More F/A furloughs

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It would appear that TWA LLC F/A are already giving up their jobs for you! Or if not for you for other native F/A's to fly LLC aircraft brought with the acquisition.
I think you are forgetting that there are original AA'ers on the street. With the current situation I am sure that the cuts will eventually carve out more original AA'ers. From your posts I guess that those employees from another Bankrupt carrier should have job security over the original AA'ers. If AA declares bankruptcy and I lose my job do you think any other carrier would give a rats behind how many years I had at AA? If the carrier that you work for picks up the pieces from AA, are you willing to give up your seniority for us? I wouldn't expect you to.
Observation from afar.......There is no airline by the name of TWA. You all work for AA.

Be glad you are there. I'm sure Ex-Eastern, Braniff, and Pan-Am employees would love to take your place on the furloughed list. At least you will come back one day.

What ever you may think, TWA would have died and all its employees would be jobless right now if AA had not bought them. Look what the last year has done to the "strong" airlines!
By the way, Any ex-TWA pilots out there want to swap with me? I will trade you my U number for your furloughed AA number.

On 2/2/2003 5:30:51 PM jjdoe wrote:

Do you know what the bottom seniority number/year will be for remaining TWA flight attendants with this furlough?

Just around 1700 / May 1977.
Do you know what the bottom seniority number/year will be for remaining TWA flight attendants with this furlough? Just curious- had some former neighbors who were flight attendants years ago in STL. I believe they were hired in 1978. Thanks
OK your right! It all started in December 2000. We all got together for a Christmas party and thought "wouldn't it be fun to have Don buy another airline". We thought in about another 9 months there will probably be a terrorist attack on the US and they will probably use our aircraft as the weapons. This will work to our advantage because now the company can say they are losing money and this will justify our having to furlough the other airlines flight attendants. We threw a few airline names in the hat and low and behold it was TWA that Don picked. We've tried so hard to keep our little plan a secret from everyone, but you are way too smart for us
ALoha Mike,

You said, "A union who protects is members is not a disgrace. It more than I can say for the IAM. As the IAM continues to lose members, in this industry, I wonder how long they will continue to fund this nonsense.

You live in a fantasy world of TWA routes, and Grand conspiracy theories of APFA using you as furlough protection."

Grand cospiracy is right. Mike are the TWA LLc F/As APFA due paying memebers? Are they not, protected," by the same contract? Then why isnt the APFA protecting TWA LLC jobs the same way they proctect AA F/As?

Would please explain to us all when the new round of lay offs of APFA F/As was announced. Why wasnt there a system wide offer of leaves & job shares to save those new furloughed APFA F/As? Doesnt the contract require that? Are you saying that the TWA LLC APFA members are being treated differently then the AA APFA members? Is the APFA really trying to proctect the TWA LLC F/As? Or is really true that all they really want to protect is the "real", APFA AA F/As?

Your answer should be interesting. How can you or any other APFA member allow this to happen? Sounds like a conspiracy to me and it will sound that way in the courts too.

It seems to me and others that AA Management & the APFA have been working together since day one of the TWA/AA merger. TWA F/As have been stapled and fence and have no where to go but the streets. So much for the APFA proctecting, "its own."

IMHO, the APFA is a "disgrace," of a Union, if you can really call a APFA a, "Union." A Union that treats one group of its members differently then another is no Union. TWA F/As have been deliberately keep seperate and unequalled to the AA F/As. Thats a fact not a, "conspiracy."

Oh, one more thing, Mike, you say that the IAM continues to los members. Isnt the APFA losing members too. Oh ya, they are just TWA LLC APFA members, they dont really count.

ALOHA, 007
I'm not sure if this answers your question or not but we are offering leaves.

from the APFA website

APFA was formally notified by American Airlines earlier today that an overage of 750 Flight Attendants will exist at our STL base by the spring of this year. An overage of 355 Flight Attendants will exist on April 1 and 395 on May 1. An Overage Leave of Absence proffer is expected to open in mid-February for a 12-month key block from April 3, 2003, through March 4, 2004, a 3-month auxiliary block from April to June 2003, and a 9-month auxiliary block from July 2003 to March 2004. Awards should be final in early March. If an insufficient number of leaves are awarded, the most junior Flight Attendants on the combined system seniority list will be subject to furlough in accordance with Article 16 of the contract. For more information on this reduction in force and to view a copy of the WARN letter presented to APFA by American today, please visit the APFA Web site.

Hope this answers your question.
Aloha MiAAi,

Are those leaves being open to all APFA memebers system wide? Or just to TWA LLC F/As? That is really my question. I was told it was just to the TWA LLC F/As. If that is so then AA & APFA are saying that nearly half of the TWA F/As would have to take leaves to save the other half. Would you please check to see if you could apply for one of these leaves? Thanks.

ALOHA, 007
On 2/6/2003 10:52:15 AM MiAAmi wrote:

OK your right! It all started in December 2000. We all got together for a Christmas party and thought "wouldn't it be fun to have Don buy another airline". We thought in about another 9 months there will probably be a terrorist attack on the US and they will probably use our aircraft as the weapons. This will work to our advantage because now the company can say they are losing money and this will justify our having to furlough the other airlines flight attendants. We threw a few airline names in the hat and low and behold it was TWA that Don picked. We've tried so hard to keep our little plan a secret from everyone, but you are way too smart for us
ALoha MiAAmi,

I KNEW it! So it is true.

MiAAmi, same question to you. Why wasnt there an offer of leaves & job shares to all APFA members to protect the new round of furloughs?

ALOHA, 007
from the APFA website

APFA was formally notified by American Airlines earlier today that an overage of 750 Flight Attendants will exist at our STL base by the spring of this year.

528 of those is the current overage on the AA side of the fence which is being shifted to the TWA LLC side by moving the planes over to the AA operating certificate without training any TWA LLC cabin crews to go along with them.

An Overage Leave of Absence proffer is expected to open in mid-February...

Except, that according to Jane Allen's Update, those will be offered in St. Louis only; not system wide.
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Well, if the overage leaves are offered only in STL to former TWA LLC F/As, and that is still not quite a settled question, how can it be that APFA represents its members equally? We still have an open question that perhaps some knowledgeable poster might inform us all about.
If the company would have cross trained everyone by now this wouldn't be an issue. Then anyone on the AA side could take the additional leave and spare the furlough in STL.
Its a shame that the FAA won't allow the TWA flight attendants to be cross trained to our equip like we are to theirs. I just received a message to take the on-line test for the TWA S-80. It took me all of about 10 min to be qualified on the equip. If the FAA could pull it together and allow the same type of training for the TWA'ers we could hold off on some furloughs. Even if it were only for one a/c type (ie the S80)I think it would make a big difference.

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