More European Expansion?

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How come you are the ONLY one that gets it? How come chip is in "never, never"land believing in the 'Great Oz"? Can someone pull Chip off the yellow brick road?

These alliances WILL bring revenue to U, but not using our planes or folks. Can you folks see this or not?

There is NO "plan" to expand our fleet Internationally. It is to by pass the overhead and Plane expenses and utilize the "alliance" instead. You guys can see this right?

This is not cynicism, but reality in true form. You guys just keep dreaming and dreaming and wishing for that Hypothetical fairy tale. Those of us who KNOW this managment know the expectation, it is you who will, once again, feel the "blow" and be disappointed.
It always starts as "code share", but somehow it also always seems to morph into "revenue sharing" :(
Haven't we all figured out yet that when JCMD says "we" it doesn't mean US Airways mainline. The whole cornerstone of his plan is to bring as much revenue as possible into the picture without using US Airways mainline aircraft or employees.

But don't listen to me and the other "naysayers"; just wait a year or two and we'll see how many more additional US Airways widebodies are brought into the fleet. I can't wait to revisit the topic then.

Yup, you get it, as well. We're on the same damn page, in the same damn book, with a cast of characters to boot, unfortunately.
Did any of you wise guys see service to Ireland on the horizon? Did you see Mexico City, La Roma, Belize, or San Jose? Just my opinion, but the mainlines purpose should be to accept the feed from our "super regional" service on the domestic side and take it overseas. USAirways will feed passengers from the US to our Star Partners overseas. VIE and ZHR make perfect sence. VIE is a hub for Austrian, Tyrolean, and Lauda, and how many of our partners serve ZHR? I bet Air NewZealand, ANA, Asiana, Singapore, and Thai all serve that city and probably LHR. It won't happen over night, but things will get better and this company will grow again.
Dea Certe-
The type of news thats in your post breaks all of our hearts... thanks for another good post, I always enjoy yours!!!

I actually have a copy of the ATW article and that quote piqued my interest as well. 20 destinations? Wow. Sadly, the rest of the article is basically a brag sheet about how many employees have been gotten rid of, and how we are going to focus on the three hubs and be a super-regional (have we ever really been much more?)

Yes, the employees of US Airways have become cynical, and have every reason to be. Imagine Ike Turner telling Tina he'll never hit her again. Sure, Ike, whats love got to do with it.

20 does seem like a high number, but consider some of the destinations Continental serves from EWR, just up the road. Yes, EWR has a lot of New York traffic as well whereas we are depending on PHL's admittedly not the most international O+D traffic, and competing with not only the New York airports but IAD and BWI as well.

However, I could see service independantly to Milan, Zurich (from PHL but connecting to CLT, both major banking cities), Tel Aviv, Glascow, and Dusseldorf. Through Star Alliance service to CPH, VIE, and, as a stretch, WAW could be justified either through the partners or on our own metal.

I think the Airbus widebody family is a perfect fit for US, especially the A330-200s arriving in a few years... now if only there was an Airbus equivalent to an ETOPS 757... a bit smaller but with transatlantic legs. Perhaps we could pick up some second hand A310s and furnish them with common cockpit and cabin (dont know how realistic that is.)

With 40% of the nation living on the East Coast and most transatlantic traffic originating there, plus the wealth of connections on both sides through the Alliance-which is a competitive advantage- there could be a good market there for such a large European presence. I say, fly the EMB170, and up to 195 for that matter, anywhere you like, but send those mainline aircraft elsewhere and expand our network as a stand alone network carrier- Europe, Latin America, transcontinental. Perhaps with longer stage lengths, and the added revenue of a decent network those labor costs would make more sense to the powers that be.

For those non-employees that have grown tired of all of the complaining on these boards, we apologize. Anyone who cares enough to post thier frustrations, ideas, observations, and questions on a website such as this cares about our company and its success a great deal. Please dont put them down, they do not hate US Airways, they do not hate thier job, they are simply angry and frustrated with a working atmosphere that can sometimes feel like war.

I certainly dont hate US Airways. My friends and I have been unceremoniously kicked to the curb with little chance of ever working at a major airline wage again (little as that even is). But we can still be in a car, or walking down the street and see one of those graceful, midnight blue planes rising into the sky and feel a great deal of pride. An airline is its people, not it management.
USFlyer said:
And with what planes seeing as no Airbus deliveries are scheduled until 2007?
If I'm not mistaken, we're still scheduled to take delivery of one (yes I know big deal it's only one...) A330-300 in 2004. The rest of our wide-body orders are probably or will probably be converted to A330-200's (their cheaper and more available these days. Plus they have more range than the 300 with the same cargo capability.)

I'm not saying we'll actually get A330-200's. We most certainly have to get to the party before we can start to dance. If the MASSIVE cuts and new EMB-170's don't put the balance sheet in the black, it's all a moot point....
There was an announcement a while back that the remaining Airbus orders have been converted to 37 A320 family aircraft and 15 A330-200s, for delivery in 2007. This was the first mention of the 200s officially. Together these would replace the Boeing 757/67s.

As a matter of interest, with the huge secondhand market right now, anyone know of any A330s that could easily be acquired? Theres been an ongoing rumour on other websites about U acquiring Swiss Air Lines Airbus fleet, which conicidentally enough, is about 37 320 family and about 15 A332s (and a sole A340-300).
Light Years,

Very well said my friend. Contrary to what Itrade thinks...and the naysayer slaps he's made. I for one do not hate my job. I also do not think quiting is an awnser either. This is not simply a's a career worth fighting for !!....and yes , Nobody on earth takes more pride in seeing one of our planes flying more than I do !!!...I hope I never neglect to look up to see where that sound is coming from.

I can say beyond a shadow of doubt...if U was taking care of business?...attempting to resolve the real internal flaws that rob profits from us daily...and was doing everything possible to keep Americans working at a living wage , you would hear few complaints out of me...beyond the needed support our lofty Airbus fleet requires and deserves from its maker and supporting vendors...and even our beancounters

My concerns in some above the above range well beyond U itself. Americans are being sold down the river by our elected officials and the "Elitest Class" that value "The working class" no more than they do the paper a manning roster is written upon.

Today I heard an interesting story regarding healthcare issues in the US. Due to the current downturn in the job market we have enough people in the US without any degree of healthcare to equal the amount of people in 23 out of the 50 states that make up this country.

With jobs going overseas...with benefits on the long will it be before the US is in the same state as China or Mexico in regards to healthcare and working conditions?

Middle America is going to have to rise up against this way of thinking...before thier is no more Middle America left. We cannot count on the Siegels of this world to do the right thing we have to do what's right for us....and if bucking Siegel is right?...which I see that it is!! That's the way it's gotta be.

Just remember...I said it here in the beginning. "Give the guy a chance" "One Chance"...well he's had his chance , and he's backtracked and stepped on the very people who's support he needed and got to right the company.

To sum this can call me a "Naysayer" or a "Five Alarm SOB" if it suits you?...Just remember to call me an American in the same breath.

That is my fight as well.

Well said. You hit it. And, I adore you to death!
AOG, have you ever been to China - real China, not simply just the hotel district in Shanghai or in Beijing? I have and I've got a few things to say about it. The folks over in China take extreme pride in their work, work extremely long hours (6 day work week), enjoy working, do not engage in the antics that are constantly seen in the airline business, and are extremely entrepreneurial. Their working conditions are quite high actually - certainly no different than many U.S. companies.

Although China is officially a classless society, there are the same societal perks that you would see in any western country such as the United States, the U.K., Canada, etc. Managers and those with degrees are rewarded upon performance, intelligence level, and savy. They drive nice cars (acutally own cars). They might even have their own private house - a novel thing in China.

In sum, they're not that different from what is the ideal norm in the United States.

The reason why labor in China is cheaper than in the U.S. is because there are ONE billion of them willing to work and to work hard. So, just because their GDP is only 50% the U.S., that they're a lesser people. In fact, the the country as a whole is an enormous, untapped potential that could economically place the U.S. in the doghouse in a matter of years.
Dea Certe said:

It is indeed very sad that our employees have gotten so cynical. I don't believe most of us are cynical by nature. In my opinion, we have been made cynical by management. We were told paycuts and benefit cuts would allow US Airways to stay in business: that wasn't enough, they came back for more. Several times. Bases and stations have been closed, TPA was shut down with no warning. It's like we are in a shell-shocked state, waiting for the next shoe to drop and praying it won't hit us in the head. This isn't just in one department, it's system wide.

I don't hate my job. I hate not having the tools to do what I consider a good service. I hate it that my pax are so unhappy about all the cuts (glassware, in particular seems to be the biggest complaint) and there's nothing I can do about it. Other day, a US1 asked my name and told me this was his last flight on US Airways. He said he wanted to use his last coupon to write me a good letter. I asked why he was leaving US and he tells me the service has fallen off so much he's tried other carriers. Apparently, we no longer offer mainline service to his most used destinations. He hates the RJ's and another carrier has jet service with a "real" first class. He claimed he would miss the employees, especially the agents in PIT who have always treated him so well but since he spends so much time in the air, he needs to be comfortable. All I could do is thank him for his business all these years and ask that he please check back on US from time to time. Maybe we would reinstate mainline service in the future. I also asked that he write a letter telling our mangement all of this. He told me he's done with letter writing as he's never gotten a satisfactory response. That broke my heart.

So, it seems our management is driving away good business. Our best customers are leaving us and there's little we rank and filers can do. We listen to the constant drumbeat from the Palace that labor is the problem. It's frustrating and disheartening. Of course it takes a toll on us. Very sad and a sign to my mind that management is the problem.

Tell me this, other than arbitrarily changing the management at US, what would you think would be the correct thing to fix the wrongs at the airline?

Hint: CASM is higher than RASM. When that happens, you lose money. When you lose money, you eventually go out of business.

What cuts would YOU make? Cut salaries? Cut service? Cut planes?
"The reason why labor in China is cheaper than in the U.S. is because there are ONE billion of them willing to work and to work hard. So, just because their GDP is only 50% the U.S., that they're a lesser people"

I hate to burst your bubble with facts, but one of the reasons China's goods are so cheap is that they peg the value of their currency to the dollar. Estimates are that the currency is approx 25% undervalued, and the citizens suffer the consequences by having a lower standard of living.

"work extremely long hours (6 day work week), enjoy working, do not engage in the antics that are constantly seen in the airline business,"

You would to if your government would run over it's own citizens with tanks...

Bet things are peachy. Next thing you know, they'll be over here adopting all our unwanted infants. yeah, real nice country... :rolleyes:

I have two novel ideas for U:

1. Cut Mangagement altogether...Get rid of this management, and things will surely turn around for U.

2. And send them a 1-way ticket to China since things are grandioso and hell some of them can still own their own car and house! :lol:

Little crowded, but they'll get use to it.
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