Just for the record when I pay for a Value Meal at McDonalds for $6.00 I have an expectation that it be delivered to me hot and correct or back it goes.
You serious?
Ohhhhhwwww, my gawd....
Some of you have some serious issues. You are spoiled little brats. You need to spend a couple of years outside of the US and Europe. Go to a third world country and experience life there.
Again, you are needy and spoiled. You need to have everything taken away from you for a while so you know not to complain about trivial stuff.
If you didn't notice before, I never defended the airline. Just plain out pointed out the fact that you are complaining and whining about stupid stuff in life.
I hope you finally got my point.
Now, please, as stated before by others, don't buy tickets on US Airways. Don't buy tickets on any airline that you feel gives you a bad service. Move on.
Next topic, please.