


You got me again.

What is your appx. last day of employment? I'll send you some flowers to make you feel better.

Is there anyway we can cash in our pay and benefit concessions that were supposed to keep you employed, and move your last day forward?
Nightwatch said:
Just when replying to you, the effort for more isn't worth it.

Nightwatch, why is it that you are the only one who claims to be an ex-TWA employee, that comes here to post?
You guys are hilarious, I'm on the floor laughing, you guys ever think about taking this act to the comedy club you would be great together Decision 2004 and Nightwatch appearing live tonight at the comedy club 🙂

I would come to watch 😉 Hell I'd even pay to watch 😀

Keep it up guys I could use some good humor with all the bad that is happening. 😀

This is funny stuff, I think he has kinda got you on the ropes Night Watch but I have faith in you to stage a come back. :up:
Yeah, he's got me alright. Trouble with his line of thinking is when I get my notice they'll be turning the lights out here altogether. I'm afraid I'll be here a bit longer.

And really Buck, I'm the only one/ex-TWAer, that evidently doesn't have a life. Most guys here really could care less about Stewart and others outside of MCI. I use Stewart as my little spanking doll, and really Buck, do you care?
Nightwatch said:
Yeah, he's got me alright. Trouble with his line of thinking is when I get my notice they'll be turning the lights out here altogether. I'm afraid I'll be here a bit longer.

And really Buck, I'm the only one/ex-TWAer, that evidently doesn't have a life. Most guys here really could care less about Stewart and others outside of MCI. I use Stewart as my little spanking doll, and really Buck, do you care?

What I care about is that the TWU not grant more concessions.
Buck, here's a newsflash for you. If any of us at MCIE are left next time concessions are sought, we'll vote YES at 100%, just a little going away present from me to you!
Nightwatch said:
Buck, here's a newsflash for you. If any of us at MCIE are left next time concessions are sought, we'll vote YES at 100%, just a little going away present from me to you!
What's new, you guy's at tWA have voted yes on any #### contract for years now. "We'll getem next time brother" :lol:
Nightwatch said:
Buck, here's a newsflash for you. If any of us at MCIE are left next time concessions are sought, we'll vote YES at 100%, just a little going away present from me to you!

No Newsflash!

But I doubt you speak for the entire compliment of MCIE, there are some union men and women still left.

You have made it clear that you are a non-union man employed in a union mans position. Do the entire airline industry a favor and retire soon.

Two things will happen, you will be gone and you cannot infect future union men and women.
Wanna bet Buck? I dare you to come on this floor at MCIE and speak your union BS right now. All you'd have to do is mention you're from TULE and promote AMFA, I'd pay good $$$ to watch that.
Nightwatch said:
Wanna bet Buck? I dare you to come on this floor at MCIE and speak your union BS right now. All you'd have to do is mention you're from TULE and promote AMFA, I'd pay good $$$ to watch that.

I knew you were non-union!

Thanks for admitting it!