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Sep 30, 2003
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Just wanted to add some information I just recieved in regards to Mid Atlantic.....
My Roommate just informed that he spoke with a Furloughed Flight Attendant (June Furlough) that was contacted by the compant to begin Training in December.... :up: :up:
Any guesses as to what will happen in DEC? Around 300-500 are scheduled to get the boot to INVOL Furlough. It seems odd that no staffing or furlough numbers have come out and already the JUNE furloughs are getting called back. The logical thing to do would be to offer the DEC furloughs the MAA slots. Something isn't right here.....huuuum. :blink: 😛h34r:
Hi Colby, welcome!

Any idea how hey were they were contacted? By mail or by phone? Were any more details provided about training or anything? I thought they were going to contact everyone first to find out who is intersted. Is your friend an instructor or something, or a regular flight attendant?

I'm also wondering about the December furloughs and the furloughs as a result of the new reserve system.

Will the company be posting the results of how many people accept MDA?
Hey guys,

Well, all I know is that my roommate works for TSA now in PHL and spoke with a F/A that was going through security. If you go to afausairways.org there are some question and answer items there. I don't know how this person was contacted but I sure am checking my messages 😉

I too have wondered about the Dec Furlough... guess they are moving on with everything enlight of what may happen in Dec. The Company supposedly has not notified the union yet as to staffing in Dec. Guess they're freaking out in case we have another Big Snow storm like we had in Feb...HA HA

If I find out anything more I will let everyone know. I am just glad to hear all this Positive information since I am a May Furlough....BRING IT ON !!! 🙂
A few buds in CLT that worked the line said they too were contacted, (they are laid off now) 2 of the 6 took early retirement...the kicker is MDA said they would have to give up their Airways retirement if came to work there at MDA. Also heard starting wages in MX of Approx.$ 12.00 ph....thats right, and hiring on ratio of 2.5 mechanics per aircraft. :unsure:
With a somewhat mirror image of American Eagles pitful contract. As for for the drivers and F/A's pay ect.. I can't say. Hold on to your booty! :blink:
USAirBoyA330 said:
Any guesses as to what will happen in DEC? Around 300-500 are scheduled to get the boot to INVOL Furlough. It seems odd that no staffing or furlough numbers have come out and already the JUNE furloughs are getting called back. The logical thing to do would be to offer the DEC furloughs the MAA slots. Something isn't right here.....huuuum. :blink: 😛h34r:
What I am hearing from inflight in Philly...
There will probably be no furlough!
They are claiming that many many will quit with this new reserve system.
That's what they are banking on.

Is it true??? That is anybody's guess.
I think a lot of people will quit with this new system however, the "mass exodus" has been talked about since I set foot on the property and has yet to happen. I will believe it when I see it. I just hope they stop yanking our chain and let us know what is going on.
Twicebaked said:
What I am hearing from inflight in Philly...
There will probably be no furlough!
They are claiming that many many will quit with this new reserve system.
That's what they are banking on.

Is it true??? That is anybody's guess.
This to me is shameful! Why in the heck would a company implement something so awful that they are "banking" on a mass exodus? This is pure madness!! I've heard the rumours...but this just takes the cake!
As a furloughed f/a(may1 ,03) I hope to get called. But I just spoke to a friend from the June furlough and they did not get contacted by MAA. So, I am not sure what this is all about. I am confused???? :blink: I will call someone in inflight tomorrow or AFA local...

How is it that Dave can get away with MDA and the associated pay rates? For that matter, how does Ornstien get away with Mesa and his pay rates and work rules? Because WE will grovel and go there to staff their babies. WE accept the lower pay. WE accept the work rules and WE accept the jobs when offered. WE are our worst enemies. Because WE love this business so much we would prefer inferior pay and working conditions rather than go out into the real world and find other jobs. That is the cold, hard truth. And that, in a nutshell, is how the Lorenzo's, Ornstien's and Siegel's do their thing.

Ornstien recently said that he knew his pilot wages were still too high because he had no problem filling new hire classes. While that may infuriate pilots, it is totally true. The supply and demand concept is not fiction. It is fact. And as long as Siegel and Ornstien can fill classes at Mesa and MDA they presume (correctly) that the demand is higher than the supply and they can continue to lower wages until they see otherwise. And they will.

What can WE do? Tough question. But keep in mind that as much as WE love it, it is still a job. And no one has to work for poor pay and working conditions unless they want to. One is always in control of one's destiny. To think you MUST work in this business is not true. One CHOOSES to work in this business.


I don't understand how someone can love a job that can not sustain them.

This is baffling. I can see someone doing it as a hobby or side job thing, but not lvong it enough that you can't pay your bills, support a family, and then never see them.

Simply baffling.

I am looking into this whole recall issue because it sounds a little funny to me. They might call people but they also have to send a registered letter as well. You know how "rumors" get started and not to say this is one, however the timing doesn't seem right. The in-flight training instructors have not even started yet. Keep in mind the classes will be about 24 people so not everyone in June might be called at the same time. I will let you know if I find out anything.
PineyBob said:
F/AinDay said:
Twicebaked said:
What I am hearing from inflight in Philly...
There will probably be no furlough!
They are claiming that many many will quit with this new reserve system.
That's what they are banking on.

Is it true??? That is anybody's guess.
This to me is shameful! Why in the heck would a company implement something so awful that they are "banking" on a mass exodus? This is pure madness!! I've heard the rumours...but this just takes the cake!
To answer your question. This type of management keeps you out of age discrimination lawsuits. From a management perspective it is an excellent way to weed out older "Top of Scale" workers who are ill more often (Statistically at least), tend to be more vocal and active in union politics, all while lowering your costs in a very legal way.

This will stop when Dave & Ben get the numbers where they want them. in the Mean time the firings will continue until morale improves. Not very enlightened is it?

I see where you're coming from here, but the "New & Improved" :shock: Reserve system starts from the bottom. This will only affect the most junior f/a's. Or shall I say 5-15yrs or so seniority.
Okay guys let me try to clear the air here !!!

1st... I would not have even wasted anyones time if I did not believe the info I got yesterday was believable...My roommate resigned from USAIR and now works for TSA at checkpoint B..SO he comes in contact with A LOT of our employees.
I put in a call to my old roommate that was furloughed in June also and she had not yet recieved any info but spoke with someone in Inflight that said they would be sending out letters. NOW I don't know if people in Inflight really don't know what's going on or not.... ALL I KNOW is that if a F/A going through Check Point B tells my roommate he was contacted by the Company.... That seems like solid information. I don't live everyday waiting on the "WHAT IFS" I try and go by facts !

2nd... As far as the question about how someone could work at a job and not be able to pay your bills....WELL, there are a lot of Flight Attendants out there that have nothing better to do than #### AND MOAN about the company and not being home with their Family...Even some that are AFRAID OF FLYING!!! PLLLZZZZ if you don't like it GET OUT!! IF you miss your Family GET OUT !!
And Especially if your afraid of flying ....GET OUT!!! Some of us can Budget our money to survive on ... and Where else can you work half a month and still bring home a paycheck more than what most people make working 40 hour work weeks... I was able to pay rent.... Feed myself....have fun.....and pay my exhusband CHILD SUPPORT on my income as a 3year Flight Attendant..... I am over listening to all the BITCHING !!! You think you got it rough.....HA try walking in MY SHOES for a while !!!!!
I am a F/A that was furloughed on 1 September 03. When I returned the company property (ID, Parking Pass, etc.) I looked at the seniority list before leaving. On that date I was number 15 to be recalled. As of today, I have not heard anyhing from the company regarding MidAtlantic. I am not doubting the truthfulness of anything previously posted but, it stands to reason that I would have heard something from the company as well.

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