By the way Van, did you ever talk to the flight attendant you had a problem with? IF so, what was there response? If they did acknowledge your concerns, why did you write them up to customer relations? Just curious. Sometimes it just takes a personal conversation to fix the problem, meaning you felt the fa needed to button up his shirt, or needed to help the pax with there bag issues. Thanks. 🙂
I don't think it's the responsibility of the pax to point out an FA's failure to do their job or dress appropriately. It makes for a very awkward flight experience, and nobody wants to get targeted by an FA for potential retaliatory action. An FA who does not take pride in his or her job or personal appearance most likely would take their frustrations out on any customer who points out their shortcomings. I think Van did the right thing by reporting it....even if it did take two attempts. 😉