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More Job Cuts Seen At American Airlines


Aug 20, 2002
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CEO Warns of More Job Cuts at American Airlines in Bid to Compete With Other Carriers

DALLAS (AP) -- American Airlines, struggling to compete with lower-overhead carriers, will cut more jobs to reduce costs, chief executive Gerard Arpey said Wednesday.
The company had already disclosed that it would lay off up to 650 mechanics and 450 pilots, as CEO Gerard Arpey reminded investors during a meeting in New York.

"We will see more cuts across the board, all workers, in the months ahead," Arpey added.

Sounds like they are setting up another "concession stand" down at AMR headquarters. The TWU :down: will always be first in line to give away more to Arpey.
Hatu said:
CEO Warns of More Job Cuts at American Airlines in Bid to Compete With Other Carriers
DALLAS (AP) -- American Airlines, struggling to compete with lower-overhead carriers, will cut more jobs to reduce costs, chief executive Gerard Arpey said Wednesday.
The company had already disclosed that it would lay off up to 650 mechanics and 450 pilots, as CEO Gerard Arpey reminded investors during a meeting in New York.

"We will see more cuts across the board, all workers, in the months ahead," Arpey added.

Sounds like they are setting up another "concession stand" down at AMR headquarters.

He's referencing layoffs not salary reductions.
Oneflyer said:
He's referencing layoffs not salary reductions.
<_< No!! He's refering to what is left of the ex-TWA employees!!!!!! :down:
What is the new total after the additional 450+ AA PILOTS are furloughed? What kind of 'date of hire' are we talking? Really surprised to hear this after the number of recalls from NWA & CAL.

On a separate issue, BAD NEWS for MOST pilots - the age 60 issue is popping up once again! Just received some BS letter about ALPA conducting research on the issue. ALPA mentioned that it's NOW a financial matter due to the pension issues at all the majors. That's strange...always thought age 60 was a safety issue - not greed $$$. :down:
Gee, I wonder if this has anything to do with parking aircraft and pulling 1Q05 capacity down....

Haven't heard a word about concessions.
Read the FW Star-Telegram article about AA and the VP of HR is openly talking about concessions and Letters of Agreement to modify the Union contracts.
[AACU website]
goingboeing said:
Read the FW Star-Telegram article about AA and the VP of HR is openly talking about concessions and Letters of Agreement to modify the Union contracts.
[AACU website]

Or better yet, logon to AA.com and listen to the entire conference for yourself and hear what the executives really said. The difference between the newspaper reporter's version and reality is shocking.


But be warned: It's about 3.5 hours long. And use a broadband connection. B)
FWAAA said:
Or better yet, logon to AA.com and listen to the entire conference for yourself and hear what the executives really said. The difference between the newspaper reporter's version and reality is shocking.


But be warned: It's about 3.5 hours long. And use a broadband connection. B)

Could you please post a summary of the 3 hour conference so we don't have to listen to all 3 hours? Thanks.
Veep Brundage is promising pink slips will begin to fly just in time for Thanksgiving.

The impact on jobs will probably be felt most over the next three months, starting as early as mid-November

They just LOVE to shaft labor over the holidays. I've never quite figured out that line of reasoning. The downside to that is, notifying employees they may or may not have a job come this holiday season is just like a big kick in the balls. Needless to say, that spirit of cooperation they expect labor to smile all the way to the unemployment line with just to save their jobs isn't going to happen.

But the veep did leave you all with a happy thought . . .

Working together we can steer the company through these challenges

Say it with me . . . .####! B)